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sPvP Thread: Radiance Hammer Guard changes


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@Gwaihir.1745 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:600 range? yes. leap finisher? absolutely not. you gotta take into account that people see this blast finisher as a useful tool outside of pvp radiance guard lol. no, anet wont change it into a leap just for pvp, that makes no sense. it doesnt even need a leap, its got tons of retal already.
  1. remove damage from glacial heart
  2. make focus 5 blow up when the shield breaks
  3. slightly reduce smite condi damage

If the damage is moved elsewhere, sure.

No, that would be way too oppressive to face.

Just make it deal the same damage with and without condis. The middle point of what it currently is.

for number 2 my thought was it would take away the one shot potential and give guard some extra defense since ppl would avoid the shield instead of breaking it, but yeah you might be right on that. your smite condi idea sounds good.

You want to remove the 1 shot?

See links below:


Don't forget JustDodgeMyGuy.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

GS is just superior to Hammer in spvp imo especially with the recent boosts to the GS trait and leap of faith. I hit people with leap of faith for 5k all the time its kind of comical really given the low cooldown and blind. Auto attack cleaves hit for 3-4 k as well. Have hit four or five times with one binding blade for 3-4k each. Symbol of Wrath hits really hard to. Just flows a lot better then Hammer. Hammer does have the potential for like 10-12k all at once which is really nice insta spike but I dont think it comes close to making up for the greater damage over time GS will give you.

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@kipthelip.5802 said:GS is just superior to Hammer in spvp imo especially with the recent boosts to the GS trait and leap of faith. I hit people with leap of faith for 5k all the time its kind of comical really given the low cooldown and blind. Auto attack cleaves hit for 3-4 k as well. Have hit four or five times with one binding blade for 3-4k each. Symbol of Wrath hits really hard to. Just flows a lot better then Hammer. Hammer does have the potential for like 10-12k all at once which is really nice insta spike but I dont think it comes close to making up for the greater damage over time GS will give you.

The problem here is high tier players will always get out of ww whereas hammer is 1 slam. Almost all pof classes cannot be locked down long enough for ww, holo, fb, mirage to name a few. Unless you have fb line for quickness more dps over time wont get you anywhere compared to make a kill with hammer. And if you have fb line in you may as well not play the build as you pretty much need all 3.

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@kipthelip.5802 said:GS is just superior to Hammer in spvp imo especially with the recent boosts to the GS trait and leap of faith. I hit people with leap of faith for 5k all the time its kind of comical really given the low cooldown and blind. Auto attack cleaves hit for 3-4 k as well. Have hit four or five times with one binding blade for 3-4k each. Symbol of Wrath hits really hard to. Just flows a lot better then Hammer. Hammer does have the potential for like 10-12k all at once which is really nice insta spike but I dont think it comes close to making up for the greater damage over time GS will give you.

I disagree. I have played about 40-50 games using core guard and alternating between hammer and GS this season, ending in plat 2. Hammer has superior burst and comparable DPS whereas GS only clearly wins out in mobility (which is still not going to be very great given you're running core guard). I'm able to consistently land MB and auto chain with hammer whereas with GS I can only really land the auto chain and the leap. GS will do more damage and is great for cleaving downs but hammer will actually get you those downs in a team fight setting.

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