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In-depth PvP guide


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Hi, and thanks for a very useful guide.What should I do as a Mender's sword Weaver, in your opinion? I feel I have enough speed to be a roamer, but not enough damage. Also I kinda lack of "active" defense, especially against burst builds who shred my barriers or arcane block, and evades only give me some seconds, so I suck as a duelist

Is it ok to pull 2 enemy players to far node without even decapping it and just staying alive by kiting and LOSing? So their attention will be on me resulting in outnumbering in my team's favor on another node?

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@"Ashamray.7416" said:Hi, and thanks for a very useful guide.What should I do as a Mender's sword Weaver, in your opinion? I feel I have enough speed to be a roamer, but not enough damage. Also I kinda lack of "active" defense, especially against burst builds who shred my barriers or arcane block, and evades only give me some seconds, so I suck as a duelist

Is it ok to pull 2 enemy players to far node without even decapping it and just staying alive by kiting and LOSing? So their attention will be on me resulting in outnumbering in my team's favor on another node?

1) You are a duelist with some team fighting capabilities. But you will lack support in the latter but it can work out in some scenarios.Direct damage burst builds kinda counter you, rev and core guard though. Save one oh shit button when they're around.

2) Depends a tiny bit on the situation and how the rest of the game goes, but distracting 2 people on their close is (almost) always good.

Oh and of coure, please #pinthis! Really good job, thanks a lot for that, @eksn.7264!

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@"Ashamray.7416" said:Hi, and thanks for a very useful guide.What should I do as a Mender's sword Weaver, in your opinion? I feel I have enough speed to be a roamer, but not enough damage. Also I kinda lack of "active" defense, especially against burst builds who shred my barriers or arcane block, and evades only give me some seconds, so I suck as a duelist

Is it ok to pull 2 enemy players to far node without even decapping it and just staying alive by kiting and LOSing? So their attention will be on me resulting in outnumbering in my team's favor on another node?

1) You are a duelist with some team fighting capabilities. But you will lack support in the latter but it can work out in some scenarios.Direct damage burst builds kinda counter you, rev and core guard though. Save one oh kitten button when they're around.

2) Depends a tiny bit on the situation and how the rest of the game goes, but distracting 2 people on their close is (almost) always good.

Oh and of coure, please #pinthis! Really good job, thanks a lot for that, @eksn.7264!

Pretty much this. When people say nothing is true 100% of the time that's what they mean. Yeah you don't own the node, but consider:-What classes you'll have to fight. Warrior + Ele you're probably fine, medi guard + thief probably not worth fighting.-What point you're fighting on. Side nodes on Forest are really easy for high mobility specs to kite, but Capricorn not so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I've slowly kept improving from your feedback and adding stuff I forgot. If anyone has any suggestions on what else to add in text or video form (especially upper skill bracket players at this point). I do have some plans on making a graphic summary of the whole guide to make it easier to digest.

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  • 1 year later...

@eksn.7264 said:

@"Tajiseed.7831" said:This is a really nice guide. Why don't you pop it up on the gw2 wiki as a user page? (A bit like the ascended gear guide

Not a bad idea! I don't have much time atm but maybe in the future.

if u want, i can do that for you =). your guide changed the way i see pvp

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@LuanLC.1206 said:

@"Tajiseed.7831" said:This is a really nice guide. Why don't you pop it up on the gw2 wiki as a user page? (A bit like the ascended gear guide

Not a bad idea! I don't have much time atm but maybe in the future.

if u want, i can do that for you =). your guide changed the way i see pvp

Sure! I don't play much anymore and haven't kept the guide up to date, so as long as it's up to date enough to post.

Glad it could help you!

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