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Possible Deadeye role


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So there is this basic statement that 'daredevil beats deadeye in pvp' which is probably true. (However its always risky to make such firm statements so early after expansion release...)

But it got me wondering wether its just an oversimplified statement of them being 60%-40% in favor of daredevil or is it a clear 100% for daredevil?

So in order to decide this I tried to put together a few 'rules' I will try to follow:

  1. If the enemy team has a thief I go the classic D/P + Sb daredevil. (If they condi or staff I run them out, if they are deadeye I kill them, if they are also D/P power then we'll see whos better.)
  2. If the map is skyhammer, forest or temple I go daredevil.
  3. But if the enemy team has no thief and we are not on one of the maps stated in #2, I feel like I could perform much better on deadeye.

But this last statement may only be true because I'm at only ~1200 rating where noobstomper builds work. But what I have in my mind are long term goals and I dont want to see myself hitting a brick wall with deadeye in s9 or s10. This 1200ish rating is the result of a slow but steady climb from mid bronze and i dont want to screw it up. So I'd love to hear thoughts from those who have more perspective on the game.


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@Nimrud.5642 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:you can do a poll to get your numbers. That should show you.

Polls show the opinion of the majority, but im looking for the opinions of the knowledgeable. :)

Exactly. You asked about basic opinions and if it was 40-60% or a clear 100%. To get everyones opinions, you need ask every one. Having 1-2 people answer on behalf of hundreds won't give you any insight at all except to those 1-2 players personal opinion of which you can't base any facts off.

It's 1am, I really should have quoted the part I was referencing.

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There will be a viable Dead Eye build, but it will be inferior and thus not competitive.

Revenants and D/P will counter it, unless the Dead Eye is consistently able to move to non-port locations around the fight they want to be in. The problem with that, though, is that they have to spend a lot of time stealthing, kiting, and repositioning, during which they are not performing their role, they are merely keeping one opponent busy chasing them.

Other ranged classes, including the Dead Eye itself, will counter it, because the damage potential vs. low health and no defensive bonuses. Normally you'd feel safe at range even if you've got a chunk of health missing. In Dead Eye vs Dead Eye or pewpew ranger, you won't be safe.

Finally, there's the reason pewpew Rangers were not meta, and why longbow Dragon Hunters never had a solid spot in a competitive team composition: Projectile based attacks. Projectiles are easily blocked, especially if there is an elementalist in the fight, meaning every enemy that is on the point, near to where there is a dagger Earth 2 barrier, Magnetic Wave, Magnetic Aura, Swirling Winds, or Scrappers with reflection up, the projectiles are going to be no good, significantly reducing Dead Eye damage. Sure, it can move to another fight/point, but the other team can obviously watch for it in order to counter rotate, and when the Dead Eye is in the open, away from port-hate spots to kite, a revanant or D/P thief can jump on it.

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Actually, Deadeye is really powerful in a very specific role! When you know exactly how to use it and you understand all of its TRUE strengths and weaknesses and you spend a lot of time playing and getting used to it; like it sorta just becomes really intuitive, you will realise it's actually VERY OP. The over poweredness of its feeding potential is mind-boggling. So maybe this might be a big claim to make, but I would definitely say its probably the best elite spec that has ever existed for players who really enjoy the playstyle of throwing matches. Like I know this playstyle won't appeal to a lot of people, so don't get mad at me if this isn't your thing. But for those who it does appeal to, p/p rifle deadeye is probably the most amazing build that has ever existed, definitely worth a try!

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It is funny, Deadeye both has no role and is one of the most BS builds introduced. It isn't strong in high-level organized play, but it still has the ability to actually 1-shot people from 1500 range (I got hit for 16k on my ele yesterday by one death's judgement shot from stealth and so far from the fight it never even registered. That isn't fun and lacks counterplay, but due to the extreme mobility of something like daredevil, it is hard to compete, even if you can randomly 1-shot people.

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@Impact.2780 said:There will be a viable Dead Eye build, but it will be inferior and thus not competitive.

Too early to make such a confident claim.

For you, maybe. I, however, feel sufficiently confident to make it. Just like when I said tempest would be viable in competitive play when a certain someone had most eles on the forums crying about how Anet killed it.

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@Zlater.6789 said:Like it's not just daredevils that counter deadeyes, its also engis, warriors, eles, rangers and well anything with mobility and reflects.

They still have a lot of gap opening potential between shadow step, shadow return, shadow swap, deaths retreat, and whatever stealth access they are bringing. My shiro rev couldn't keep up with all the ports so I don't see anything but daredevil able to keep them close if they spec for mobility. Best option aside from reflects is probably just to fight them with another range weapon on a sturdier class such as longbow/staff ranger, longbow dragonhunter, even rifle warrior, so you don't need to bother chasing while taking constant 2-3k autos and worse.

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