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Mystic Coins

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This is about Mystic Coins right? Not about reward tracks in PvP and WvW which do not give you Mystic Coins...There was a reward track in PvP and WvW that did drop mystic coins though but did go away with HoT and it was not in the final chest but the steps in the middle. They give you clovers.

A bit of perspective here is the Wiki and here are all the recipes that use Mystic Coins


  • 84 Equipment
  • 178 Food Recipes
  • 340 Armor Recipes
  • 14 Guild Hall Upgrades
  • 23 other Recipes

That is almost 1,000 Recipes that require between 1 to 250 of Mystic Coins to learn or craft. To say that Mystic Coins Drop rate is fine and that they are only used for the few legendary weapons, Backpieces, and armor. Would say that there are more than 1,000 legendary items in the game? I can say no there is not, so why are legendary items dictating the drop rate.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Maybe because their primary usage is for legendaries. Anet would have that data.

Err..there are far more things that require them, and some in greater quantities than legendaries. So its quite a stretch to me at least to say they are primarily used for legendary crafting, as the person above you posted.

Personally had no idea there was THAT many items that used them, but i knew the sheer number of exotics(and possibly ascended) that needed them far outweighed legendary items in the game by a large amount.

Perhaps they should reduce the numbers needed by non legendaries..that would be neat.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Maybe because their primary usage is for legendaries. Anet would have that data.

Err..there are far more things that require them, and some in greater quantities than legendaries. So its quite a stretch to me at least to say they are primarily used for legendary crafting, as the person above you posted.

Personally had no idea there was
many items that used them, but i knew the sheer number of exotics(and possibly ascended) that needed them far outweighed legendary items in the game by a large amount.

Perhaps they should reduce the numbers needed by non legendaries..that would be neat.

There are some non-legendary items that require 480+ mystic coins?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Maybe because their primary usage is for legendaries. Anet would have that data.

Err..there are far more things that require them, and some in greater quantities than legendaries. So its quite a stretch to me at least to say they are primarily used for legendary crafting, as the person above you posted.

Personally had no idea there was
many items that used them, but i knew the sheer number of exotics(and possibly ascended) that needed them far outweighed legendary items in the game by a large amount.

Perhaps they should reduce the numbers needed by non legendaries..that would be neat.

There are some non-legendary items that require 480+ mystic coins?

I wasnt aware legendary items needed so many? ive needed maximum a stack for each of mine o_o where does 480 come from?

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Maybe because their primary usage is for legendaries. Anet would have that data.

Err..there are far more things that require them, and some in greater quantities than legendaries. So its quite a stretch to me at least to say they are primarily used for legendary crafting, as the person above you posted.

Personally had no idea there was
many items that used them, but i knew the sheer number of exotics(and possibly ascended) that needed them far outweighed legendary items in the game by a large amount.

Perhaps they should reduce the numbers needed by non legendaries..that would be neat.

There are some non-legendary items that require 480+ mystic coins?

I wasnt aware legendary items needed so many? ive needed maximum a stack for each of mine o_o where does 480 come from?

HoT ones require that many.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Maybe because their primary usage is for legendaries. Anet would have that data.

Err..there are far more things that require them, and some in greater quantities than legendaries. So its quite a stretch to me at least to say they are primarily used for legendary crafting, as the person above you posted.

Personally had no idea there was
many items that used them, but i knew the sheer number of exotics(and possibly ascended) that needed them far outweighed legendary items in the game by a large amount.

Perhaps they should reduce the numbers needed by non legendaries..that would be neat.

There are some non-legendary items that require 480+ mystic coins?

I wasnt aware legendary items needed so many? ive needed maximum a stack for each of mine o_o where does 480 come from?

HoT ones require that many.

Ahhh, you are correct: forgot about the 250 needed for the one gift(shoulda remembered cause lol shining blade)Still though, the massive amount of weapons that require anywhere from 1-250 of them that arent legendary have had their cost brought up extremely because of the lack of drops(even intended) outweighs the amount required by the legendaries in game.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Maybe because their primary usage is for legendaries. Anet would have that data.

