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Joko's Message (MAJOR LS4E3 SPOILERS)


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@maxwelgm.4315 said:Someone (not sure if in this topic) has already pointed out that it was actually Joko who was able to get there and this is why Balthazar needed him. He was fooled and then trapped inside the domain by Balthazar, but he was the one to take Balthazar there, it's very explicit in one of Joko's very first dialogue to us (also an annoying dialogue because the PC instantly goes to crack some laughs on Joko and basically antagonizes him from the get-go before any exposition is made, just for the sake of making sure the PC is strictly antifascist? I don't know what made them write that particular dialogue in a fantasy game).

I think it was this topic. But Joko being able to get there while alive/undead doesn't change the fact that he has now passed into the mists (if his soul wasn't absorbed bloodstone style by Aurene, like I said, slim chance), and thus is put under the same limitations as other non-divine empowered souls in the mists.

Unless Joko gains Envoy-esque powers, he won't be able to do all the things people claim he would.

Could Arenanet give Joko Envoy-esque powers or even make him an Envoy? Sure. Would they? Maybe. Considering 'Balthaddon', they're not above rehashing a storyline for the modern Guild Wars, but like I mentioned in another thread, they seemingly want to be done with Guild Wars lore in favour of the Elder Dragons, which is a shame because there's some very awesome stuff in there. All the awakened stuff really proves what Anet can do to bring old lore into the new game, which also makes it even more of a shame since a Joko-fied Elona is absolutely fascinating to play through and experience.

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@"Eekasqueak.7850" said:I actually didn't like the "Joko-ified" Elona that much, apart from some amusing propaganda it's overall a kitten hole and takes away from Elona's natural beauty potential I feel.

I do think you make a fair point. There is a vast potential of natural Elonan beauty that I would love to see explored too, and I don't think we'll get that chance, since after Joko we're most likely going to deal with Kralkatorrik who's gonna brand some more stuff most likely.

I still do feel like the entire society based around the Elonans worshipping Joko is an absolutely amazing fantasy study of propaganda, misinformation and how the masses will abide for the sake of safety, vs the small rebel groups that almost had no chance of actually winning who still fought because they saw a need to do it, and Amnoon who vied for their own independence away from both tyrant and rebel. It's such a complex weave, and the way people saw being awakened as something grand, opposed to those who fought against his rule, like Koss, and have become forced to do his will. It's just overall a very awesome look into what fantasy can do with an undead king apart from just "turn everything undead", and a very welcome one too. There's definitely reason to keep a loyal population alive, which is to provide more corpses to become awakened, something that I haven't personally seen explored and am very surprised to notice for the first time.

Maybe my detachment from the first game is allowing me to look at it from this view, I can definitely see how people attached to the first game's view of Elona would be somewhat disappointed by how altered it's become. And as a desert dweller in real life, I would love to see more natural desert beauty and less undead/desolation.

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@"Eekasqueak.7850" said:I actually didn't like the "Joko-ified" Elona that much, apart from some amusing propaganda it's overall a kitten hole and takes away from Elona's natural beauty potential I feel.

I do agree with this. There was way too much tar and miasma-like crap in the air. Especially around places like Palawaladan. It made it hard to believe that living beings can live in Elona without constantly getting sick. It really felt like the entire Elona should have the lifespan and death rate of coal miners, with all the shit they breath in.

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:I do agree with this. There was way too much tar and miasma-like crap in the air. Especially around places like Palawaladan. It made it hard to believe that living beings can live in Elona without constantly getting sick. It really felt like the entire Elona should have the lifespan and death rate of coal miners, with all the kitten they breath in.

I did kind of forget how much tar there was, not gonna lie.

Which is weird, considering kourna.

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@"Eekasqueak.7850" said:I actually didn't like the "Joko-ified" Elona that much, apart from some amusing propaganda it's overall a kitten hole and takes away from Elona's natural beauty potential I feel.

There’s too much CD and Elona to get this season so I hope the focus on the brand and leave other areas untouched so that someday when we return for some other reason another point in time, we can see elonian towns free of tar and Joko statues

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@Fenom.9457 said:

@"Skribionkie.2859" said:Now I definitely think he is alive.

Episode 4 will be healing aurene, awakened after Joko, OoS and others dealing with power vacuum, and we help before we leave them to it cause Kralk does something

Well I missed the dialogue from Taimi at the end of Be My Guest, but apparently she mentions that what happens to Aurene causes Kralk to become more aggressive.

I'm not sure if this is because he senses the unbound magic from Joko, or if this is the resonance that she still shares with Kralk and he senses her pain somehow ( I think that's how it works?) but that to me seems like it might cause for an immediate plot jump back to Kralk next episode. I was hoping for some lore on Joko and his history and origin, if only in a vision that Aurene gives us after consuming Joko, but with that dialogue it seems pretty sure to me that Joko and anything Joko related is probably done for with the explanation that Aurene is simply weak from a power spike or that she has some new capabilities from absorbing whatever type of magic made Joko the way he was without any actual dealing with Joko or his soul.

The only other thing I can see happening is that we will have an episode dealing with both near the fortress of Jahai and where we finish off what is left of Joko, possibly catch up with the Order of Shadows, and explore the branded near the area setting stage for the rest of the season to focus on Kralk. I think this would be the best tie in of all the various plots right now.

Or we'll meet up with everyone in Amnoon for some reason, Taimi and her newfound friends will say Kralk has gotten more aggressive, Aurene will fly in and be slightly bigger and all like "sup guys" and they'll have new research on Kralk that causes us to jump right into the rest of the season focusing on Kralk. And everyone will be like, "Joko who?" And then we'll go to some map with a veteran boss target dummy for the meta and a mastery that lets us collect a new currency called erratic magic that lets us use our mount heal ability as a bomb that instantly kills your character and all mobs in a 500 yard radius.

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:

Well I missed the dialogue from Taimi at the end of Be My Guest, but apparently she mentions that what happens to Aurene causes Kralk to become more aggressive.Not quite! That dialogue's actually from Canach- Taimi only talks about what to do with the remaining Awakened- but he's theorizing that both Aurene and Kralkatorrik both got more aggressive due to their mutual snack on Balthazar. Nothing touching on what eating Joko might do, and nothing implying a link of that sort between Aurene and Kralk.

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