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Taimi should probably die.

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A few episodes ago, I would agree that killing off Taimi would be a trope that the devs would use to suck us in... But, here we are a few episodes later, and I think I have changed my mind. The tech that is available to the world has been growing steadily enough that it would almost be feasible to go the other way and cure Taimi. At this point, I think we all know that "something" is going to happen to Taimi at some point. She has, from the beginning, been designed to elicit feels for her physical state and (ahem) brilliant mind. By now it has been so long that things could go either way.

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I'd like me to be the guy that saves the world. "Snaff Savant". Pah! It's probably a codename for "the college dropout"?

Or is it because I skipped college to learn how to stab people in the back and how turn invisible that she thinks I should not bother with anything intelligent?I'd want to teach her a little bit of respect towards me. Or Catlock.

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For me Taimi is like Abby from NCIS, she brings a positive thing in the storyline. Keep her ingame. I'm tired of Braham, his negativity carries on way too long, he's a warrior. That means first act, then mourn. I like Rythlock, although his voice sounds like he's constipated ;-) A change of personalty, Braham crawling up from the downward spiral for example would be nice! IMO No need for dying NPC's in the future of GW2.

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@"Aodlop.1907" said:It would have an impact, it's a really liked character, much like Tybalt. Eir's passing was "meh" because I didn't feel that much invested in her, Taimi's death would hurt though. And so, she should die, in a painful and needlessly cruel way.

Yes she is very annoying, I agree. I think I might feel relief though instead of pain.

  • Confused 1
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People are among other lolreasons just salty because they don't feel as important as they believe they should in their role as the player character. "Oh noez, me r not the most important PC in the MMO. Halp pliehz". See Treahearne and the beyond pathetic and "malicious" QQing of him stealing Caladbolg (and the attention) from "us". See Rythlok and the - fortunately - less annoying QQing about him being useless and still having his "OP" sword.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Couple of personal thoughts:

  • I like Taimi and think she adds a lot to the story. I find her character interesting, her dialogue amusing, and her personality quite charming. As a whole, I think she enhances and propels the story in valuable ways.
  • I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)
  • I am not a fan of what I feel to be overly emotionally manipulative writing, of "kill off this beloved character simply for the thrill of it or because it allegedly, in some warped mind, 'strengthens the story' or simply because, as a writer, I can do that." Death with meaning? Sure. XXXXXXX dies in Little Woman -- I get that, and it was obviously planned by the writer, but it works for me. Kill off everyone I care about? Nope. That is why I have stopped watching a certain popular television series multiple times, because I can't take the manipulation, the trolling, the intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative. And yeah, I've come back to it, but I rather hate myself for having done so and I'm not sure I'll stick through to the protracted end. :) <--- edited to remove spoiler char name -- sorry!

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Couple of personal thoughts:

  • I like Taimi and think she adds a lot to the story. I find her character interesting, her dialogue amusing, and her personality quite charming. As a whole, I think she enhances and propels the story in valuable ways.
  • I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)
  • I am not a fan of what I feel to be overly emotionally manipulative writing, of "kill off this beloved character simply for the thrill of it or because it allegedly, in some warped mind, 'strengthens the story' or simply because, as a writer, I can do that." Death with meaning? Sure. XXXXXXX dies in Little Woman -- I get that, and it was obviously planned by the writer, but it works for me. Kill off everyone I care about? Nope. That is why I have stopped watching a certain popular television series multiple times, because I can't take the manipulation, the trolling, the intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative. And yeah, I've come back to it, but I rather hate myself for having done so and I'm not sure I'll stick through to the protracted end. :) <--- edited to remove spoiler char name -- sorry!

I like that point! It definitely needs meaning. And I think we all know what tv series you are talking about. Something like game of musical chair?

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I like Taimi, and don't feel that, as a user has commented, that she is a 'diversity quota' character. It's great to see disabled characters, as there are so few, accomplishing useful and helpful things. Of course, I am also disabled in real life, and appreciate the representation. <3 Please don't kill off Taimi!