Err..there are far more things that require them, and some in greater quantities than legendaries. So its quite a stretch to me at least to say they are primarily used for legendary crafting, as the person above you posted.

Personally had no idea there was
many items that used them, but i knew the sheer number of exotics(and possibly ascended) that needed them far outweighed legendary items in the game by a large amount.

Perhaps they should reduce the numbers needed by non legendaries..that would be neat.

There are some non-legendary items that require 480+ mystic coins?

I wasnt aware legendary items needed so many? ive needed maximum a stack for each of mine o_o where does 480 come from?

HoT ones require that many.

Ahhh, you are correct: forgot about the 250 needed for the one gift(shoulda remembered cause lol shining blade)Still though, the massive amount of weapons that require anywhere from 1-250 of them that arent legendary have had their cost brought up extremely because of the lack of drops(even intended) outweighs the amount required by the legendaries in game.

But how many of those weapons do you think get made compared to legendaries?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Maybe because their primary usage is for legendaries. Anet would have that data.

Err..there are far more things that require them, and some in greater quantities than legendaries. So its quite a stretch to me at least to say they are primarily used for legendary crafting, as the person above you posted.

Personally had no idea there was
many items that used them, but i knew the sheer number of exotics(and possibly ascended) that needed them far outweighed legendary items in the game by a large amount.

Perhaps they should reduce the numbers needed by non legendaries..that would be neat.

There are some non-legendary items that require 480+ mystic coins?

I wasnt aware legendary items needed so many? ive needed maximum a stack for each of mine o_o where does 480 come from?

HoT ones require that many.

Ahhh, you are correct: forgot about the 250 needed for the one gift(shoulda remembered cause lol shining blade)Still though, the massive amount of weapons that require anywhere from 1-250 of them that arent legendary have had their cost brought up extremely because of the lack of drops(even intended) outweighs the amount required by the legendaries in game.

But how many of those weapons do you think get made compared to legendaries?

To be honest quite a few more than the legendaries i imagine due to the other resources needed for legendaries, plus the other items.

Any of the weapons minus the mystic weapons that require them in the range of 20-100 per item, which if you are crafting for yourself they are one time crafts, but if you are crafting to sell they arent(some applies for legendaries i suppose, but i havent actually met many players who craft legendarys to sell, they do it for themselves).Each of the mystic weapons requires at least 20, which are required for certain specialization collections.If you want the recipes for the feasts you need anwhere from 17-50 per recipe(also one time purchases per account but theres a ton of them.)All the guild hall upgrades which require anywhere from 25-100(one time purchases if you are in a guild.)You have the Other category which involves yes the mystic clovers but also things like that batwing which requires 250 coins(theres a few of those in that category).Cant really speak for the armor, the amounts on the trading post are quite limited.You also need a coin for each elite specs weapon in POF, thankfully a one time thing as well.

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@"Quirin.1076" said:This is about Mystic Coins right? Not about reward tracks in PvP and WvW which do not give you Mystic Coins... They give you clovers.

A bit of perspective here is the Wiki and here are all the recipes that use Mystic Coins


  • 84 Equipment
  • 178 Food Recipes
  • 340 Armor Recipes
  • 14 Guild Hall Upgrades
  • 23 other Recipes

That is almost 1,000 Recipes that require between 1 to 250 of Mystic Coins to learn or craft. To say that Mystic Coins Drop rate is fine and that they are only used for the few legendary weapons, Backpieces, and armor. Would say that there are more than 1,000 legendary items in the game? I can say no there is not, so why are legendary items dictating the drop rate.

Because Legendary weapons/armor are the only thing they're consistently spent on. Lets break down each category....

Equipment: Mostly Weapon skins, many of which aren't that popular. Only needs to be unlocked once now thanks to wardrobeClovers: used in ALL legendary promotions in some amount or other, and an extra stack of 250 for any gen 2 legendaryFood: Only used to create Feast Recipes- only needs to be used once per recipe needing to be learned, and of those, there are around a dozen and a half that are used with any real frequency.Armor in bulk: Used in the production of Satchels and Armor box recipes. Almost never used because theres never any material savings for doing so, and are limited to exotics.Guild Hall upgrades: Only needs to be done once per guild, but requires a fairly large amount. However, due to cost distribution across the guild, this is seen more of a gold value sunk as opposed to a need for coin production.Other: Used in the production of Aura Shoulder pieces, winters day runes, and promotion/demotion of mist essence (which is now deprecated in light of the Fractal Vendors). aside from the last, these are all gold/material sinks, most of which predate the daily login change that caused coin prices to reach their current value (and why they demand a full stack).

