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Dont touch anything before mirage is solved


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@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:It was meant to be interpreted that DH is no longer a problem and accepted that no further balances will occur, hence why I used "Balance" instead of "Nerf". While it could be positioned clearer, I still stand by it as its theoretically still correct :p

In regards to your other statement, community changes does shift the meta hard, and iirc rarely in a good direction. Maybe thats why anet doesnt do many polls?

Makes sense like that thank you for the clarification ^^About the polls I do believe yes. To be honest Arenanet is the first developer I see listening to the community feedback so much compared to other online games I encountered. Meta shifting is not a problem but when it throws out a certain class completely while making another rise up to invincible level isn't the greatest thing to happen.

I do think Mesmers need to be toned down a bit with several other characters but shouldn't be too drastic that in the end Renegade gets OP ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (why do I feel some ppl will laugh and cry on this sentence at the same time? XD)

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@Solidaris.5423 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:It was meant to be interpreted that DH is no longer a problem and accepted that no further balances will occur, hence why I used "Balance" instead of "Nerf". While it could be positioned clearer, I still stand by it as its theoretically still correct :p

In regards to your other statement, community changes does shift the meta hard, and iirc rarely in a good direction. Maybe thats why anet doesnt do many polls?

Makes sense like that thank you for the clarification ^^About the polls I do believe yes. To be honest Arenanet is the first developer I see listening to the community feedback so much compared to other online games I encountered. Meta shifting is not a problem but when it throws out a certain class completely while making another rise up to invincible level isn't the greatest thing to happen.

I do think Mesmers need to be toned down a bit with several other characters but shouldn't be too drastic that in the end Renegade gets OP ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (why do I feel some ppl will laugh and cry on this sentence at the same time? XD)

I know I cried while laughing at that statement. I legit feel bad for renegade as it def needs some anet TLC.

I agree that some mesmer traits and condi application needs balancing (this coming from a non meta mesmer main in WvW), I also agree with you that there are def other classes/traits...etc that need looking into as well (funny enough, most come from PoF).

Meta shifts all the time but like you said, can make certain classes useless while greatly elevating others.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@bravan.3876 said:It is funny that ppl still think metabattle builds rated by some NA randoms are a good indicator for any balance issues xD

By all means post another site that sources builds for conquest. I don't give metabattle much credit because 10 reviews for a build means that 1 low review greatly swings the rating of the build.

But ask anyone in /m pvp lobby and you will be directed there for builds. I'm just pointing out that it is an indicator of mirages power.

The NA random noobs on metabattle rating a build they get rekt by not a build they could play themself in any decent skilled environement because it is rly good.And that is the reason of the game now is in this state, only taking advice of "greedy pros" that only have in mind their class have superpowers.balance will be attained in all skill segments considering balanced a class that have short timed windows of bulnerability because pros know by memory procs cds and timeframes of each ability and can xploit those short windows while for the rest of playerbase (90% or more) that spec is inmortal because they cand land a single hit by pure random is not balancing
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@megilandil.7506 said:

@bravan.3876 said:It is funny that ppl still think metabattle builds rated by some NA randoms are a good indicator for any balance issues xD

By all means post another site that sources builds for conquest. I don't give metabattle much credit because 10 reviews for a build means that 1 low review greatly swings the rating of the build.

But ask anyone in /m pvp lobby and you will be directed there for builds. I'm just pointing out that it is an indicator of mirages power.

The NA random noobs on metabattle rating a build they get rekt by not a build they could play themself in any decent skilled environement because it is rly good.And that is the reason of the game now is in this state, only taking advice of "greedy pros" that only have in mind their class have superpowers.balance will be attained in all skill segments considering balanced a class that have short timed windows of bulnerability because pros know by memory procs cds and timeframes of each ability and can xploit those short windows while for the rest of playerbase (90% or more) that spec is inmortal because they cand land a single hit by pure random is not balancing

No that is why so many good player already left the game, because every noob gets rewarded when only random skill clicking. If you wanna be successfull with randomskill clicking then PvP is the wrong place, stay PvE.

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the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

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@"zoopop.5630" said:the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

No one is denying that condi and hybrid mirage needs a good nerf but these kiddies crying about pure glass power shatter mirage and that is just laughable, in paricular because i give my hands not a sinlge one of the ppl crying about power mes has even nearly enough skill to play it aside from oneshotting some newbies.