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No offense, but you guys lost the ability to understand what death with meaning means long ago and seem to be overly scared to have anyone from Dragon's Watch die.

Placing characters in danger when we know it's obvious that they'll escape [Taimi constantly, Faren, hell even the Commander] can only work so long before it becomes irritating to see. Also, what about Trahearne? He was killed off at the end of Heart of Thorns after doing nothing through the whole thing because he was captured. No hints at his fate, no foreshadowing that we may not be able to save him, just him popping up at the end and saying "kill me" after we stop Mordremoth in the Dream. How about Eir, who was immediately killed off for no reason other than push Braham as her replacement.

"Intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative"? Is that not exactly what this is?

Where are the writers that understood all this? Remember the death of our Order Mentor? Remember Tegwen? Apatia? Tonn? The fact that we literally SHELL OUR OWN PEOPLE thanks to a Mesmer illusion?

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Taimi should not die but be more discret we are the pact commander and she keeps telling us what to do like this annoying trahearne. The only characters I consider as friend are Tybalt, kernson and Sieran. I accept Taimi, but I would like very much that Braham die, he is so stupid and annoying, I can't even stand a picture of him. Not fan of kasmeer either whereas I like Marjory.

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@Twyn.7320 said:[The original quote was removed because someone reported their message, so this is a repost from before, but I feel like it needs to be said. Now, it doesn't refer to a direct person's message.]

I need to highlight something, because it misses the point of why members of the community dislike the current direction of the Living World. It's not because we're negative and psychopathic. I can enjoy positive characters when they have relevance and their antics aren't forced down my throat. When they actually fit the setting, it can be a really snazzy thing. I could easily say that people who like Taimi and the cast of characters are passive viewers, who aren't actually engaging with the narrative, but engaging with stereotypes that provide escapism. I'm not going to generalise, however.

The section of the community that dislikes this cast of characters want emotion from the narrative. Characters without emotion are boring, stereotypical husks with no relevance. This is why Braham had a lot of potential before he was character-assassinated in this Episode. His deviation from the typical trend of: 'We're heroes in white' was actually interesting. The section of the community that generally disliked Braham tended to bring up that it wasn't a part of his character to do that. The point is: Braham didn't really have character before Episode 3 of Living World Season 3. He was just a walking stereotype, and Anet tried something and for me, it worked. I actually clapped when Braham rebelled, sue me.

The issue that my section of the community has is that we aren't 'represented' in the narrative. Before someone says: 'We don't need to force representation, stop contradicting yourself.' What I mean is: There's a disagreement of philosophies in how people enjoy the Living World because we haven't been shown anything other than a tunnel vision approach of keeping everything the same way across multiple stories. In every single story, it starts and ends with the same outcome: The main heroes survive and we win, we push back the darkness. We never lose. To elaborate the point a bit more:

LWS3 Episode 1: We push back the White Mantle. 'Lazarus' escapes, but the White Mantle are threatened.LWS3 Episode 2: We save Aurene and the Ring of Fire.LWS3 Episode 3: We locate Braham and save him from peril, along with Rox. We prevent the spread of Jormag.LWS3 Episode 4: We defeat Caudecus and the White Mantle. Demmi dies, but she appears in the same Episode. She's a side character, not a main hero.LWS3 Episode 5: We stop Balthazar's plan and the Dragons go to sleep. Marjory gets injured, but survives.LWS3 Episode 6: We kill Lazarus, Livia survives.Path of Fire: We kill Balthazar, Vlast dies but enters as a really meaningless side character, no main hero dies permanently.LWS4 Episode 1: We stop the mass invasion from becoming far worse. Taimi survives.LWS4 Episode 2: We prevent the Awakened from wiping out the Olmakhan. Rata Primus is destroyed. Everyone survives. Joko runs off with a sample of the Plague.LWS4 Episode 3: We kill Joko. The Scarab Plague is destroyed. We all survive. Faren gets injured but survives.

