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Fractal Relics Disappearing and Not Sure Why


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I'm currently not sure why this is happening.

Current Attunements: Fractal Savant, and all others maxed.A quick run through of my morning, happens the same each day.

  1. T4 dailies, highest scale
  2. Salvage all looted gear, open daily chests and collect rewards
  3. Recs
  4. Salvage all looted gear, open reward chests and collect rewards
  5. Sell Pots to merch, purchase Fractal Encryption Keys

Only thing I purchased was 30 keys, which cost 1 relic each. Before doing Recs I noticed I had 7xx fractal relics, should have had a few thousand easy. After doing recs, I'm purchasing keys. I'm at 486 fractal relics.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm at a loss, and can't explain it.

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@Kong.3280 said:

@Zunki.3916 said:100% sure you didntbuy clovers for 300? The amount would fit

Not today. Saving the Mystic Coins.

IDK. Nothing you describe should have caused this, but my money is on some player action regardless. Not that my opinion really matters here.

That said, the forums can't help you. Send an ticket to CS and ask them to investigate. They should have access to the appropriate records to confirm that nothing untoward happened. It'll take a while to get through the queue, but the longer you wait to submit the longer it'll take to be confident you haven't lost stuff to a bug or whatever.

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I'll be paying a lot of attention over the next few days, see what the numbers end up doing.

I'm just kind of baffled by this, because I can't seem to figure out what is happening. Never had an issue before. If I need to I'll put in a ticket.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, so far so good. Haven't had or noticed any unexpected losses of relics. So no clue what was happening last month. It was likely something I did, but no idea what it would/could have been.

I probably did something and was too tired to remember doing it.

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  • 1 month later...

@Zushada.6108 said:I was actually wondering if it was Pristine Relics OP was looking at rather than Fractal Relics. May be the source of as I have done this myself only to realise I mixed the two at glance

Nah, was the regular relics. Trying to save up all I can for Fractal Protigy (now Champion) and was losing relics faster then earning. Still unsure what was happening, but seems to be fine now. :)

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@Kong.3280 said:

@Zushada.6108 said:I was actually wondering if it was Pristine Relics OP was looking at rather than Fractal Relics. May be the source of as I have done this myself only to realise I mixed the two at glance

Nah, was the regular relics. Trying to save up all I can for Fractal Protigy (now Champion) and was losing relics faster then earning. Still unsure what was happening, but seems to be fine now. :)

If the amount missing is 300 consistently, makes me think of purchasing 2 clovers daily(which is a good deal nowadays).

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