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1-Axe's of Symmetry CD increased to 15sec2-The Prestige 1 burn stack removed3-iMage 1 burn stack removed4-Elusive Mind- Stun break on dodge is remove. The skill now removes 1 damaging condition and 1 non damaging condition on dodge. -100% endurance regen is still applied when a condi is removed5-Riddle of Sands 1 confusion stack removed6-Evasive Mirror is now blocking projectiles instead of reflecting7-Blinding Dissipation has a 3sec ICD8-Blurred Frenzy CD increased to 15sec9-Mirror Blade- 1 bounce from this skill is removed10-Maim The Dissilusioned torment duration decreased to 5sec

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

1-Axe's of Symmetry CD increased to 15sec2-The Prestige 1 burn stack removed3-iMage 1 burn stack removed4-Elusive Mind- Stun break on dodge is remove. The skill now removes 1 damaging condition and 1 non damaging condition on dodge. -100% endurance regen is still applied when a condi is removed5-Riddle of Sands 1 confusion stack removed6-Evasive Mirror is now blocking projectiles instead of reflecting7-Blinding Dissipation has a 3sec ICD8-Blurred Frenzy CD increased to 15sec9-Mirror Blade- 1 bounce from this skill is removed10-Maim The Dissilusioned torment duration decreased to 5sec

ICD on Ineptitude instead Blinding Dissipation and for that longer 5-10 secs, the problem is the condiapplication from that trait not the melee blind on shatterReplace the last bonus of adventure rune instead higher cd on blurred frenzy, only condi/hybrid mirages have too much evades ty to these rune and axe.Mirrorblade doesn't need less bounces.

Agree to the others.

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@bravan.3876 said:

1-Axe's of Symmetry CD increased to 15sec2-The Prestige 1 burn stack removed3-iMage 1 burn stack removed4-Elusive Mind- Stun break on dodge is remove. The skill now removes 1 damaging condition and 1 non damaging condition on dodge. -100% endurance regen is still applied when a condi is removed5-Riddle of Sands 1 confusion stack removed6-Evasive Mirror is now blocking projectiles instead of reflecting7-Blinding Dissipation has a 3sec ICD8-Blurred Frenzy CD increased to 15sec9-Mirror Blade- 1 bounce from this skill is removed10-Maim The Dissilusioned torment duration decreased to 5sec

ICD on Ineptitude instead Blinding Dissipation and for that longer 5-10 secs, the problem is the condiapplication from that trait not the melee blind on shatterReplace the last bonus of adventure rune instead higher cd on blurred frenzy, only
mirages have too much evades ty to these rune and axe.Mirrorblade doesn't need less bounces.

Agree to the others.

What is hybrid mirage? I mean is there a specific hybrid build people are using that's posted somewhere?

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@bravan.3876 said:

@"zoopop.5630" said:the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

No one is denying that condi and hybrid mirage needs a good nerf but these kiddies crying about pure glass power shatter mirage and that is just laughable, in paricular because i give my hands not a sinlge one of the ppl crying about power mes has even nearly enough skill to play it aside from oneshotting some newbies.

power mesmer, mirage is more balance then condi in a lot of ways imo. However it's mirage in general that needs a few nerfs to make it counter-able to play against. If core power mesmer is as strong as power mirage but the only difference btw the two is that one spec can break through CC ALOT easier then the other. Long story short i can accept power mirage where it stands instead of condi mirage where it's all spam and no true skills at all to play regardless of what anyone wants to debate about.

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:Mirage in PoF is the equivalent of dragonhunter in HoT.Something that was only good against idiots who didn't bother learning how to fight it, and ended up nerfed into the ground in response to their whining?

I mean theres quite a bit wrong with this statement. DH never was dominant in the top tiers of the game. Mirage is good against everyone. Also DH was solidly nerfed already at this point following hot whereas mirage has escaped unscathed.

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

No one is denying that condi and hybrid mirage needs a good nerf but these kiddies crying about pure glass power shatter mirage and that is just laughable, in paricular because i give my hands not a sinlge one of the ppl crying about power mes has even nearly enough skill to play it aside from oneshotting some newbies.

power mesmer, mirage is more balance then condi in a lot of ways imo. However it's mirage in general that needs a few nerfs to make it counter-able to play against. If core power mesmer is as strong as power mirage but the only difference btw the two is that one spec can break through CC ALOT easier then the other. Long story short i can accept power mirage where it stands instead of condi mirage where it's all spam and no true skills at all to play regardless of what anyone wants to debate about.

The stunbreak on dodge needs to go yes otherwise power mirage is fine not even viable for competitive plays

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@Sampson.2403 said:

1-Axe's of Symmetry CD increased to 15sec2-The Prestige 1 burn stack removed3-iMage 1 burn stack removed4-Elusive Mind- Stun break on dodge is remove. The skill now removes 1 damaging condition and 1 non damaging condition on dodge. -100% endurance regen is still applied when a condi is removed5-Riddle of Sands 1 confusion stack removed6-Evasive Mirror is now blocking projectiles instead of reflecting7-Blinding Dissipation has a 3sec ICD8-Blurred Frenzy CD increased to 15sec9-Mirror Blade- 1 bounce from this skill is removed10-Maim The Dissilusioned torment duration decreased to 5sec

ICD on Ineptitude instead Blinding Dissipation and for that longer 5-10 secs, the problem is the condiapplication from that trait not the melee blind on shatterReplace the last bonus of adventure rune instead higher cd on blurred frenzy, only
mirages have too much evades ty to these rune and axe.Mirrorblade doesn't need less bounces.