So, in 30 months (presuming 3 months between each Episode), not a single Main Hero has died. The sudden shift in story-telling began with Living World Season 3, so it's the best starting point IMO. This narrative with the Dragons has lasted almost 5-6 years, and the Main Heroes that have died are: Trahearne, Eir, Personal Story Mentor.

And that's all that I can remember vividly. If I've missed anyone, let me know. This isn't meant to be an attack on people who have a positive outlook of Guild Wars 2, but an objective attempt to elaborate on the issues that a section of the community has against the Living World in its current format. Something really needs to change.

An Elonian main should die in finale against Kralk

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I think taimi should die as well. Not because for some "emotional plottwist" , simply because shes more annoying than Trahearne was. I mean the permanent jokes, forcefully funny dialogues and every "deux ex machina" she brings to the story is way too much.

In the last living story segment we went in for a very dark theme fantasy wise, plagues, people dying, epidemic and apocalyptic plot. I, for one, cant take the story serious when people are dying, the story implies that things are in a dangerous spot and 20 seconds later there comes a funny joke. This isnt a comedy show. And this happens WAY too often.

She is always the solution or the driving reason we do things, the reason we find something out. The entire Asura influence on the story as a whole, is way too big as it is. Need to get somewhere? Asuragate! Need to know something, or figure something out? Some asura study or new side-character gets added. When was the last time we really had some MEANINGFULL progress, story, influence by a norn? By a human? A charr? A Sylvari? Asura and the technology aspect are omnipresent in the story.

"Oh we need to get some army into a far away area! hey lets have an asura portal" I mean like.. dont humans have airships, dont charrs have big ass tanks? Norn could have a big ass Wurm trough their connections to the spirits to travel underground.

"Oh we are alone in a scouting like mission on new grounds, LUCKILY, some randomly added asura golem a story segment back, got his arm sucked in trough the portal and LUCKILY, that arm has all the tools we need!" Again, same thing. Charrs have the ash legion for such scouting / stealth stuff. We could have a norn or sylvari scout, even caith or braham, to show us how to hide in such a situation, "learning" those things along the way, you are on new land after all, you need to "adapt" to what to do there, not just some miracle arm that coincidently does everything one needs.

Such kind of ideas and aspects are completly deleted from the game. The development of the other races and the potential they bring is at hold since years. Every big "step" or "insight" is tied to asuras or asuran technology. This is also the case in the rest of the game - Current events - Fractals - Events like wintersday, SAB. Everything is so asura centric, its getting old. SAB could have been some "very special" norn brew they do once a year that makes the people high, or a sylvari connection to a "strange dream" for every race once a year.

Pretty much all other characters from the commanders "squad" are just here for good measure, rox, braham, feel like sidekicks, being completly forgotten. I mean yes, Braham did have his moments in the last segment - even funny ones, but these feel fitting, even though they where not really meaningfull, story wise.

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@"Brujeria.7536" said:I think taimi should die as well. Not because for some "emotional plottwist" , simply because shes more annoying than Trahearne was. I mean the permanent jokes, forcefully funny dialogues and every "deux ex machina" she brings to the story is way too much.

In the last living story segment we went in for a very dark theme fantasy wise, plagues, people dying, epidemic and apocalyptic plot. I, for one, cant take the story serious when people are dying, the story implies that things are in a dangerous spot and 20 seconds later there comes a funny joke. This isnt a comedy show. And this happens WAY too often.

She is always the solution or the driving reason we do things, the reason we find something out. The entire Asura influence on the story as a whole, is way too big as it is. Need to get somewhere? Asuragate! Need to know something, or figure something out? Some asura study or new side-character gets added. When was the last time we really had some MEANINGFULL progress, story, influence by a norn? By a human? A charr? A Sylvari? Asura and the technology aspect are omnipresent in the story.

"Oh we need to get some army into a far away area! hey lets have an asura portal" I mean like.. dont humans have airships, dont charrs have big kitten tanks? Norn could have a big kitten Wurm trough their connections to the spirits to travel underground.

