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Taimi should probably die.

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@particlepinata.9865 said:Why does every character always have to die? And why does everyone or everything always got to be 'hated'. Is is me or is this forum becoming more and more immature?

Well, it is summer and the schoolkids are on vacation. Pre-teens and teenagers love blood, violence, and gore. Hatred is the frosting on the cake to the younglings who are seated in front of their computers or laptops in complete anonymity.

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This is me being half serious, but... wouldn't that be fun if the commander went into another dimension where Taimi is the overwhelmingly evil emperor overlord over the whole of Tyria & your mission is to de-throne her. Now that would certainly make an interesting plot twist none of us would have seen coming! Imagine this... the main protagonist enters the throne room & announces, "Your evil reign is over Taimi, prepare to be turned into fertilizer for the pale tree!", then she stares at you, "Pale Tree? Whats that then?" as she throws sylvari wood pieces & kindling onto a nearby bonfire! The protagonist yells out, "BAD TAIMI"... & everything fades to black..... LoL

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Braham needs to die. There had been a build up of him hating the commander and now they're buddy/buddy again? No way. Two alpha-males who just won't make it together as a team. Either kill Braham off or have him go into the mists or something and only have him return periodically in order to fill on plot points....aka, very minor character.

Taimi needs to go. She reminds me too much of Willow Rosenberg on Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show. She is useful for plot points only. Maybe it's the little kid baby-voice I can't stand. Replace her with an evil male gremlin sounding voice that snarls and doesn't mind putting the commander in harm's way - for science!

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I like Taimi and do not want her killed. My only problem with her is that she, and the Asura in general, have become the Deus Ex Machina of the game. Have problem, an Asura (usually Taimi, but can be a different Asura, especially now that Gorrik and Blish are around) will have a solution or explanation of critical information.

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@"Ashen.2907" said:Taimi's death wouldnt solve anything. She would quickly be replaced by another asuran technobabble expert.

What should die, IMO, is the over reliance on this one approach to solving almost every problem.

BIngo was his name-o!

They're not going to kill Taimi because they need her as a lazy "cure all", Deus Ex-Machina to solve any and all plot points. Sorry Anet writers, but that particular aspect of the story is getting really tiresome by now...

Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Ashen.2907" said:Taimi's death wouldnt solve anything. She would quickly be replaced by another asuran technobabble expert.

What should die, IMO, is the over reliance on this one approach to solving almost every problem.

BIngo was his name-o!

They're not going to kill Taimi because they need her as a lazy "cure all", Deus Ex-Machina to solve any and all plot points. Sorry Anet writers, but that particular aspect of the story is getting really tiresome by now...

Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!

Yeah, other races seem more multifaceted in comparison to the Asura. I would like to know what else they have to them than just their technology and sciences. Maybe that's all there really is to them.

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Everyone's taste is different... I found Tybalt kind of annoying and was actually a bit glad when he died. TBH I like playing through as whispers but I really wish there was an option to have a different mentor than Tybalt. But, Taimi is awesome and must never die. :smiley:

Oh my. I never thought someone would hate Tybalt. When I played through the Vigil story, I hated my mentor dying because there was so much in his back story they barely touched on which really would have impacted the death. The first time through, I didn't even pick up on it until rewatching his death and think oh, I see why now. Tybalt's needing that constant self assurance also dovetailed into his death. I personally like more of everything usually but games just don't lend themselves to story easily. Its rather hard to determine how a character is going to feel if that character is out of your control like our PC.

I didn't hate him... I just found him annoying. People toss that word around way, way too much these days. :/ TBH since he's supposed to be your mentor in the Whispers, and it's a spy organization, I would have strongly preferred someone more like a retired James Bond or Cate Archer (No One Lives Forever) type. Someone like Doern Velasquez or Reil Darkwater... I found Tybalt... disappointing. In fact my first play-through, I'd sort of imagined that I was being groomed to take over as Master of Whispers, so being trained by the current master would've been awesome. But, obviously the story went a different way. ;-)

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As a writer myself (no relation to anet) I do agree that story-lines & characters can go in many different directions, is Taimi over-used to explain things & progress the story-line with constant techno-babble... I'd have to say absolutely yes. It would definitely be refreshing to see another asura step into the lime light & give another perspective based on there class & perhaps a different kind of history that was outside the normal scientific asura one. Examples of this would be say an asura that grew up in the wild as a druid or ranger or a asura whom became a thief in one of the other major citys that was orphaned at birth<< these are just ideas of directions anet could go in if they really wanted to, I think those ideas sound more fun & add in some muchly needed depth to different characterizations. If you keep the same tired formula going eventually the wheel does break off the wagon, I would definitely recommend changing things up to keep things new, fresh & interesting.

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Think you meant Tidus.

Tuni needs to die definitely and asap. I stopped playing because of a combination of Tummy/the mount loot box fiasco and the human female's voice actress.

The lady that voices her is literally everywhere in gaming, human female here, several, several SEVERAL characters/bosses/guardians in WoW not to mention tons of other voice work over the years. I'm honestly just sick of hearing her after so many years in so many games.

If they don't give us some form of beautiful Largos/nymph/mermaid/fairy playable main character with an enjoyable feminine voice actress, permanently kill of Tomei and stop the vicious gem store practices I don't think I'll ever play again quite honestly.

At this point I can forgive a bit of the gem store stuff since they've been bleeding players for awhile and I can choose to not spend, but I simply cannot listen to the human female's voice actor or Tuna any longer. Christ at this point I would actually spend real money JUST to buy a feminine race with a good voice actress.

Toss in a bard class with songs you can combo to make different effects and an above racial/voice option you fully got a customer back.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!^ This ^

Also, don't
other races
have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers?

Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric.

Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards).

I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight...

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!^ This ^

Also, don't
other races
have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers?

Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric.

Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards).

I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight...

Weird, I would have thought the opposite.

All of the important characters are non human (not counting a human commander).

Asuran, Norn, Charr, and Sylvari NPCs drive the story.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!^ This ^

Also, don't
other races
have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers?

Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric.

Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards).

I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight...

Weird, I would have thought the opposite.

All of the important characters are non human (not counting a human commander).

Asuran, Norn, Charr, and Sylvari NPCs drive the story.

Irrelevant when they're "driving" an extremely human-centric story.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!^ This ^

Also, don't
other races
have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers?

Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric.

Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards).

I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight...

Weird, I would have thought the opposite.

All of the important characters are non human (not counting a human commander).

Asuran, Norn, Charr, and Sylvari NPCs drive the story.

Irrelevant when they're "driving" an extremely human-centric story.

A point was made asking if the non human races had something to contribute to the story. Non humans are the primary contributors to the story.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!^ This ^

Also, don't
other races
have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers?

Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric.

Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards).

I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight...

Weird, I would have thought the opposite.

All of the important characters are non human (not counting a human commander).

Asuran, Norn, Charr, and Sylvari NPCs drive the story.

Irrelevant when they're "driving" an extremely human-centric story.

A point was made asking if the non human races had something to contribute to the story. Non humans are the primary contributors to the story.

Which again is irrelevant to the point I was making - and you quoted me as if responding to me directly.

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Ok this is me having a little bit of fun here..... but... imagine the next expansion comes out & its all about Jormag, you have Taimi making her way across a frozen glacier, she is inside her "new & improved golem", thinking she is invincible... she skids along the frozen ice going "Weeeee", Jormag suddenly drops down from the skys above, it looks down at her in amusement as she continues sliding across the ice.... the dragon then tail whips her & she flies hundreds of feet upwards into the air, Jormag opens its jaws & swallows her whole as she falls back towards the earth... the dragon unleashes a defeaning satisfied BUUURP & seemingly smiles.... behold the end of Taimi....! <<Hope that made someone smile LoL

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@"CJH.2879" said:Ok this is me having a little bit of fun here..... but... imagine the next expansion comes out & its all about Jormag, you have Taimi making her way across a frozen glacier, she is inside her "new & improved golem", thinking she is invincible... she skids along the frozen ice going "Weeeee", Jormag suddenly drops down from the skys above, it looks down at her in amusement as she continues sliding across the ice.... the dragon then tail whips her & she flies hundreds of feet upwards into the air, Jormag opens its jaws & swallows her whole as she falls back towards the earth... the dragon unleashes a defeaning satisfied BUUURP & seemingly smiles.... behold the end of Taimi....! <<Hope that made someone smile LoL

Not really into vore, mah dude....

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:Don't Asura have anything else, as a race/characters, to contribute to any story...? I'm sure they do if you'd just let them!^ This ^

Also, don't
other races
have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers?

Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric.

Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards).

I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight...

Weird, I would have thought the opposite.

All of the important characters are non human (not counting a human commander).

Asuran, Norn, Charr, and Sylvari NPCs drive the story.

Irrelevant when they're "driving" an extremely human-centric story.

A point was made asking if the non human races had something to contribute to the story. Non humans are the primary contributors to the story.

Which again is irrelevant to the point I was making - and you quoted me as if responding to me directly.

As you were specifically quoting a post about whether or not human races had something to contribute to the story it seemed on point.

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@"Aodlop.1907" said:It would have an impact, it's a really liked character, much like Tybalt. Eir's passing was "meh" because I didn't feel that much invested in her, Taimi's death would hurt though. And so, she should die, in a painful and needlessly cruel way.

  1. Tybalt is overrated, I prefer Sieran. <3
  2. Taimi will find a way to upload her mind into a golem in case she dies. She made a comment about Blish in season4 episode2 something like he can live without limitations, I don't have the exact words but it was obvious to me that Taimi was planning something... Anyway, that means Taimi will live forever as a golem and that makes me happy. :)
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  • 2 months later...

update: after completing the new living world scenario today, "a star to guide us" it looks like our little friend is truly on borrowed time. Without going into any big spoilers, besides one, so quit reading now.... ok you've been warned... she finally admits she is dying. She even wants to be able to go out and make a difference when she goes... like someone else just did in the episode. Won't say who so to not spoil everything. She's come to terms with her imminent death and just wants to die a hero. To make a true difference.

Now of course we can always try to save her. Or she might be smart enough to save herself. Maybe She will be magically healed by other forces (hint sylvarri), or maybe she will just fuse with her golem or become one. Who knows. But as of right now she's terminally ill and on the road to the afterlife. Will be interesting if they chose to save her, let her die tragically, or let her die a hero.

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@"Chrono.6928" said:update: after completing the new living world scenario today, "a star to guide us" it looks like our little friend is truly on borrowed time. Without going into any big spoilers, besides one, so quit reading now.... ok you've been warned... she finally admits she is dying. She even wants to be able to go out and make a difference when she goes... like someone else just did in the episode. Won't say who so to not spoil everything. She's come to terms with her imminent death and just wants to die a hero. To make a true difference.

Now of course we can always try to save her. Or she might be smart enough to save herself. Maybe She will be magically healed by other forces (hint sylvarri), or maybe she will just fuse with her golem or become one. Who knows. But as of right now she's terminally ill and on the road to the afterlife. Will be interesting if they chose to save her, let her die tragically, or let her die a hero.

She's going to be the next Blish, she's going to merge herself with Sparky 2.0 and be Taimi 2.0.

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