Agree to the others.

What is hybrid mirage? I mean is there a specific hybrid build people are using that's posted somewhere?

I dunno if it is posted somewhere but there is a pure condibuild with mostly staff played and a hybrid build mostly with s/p axe/torch played

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@bravan.3876 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

No one is denying that condi and hybrid mirage needs a good nerf but these kiddies crying about pure glass power shatter mirage and that is just laughable, in paricular because i give my hands not a sinlge one of the ppl crying about power mes has even nearly enough skill to play it aside from oneshotting some newbies.

power mesmer, mirage is more balance then condi in a lot of ways imo. However it's mirage in general that needs a few nerfs to make it counter-able to play against. If core power mesmer is as strong as power mirage but the only difference btw the two is that one spec can break through CC ALOT easier then the other. Long story short i can accept power mirage where it stands instead of condi mirage where it's all spam and no true skills at all to play regardless of what anyone wants to debate about.

The stunbreak on dodge needs to go yes otherwise power mirage is fine not even viable for competitive plays

disagree i think power mirage is viable in competitive , Mur plays it pretty damn well imo.

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

No one is denying that condi and hybrid mirage needs a good nerf but these kiddies crying about pure glass power shatter mirage and that is just laughable, in paricular because i give my hands not a sinlge one of the ppl crying about power mes has even nearly enough skill to play it aside from oneshotting some newbies.

power mesmer, mirage is more balance then condi in a lot of ways imo. However it's mirage in general that needs a few nerfs to make it counter-able to play against. If core power mesmer is as strong as power mirage but the only difference btw the two is that one spec can break through CC ALOT easier then the other. Long story short i can accept power mirage where it stands instead of condi mirage where it's all spam and no true skills at all to play regardless of what anyone wants to debate about.

The stunbreak on dodge needs to go yes otherwise power mirage is fine not even viable for competitive plays

disagree i think power mirage is viable in competitive , Mur plays it pretty kitten well imo.

In NA you can play focus offhand and get top 10 lmao that proves nothing.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

No one is denying that condi and hybrid mirage needs a good nerf but these kiddies crying about pure glass power shatter mirage and that is just laughable, in paricular because i give my hands not a sinlge one of the ppl crying about power mes has even nearly enough skill to play it aside from oneshotting some newbies.

power mesmer, mirage is more balance then condi in a lot of ways imo. However it's mirage in general that needs a few nerfs to make it counter-able to play against. If core power mesmer is as strong as power mirage but the only difference btw the two is that one spec can break through CC ALOT easier then the other. Long story short i can accept power mirage where it stands instead of condi mirage where it's all spam and no true skills at all to play regardless of what anyone wants to debate about.

The stunbreak on dodge needs to go yes otherwise power mirage is fine not even viable for competitive plays

disagree i think power mirage is viable in competitive , Mur plays it pretty kitten well imo.

In NA you can play focus offhand and get top 10 lmao that proves nothing.

if you are talking about rank and suggesting "rank" is competitive then you and I have 2 completely different definitions of whats consider "competitive.

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:the class is overly stack and no matter what trait line or ability gets "nerf" down it'll have another build ready to be OP.

Condi Axe Mirage at the moment is busted as hell and IN NO logical way should any class be able to stack condi on people so fairly easy...... getting 15-25 stack of condi is busted if you can do every 15-30sec.

No one is denying that condi and hybrid mirage needs a good nerf but these kiddies crying about pure glass power shatter mirage and that is just laughable, in paricular because i give my hands not a sinlge one of the ppl crying about power mes has even nearly enough skill to play it aside from oneshotting some newbies.

power mesmer, mirage is more balance then condi in a lot of ways imo. However it's mirage in general that needs a few nerfs to make it counter-able to play against. If core power mesmer is as strong as power mirage but the only difference btw the two is that one spec can break through CC ALOT easier then the other. Long story short i can accept power mirage where it stands instead of condi mirage where it's all spam and no true skills at all to play regardless of what anyone wants to debate about.

The stunbreak on dodge needs to go yes otherwise power mirage is fine not even viable for competitive plays

disagree i think power mirage is viable in competitive , Mur plays it pretty kitten well imo.

In NA you can play focus offhand and get top 10 lmao that proves nothing.

if you are talking about rank and suggesting "rank" is competitive then you and I have 2 completely different definitions of whats consider "competitive.