"Oh we are alone in a scouting like mission on new grounds, LUCKILY, some randomly added asura golem a story segment back, got his arm sucked in trough the portal and LUCKILY, that arm has all the tools we need!" Again, same thing. Charrs have the ash legion for such scouting / stealth stuff. We could have a norn or sylvari scout, even caith or braham, to show us how to hide in such a situation, "learning" those things along the way, you are on new land after all, you need to "adapt" to what to do there, not just some miracle arm that coincidently does everything one needs.

Such kind of ideas and aspects are completly deleted from the game. The development of the other races and the potential they bring is at hold since years. Every big "step" or "insight" is tied to asuras or asuran technology. This is also the case in the rest of the game - Current events - Fractals - Events like wintersday, SAB. Everything is so asura centric, its getting old. SAB could have been some "very special" norn brew they do once a year that makes the people high, or a sylvari connection to a "strange dream" for every race once a year.

Pretty much all other characters from the commanders "squad" are just here for good measure, rox, braham, feel like sidekicks, being completly forgotten. I mean yes, Braham did have his moments in the last segment - even funny ones, but these feel fitting, even though they where not really meaningfull, story wise.

The asura centricness of the game i agree with fully. i was hoping honestly with PoF wed move away from the asura, but NOPE. and even though they did add the Olmakhan the Charr of the group, Rox, hasnt had any character development in ages, aside from being pushed out of the way to go with Braham...after he almost killed her.

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@"Aodlop.1907" said:It would have an impact, it's a really liked character, much like Tybalt. Eir's passing was "meh" because I didn't feel that much invested in her, Taimi's death would hurt though. And so, she should die, in a painful and needlessly cruel way.

Out of all the characters, Taimi would be missed the most. Heres some characters that I think should die.

  • Marjory: Her character arc has been done since season 1. Shes got nothing interesting left in her, and the romance between her and Kasmeer has played out. Honestly, for a necromancer detective with a badass katana thats infused with her sisters soul, shes kinda boring
  • Rytlock: Too much of a deus ex-machina. He just sortof pops up whenever its convenient for the story to be progressed. I like him, but he needs to go
  • Canach: Favorite character, but hes not much in the story any more.

In fact, it feels like theres too many arcs in the story that go unresolved for months at a time. I think ANet would be wise to trim the ensemble down and focus on telling a few compelling stories, rather than trying to tell hundreds a la Game of Thrones.

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I don't want Taimi to die, but she is a little overused. There are probably good reasons for it, but without a strong protagonist to put her into a clear supporting role (which is never going to happen, and probably shouldn't), or a diversity of supporting characters to share the spotlight, she sort of starts to become a defacto protagonist, and she isn't suited for it. I think the communicator was where things started to go off the rails, since it turned her from the technically adept member of DW into Felicity Smoak.

Also, GW is fantasy, and that means that sometimes newfangled technology doesn't have all the answers, and old-school sorcery gets to save the day. When that situation arises, it's fine for Taimi to be stumped (good thing we travel with guardians, necromancers, mesmers, and revenants). I think the other thing that needs to be done is establish the boundaries of Taimi's expertise more clearly, and maybe more narrowly than has been hinted. She's a golemancer and a ley line expert, that's pretty set in stone. But there's a whole lot of magitech out there, and if we run across it and it's unique or cutting edge stuff, it's okay for her to say "not my field, find another Asura". And it's okay to say that if it can't be fixed with ley line energy manipulation or a golem, that she's not much more use than any other random member of DW.

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@hugo.4705 said:Taimi should not die but be more discret we are the pact commander and she keeps telling us what to do like this annoying trahearne. The only characters I consider as friend are Tybalt, kernson and Sieran. I accept Taimi, but I would like very much that Braham die, he is so stupid and annoying, I can't even stand a picture of him. Not fan of kasmeer either whereas I like Marjory.

