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[Suggestion] Gemstore Packages and pricing

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So currently in the gemstore, a package containing the Phoenix Glider appeared. It goes for 1360 gems, which is quite a handful.

The contents are:

700 gem Costume500 gem Glider??? gem 5x Dye's600 gem Staff350 Makeover Kit

Totalling at 2100+ gems being sold at a base of 1600 and a 15% discount bringing it to 1360 gems.Already owning one of the items should allow you to remove item from the total priceI already got the costume, which by itself is 700 gems, which would make the base price 900 - 15% = 765 gems

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Added [suggestion] to title for clearing things.

This is a suggestion im making that make me more compelled to buy gems to spend. Currently with the existing package system there is just too much "wastage" if you already own one or more of the items offered. Chopping off the items, and by effect, price would encourage me to buy one of the packages. Example listed in OP

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