No rank is not competitive but it still shows the state of pvp in NA. When i check the monthly ATs in NA it is clearly to see too.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:I don't want to derail the conversation, but the biggest issue with dragonhunter was the fact that traps begin recharging right away when casted, and not when the trap has been activated. That has never been addressed by anet, but isn't really a big deal because of the power creep. Getting hit with a double set of traps while trying to contest a point just seems within reason with the current state of everything being too much.

I'm just gonna derail it a bit further by mentioning that rangers and thieves have had the ability to preemptively put down traps like this and essentially double trap someone since 2012, and those professions haven't had noticeable trapper builds in pvp. Ever. If this even was a problem to begin with (it's not), your fix would completely kill off the original trappers in this game. If there ever was a problem, it was with the dragonhunter, its cooldowns, traits, and their traps.

Comparing dragonhunter to mirage is kinda cute to begin with, though. As if the former ever had the same potential.

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@Lazze.9870 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:I don't want to derail the conversation, but the biggest issue with dragonhunter was the fact that traps begin recharging right away when casted, and not when the trap has been activated. That has never been addressed by anet, but isn't really a big deal because of the power creep. Getting hit with a double set of traps while trying to contest a point just seems within reason with the current state of everything being too much.

I'm just gonna derail it a bit further by mentioning that rangers and thieves have had the ability to preemptively put down traps like this and essentially double trap someone since 2012, and those professions haven't had noticeable trapper builds in pvp. Ever. If this even was a problem to begin with (it's not), your fix would completely kill off the original trappers in this game. If there ever was a problem, it was with the dragonhunter, its cooldowns, traits, and their traps.

Comparing dragonhunter to mirage is kinda cute to begin with, though. As if the former ever had the same potential.

Both ranger and thief traps mostly cause conditions, not instant damage (they even had to buff the instant damage of thief traps since they only did condition damage and kept the thief in perma-stealth). A couple of DH traps can still instakill someone with 20k hp today and incidently, DH is one of the most dangerous foes to a mirage (just trap downs pull and game over).

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:I don't want to derail the conversation, but the biggest issue with dragonhunter was the fact that traps begin recharging right away when casted, and not when the trap has been activated. That has never been addressed by anet, but isn't really a big deal because of the power creep. Getting hit with a double set of traps while trying to contest a point just seems within reason with the current state of everything being too much.

I'm just gonna derail it a bit further by mentioning that rangers and thieves have had the ability to preemptively put down traps like this and essentially double trap someone since 2012, and those professions haven't had noticeable trapper builds in pvp. Ever. If this even was a problem to begin with (it's not), your fix would completely kill off the original trappers in this game. If there ever was a problem, it was with the dragonhunter, its cooldowns, traits, and their traps.

Comparing dragonhunter to mirage is kinda cute to begin with, though. As if the former ever had the same potential.

Both ranger and thief traps mostly cause conditions, not instant damage (they even had to buff the instant damage of thief traps since they only did condition damage and kept the thief in perma-stealth). A couple of DH traps can still instakill someone with 20k hp today and incidently, DH is one of the most dangerous foes to a mirage (just trap downs pull and game over).

You mean the DH running dragons maw right? Because thats a joke build and a free kill to every class out there.

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So I wondered what all the fuss was about and took my Chrono to the Mists, swiped to that Mirage Axe/Pistol Sword/Torch build on metabattle and queued in. It's incredibly fun to use but I can see why it's so annoying since with little knowledge on what to do I can basically spam blinks and de-targets while applying conditions. People saying you only have to aoe on point can't be serious since I can leave the point and recover cds before the person has time to recover theirs, it's just insane, and I can only imagine what a player wouldn't do if he actually knew how to play it. Pretty broken fam

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@maxwelgm.4315 said:So I wondered what all the fuss was about and took my Chrono to the Mists, swiped to that Mirage Axe/Pistol Sword/Torch build on metabattle and queued in. It's incredibly fun to use but I can see why it's so annoying since with little knowledge on what to do I can basically spam blinks and de-targets while applying conditions. People saying you only have to aoe on point can't be serious since I can leave the point and recover cds before the person has time to recover theirs, it's just insane, and I can only imagine what a player wouldn't do if he actually knew how to play it. Pretty broken fam

That happens when PvE changes aren't tested for PvP. Even if it is not possible to do enough tests in a competitive environment before public release you could expect a quicker reaction with PvP adaptations. It is just that PvP doesn't matter anymore.

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Man I've only been gone a year. And it seems some things still won't change. Mesmer got some major changes while I was gone. I still feel the class has it's weaknesses. Very susceptible to condition still, with a few cleanses.

blurred frenzy has had it's CD increased once before. Doesn't need it again.The mirage mirror I'm not sure on right now. Need to play some more.If Mesmer Condi stacking gets nerfed. Other classes need brought in line as well. Mes is still really only good in small fights not big team fights.

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