Oh lord, don't remind me of Braham. Season 3 was horrible having to listen to him snap at the Commander as if he completely forgot how close we were to his mother [a mother he barely cared about back when we met him btw]. When he popped up in Season 4 and, again, immediately snaps at us for Taimi's capture, i just groaned. At least he calmed down by the end.

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@Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921 said:This a response to OP, but I think it also applies here at the end. Killing off characters isn't good storytelling if it's just used to create emotional impact. This is something George Lucas argued against with the original Star Wars trilogy. If the story is good which so far I don't hate it, then killing off the main characters is unnecessary plot device.

I could tell from your post you're either newer to the game or just never played Norn. Eir's death was sad for me, the Norn struggle to be a part of any story. We have two Charr Rytlock and Rocks, two Sylvari Caithe and Canach, Many many humans, many Asuran, and only one remaining Norn in the story. I don't like the idea of the Norn always being left out, it would be like the Avengers without Thor. Norn need representation, since they get soo little of it in stories. I admit Braham isn't the amazing character Eir was, if you played the old stories a lot or leveled Norn you'd know how good of a character she was, they never had a need to replace her until the actor could no longer do the character. What would be helpful is if Braham could actually grow up a little in the stories, he's the brash charging in Guardian who acts before he thinks. It's okay for youth to be this way, but Braham has been through injury, losing his mother, and many other obstacles including being knocked down a peg by the commander. It feels like his story arc never took off, that he'll always be the brash youth trying to live up to his mother's legend instead of accepting he needs to forge his own. If he dies off and there's no Norn that would really disappoint me, plus it would kill off the family line of Eir which would be a tragedy given all she's done. Braham just needs to reconcile who he is and then he can work towards being a good representation of Norn. This I have been truly missing from the stories, Norn was my first character the one I built a love of this game around. It disappointing they're always in the north away from the rest of the world when they have soo much love for family and protecting people.

Taimi I really like and to kill her off would be a mistake in my view. She's unique that she's the only true youth of the group, she's still a young teenager and her dying off could possibly alienate a good portion of players. I don't like her always being delegated to narrative, but her enthusiasm is refreshing. Of all the characters she always seems eager to take on the world, and that's a trait which usually diminishes over time.

And I would certainly agree with George Lucas here, how deep have I fallen. Killing Han Solo for example did absolutely zero for the character of Khylo Ren, he is still the same pimpled, temper tantrum loser with a little bit less grandfather issues in the next SW who gets to look like a really average swordfight guy against Luke and STILL can´t raise a hand against Leah, but it managed to cool me off enough from the SW universe that I did not even consider going into Solo: A SW story.

I dislike Asura in general, but Taimi comes close to being tolerable for me right now. As the commander is obviously unable to kill the big baddies on his own, he needs someone like her to help him out. And why should this not be a teenage Asura? I would also welcome a shift of story to something actually heroic instead of everyday is doomsday.

I would welcome the exile of Caithe and the resignation of Rhytlock though.

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@"Aodlop.1907" said:It would have an impact, it's a really liked character, much like Tybalt. Eir's passing was "meh" because I didn't feel that much invested in her, Taimi's death would hurt though. And so, she should die, in a painful and needlessly cruel way.

Hell no

Loved Eir, love Taimi even more.

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@"Brujeria.7536" said:I think taimi should die as well. Not because for some "emotional plottwist" , simply because shes more annoying than Trahearne was. I mean the permanent jokes, forcefully funny dialogues and every "deux ex machina" she brings to the story is way too much.

In the last living story segment we went in for a very dark theme fantasy wise, plagues, people dying, epidemic and apocalyptic plot. I, for one, cant take the story serious when people are dying, the story implies that things are in a dangerous spot and 20 seconds later there comes a funny joke. This isnt a comedy show. And this happens WAY too often.

She is always the solution or the driving reason we do things, the reason we find something out. The entire Asura influence on the story as a whole, is way too big as it is. Need to get somewhere? Asuragate! Need to know something, or figure something out? Some asura study or new side-character gets added. When was the last time we really had some MEANINGFULL progress, story, influence by a norn? By a human? A charr? A Sylvari? Asura and the technology aspect are omnipresent in the story.

"Oh we need to get some army into a far away area! hey lets have an asura portal" I mean like.. dont humans have airships, dont charrs have big kitten tanks? Norn could have a big kitten Wurm trough their connections to the spirits to travel underground.

"Oh we are alone in a scouting like mission on new grounds, LUCKILY, some randomly added asura golem a story segment back, got his arm sucked in trough the portal and LUCKILY, that arm has all the tools we need!" Again, same thing. Charrs have the ash legion for such scouting / stealth stuff. We could have a norn or sylvari scout, even caith or braham, to show us how to hide in such a situation, "learning" those things along the way, you are on new land after all, you need to "adapt" to what to do there, not just some miracle arm that coincidently does everything one needs.

Such kind of ideas and aspects are completly deleted from the game. The development of the other races and the potential they bring is at hold since years. Every big "step" or "insight" is tied to asuras or asuran technology. This is also the case in the rest of the game - Current events - Fractals - Events like wintersday, SAB. Everything is so asura centric, its getting old. SAB could have been some "very special" norn brew they do once a year that makes the people high, or a sylvari connection to a "strange dream" for every race once a year.

Pretty much all other characters from the commanders "squad" are just here for good measure, rox, braham, feel like sidekicks, being completly forgotten. I mean yes, Braham did have his moments in the last segment - even funny ones, but these feel fitting, even though they where not really meaningfull, story wise.

So you are salty because you/your PC is not the most important special snowflake in GW2.

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@Mahou.3924 said:

@"Brujeria.7536" said:I think taimi should die as well. Not because for some "emotional plottwist" , simply because shes more annoying than Trahearne was. I mean the permanent jokes, forcefully funny dialogues and every "deux ex machina" she brings to the story is way too much.

In the last living story segment we went in for a very dark theme fantasy wise, plagues, people dying, epidemic and apocalyptic plot. I, for one, cant take the story serious when people are dying, the story implies that things are in a dangerous spot and 20 seconds later there comes a funny joke. This isnt a comedy show. And this happens WAY too often.

She is always the solution or the driving reason we do things, the reason we find something out. The entire Asura influence on the story as a whole, is way too big as it is. Need to get somewhere? Asuragate! Need to know something, or figure something out? Some asura study or new side-character gets added. When was the last time we really had some MEANINGFULL progress, story, influence by a norn? By a human? A charr? A Sylvari? Asura and the technology aspect are omnipresent in the story.

"Oh we need to get some army into a far away area! hey lets have an asura portal" I mean like.. dont humans have airships, dont charrs have big kitten tanks? Norn could have a big kitten Wurm trough their connections to the spirits to travel underground.

"Oh we are alone in a scouting like mission on new grounds, LUCKILY, some randomly added asura golem a story segment back, got his arm sucked in trough the portal and LUCKILY, that arm has all the tools we need!" Again, same thing. Charrs have the ash legion for such scouting / stealth stuff. We could have a norn or sylvari scout, even caith or braham, to show us how to hide in such a situation, "learning" those things along the way, you are on new land after all, you need to "adapt" to what to do there, not just some miracle arm that coincidently does everything one needs.

Such kind of ideas and aspects are completly deleted from the game. The development of the other races and the potential they bring is at hold since years. Every big "step" or "insight" is tied to asuras or asuran technology. This is also the case in the rest of the game - Current events - Fractals - Events like wintersday, SAB. Everything is so asura centric, its getting old. SAB could have been some "very special" norn brew they do once a year that makes the people high, or a sylvari connection to a "strange dream" for every race once a year.

Pretty much all other characters from the commanders "squad" are just here for good measure, rox, braham, feel like sidekicks, being completly forgotten. I mean yes, Braham did have his moments in the last segment - even funny ones, but these feel fitting, even though they where not really meaningfull, story wise.

So you are salty because you/your PC is not the most important special snowflake in GW2.

Not even close to what he posted.

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