Whenever a new legendary weapon gets added, prices jump depending on how popular it is. When legendary armor was added, coin prices jumped for their production. Same happened with PvP/WvW versions, except that surge was padded by the realization of how long it would take to produce a set, and each mode offering alternative methods of getting clovers to offset the upfront cost.

See...... unlike the other recipes, Legendary gear is effectively an inevitable item you'll be seeking for one or more of your Alts . Think about it.... once you've effectively geared up all your characters, the only 2 things left that have a long term value is Fashion wars and QOL improvements; and both something legendary gear fits into. Gold sinks in Fashion wars are things like infusions, auras, collections, or the skin market on TP, maybe dyes, and/or Crafted skins. Legendary gear is the ultimate QOL in the current system, effectively being the "be all, end all" of Stat management, and completely future proofs you for new stat combos.

The irony here is that the increase in coin prices actually make the other non-legendary recipes less desirable, due to the higher cost it adds to the total, and thus affects Rate of Return/ long term Cost savings. So aside from a hand full of MF skins that require coins to make, and a dozen and a half feast recipes, (both of which are marginal by comparison) the rest of the coin demand is almost entirely tied up with Legendary gear and Guildhall upgrades. And of everything listed, only Legendary gear (mainly weapons) are getting new recipes added to spark new waves of demand. Most new foods are account bound, or don't have associated feast recipes. Ascended gear has made crafting Exotic gear a waste of the rare materials used in their production (plus account bound). Seasonal projects are just gold sinks.

So tell me..... of those 1000+ recipes, how many have real demand associated with them?

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@starlinvf.1358 said:

@"Quirin.1076" said:This is about Mystic Coins right? Not about reward tracks in PvP and WvW which do not give you Mystic Coins... They give you clovers.

A bit of perspective here is the Wiki and here are all the recipes that use Mystic Coins

  • 84 Equipment
  • 178 Food Recipes
  • 340 Armor Recipes
  • 14 Guild Hall Upgrades
  • 23 other Recipes

That is almost 1,000 Recipes that require between 1 to 250 of Mystic Coins to learn or craft. To say that Mystic Coins Drop rate is fine and that they are only used for the few legendary weapons, Backpieces, and armor. Would say that there are more than 1,000 legendary items in the game? I can say no there is not, so why are legendary items dictating the drop rate.

Because Legendary weapons/armor are the only thing they're consistently spent on. Lets break down each category....

Equipment: Mostly Weapon skins, many of which aren't that popular. Only needs to be unlocked once now thanks to wardrobeClovers: used in ALL legendary promotions in some amount or other, and an extra stack of 250 for any gen 2 legendaryFood: Only used to create Feast Recipes- only needs to be used once per recipe needing to be learned, and of those, there are around a dozen and a half that are used with any real frequency.Armor in bulk: Used in the production of Satchels and Armor box recipes. Almost never used because theres never any material savings for doing so, and are limited to exotics.Guild Hall upgrades: Only needs to be done once per guild, but requires a fairly large amount. However, due to cost distribution across the guild, this is seen more of a gold value sunk as opposed to a need for coin production.Other: Used in the production of Aura Shoulder pieces, winters day runes, and promotion/demotion of mist essence (which is now deprecated in light of the Fractal Vendors). aside from the last, these are all gold/material sinks, most of which predate the daily login change that caused coin prices to reach their current value (and why they demand a full stack).

Whenever a new legendary weapon gets added, prices jump depending on how popular it is. When legendary armor was added, coin prices jumped for their production. Same happened with PvP/WvW versions, except that surge was padded by the realization of how long it would take to produce a set, and each mode offering alternative methods of getting clovers to offset the upfront cost.

See...... unlike the other recipes, Legendary gear is effectively an inevitable item you'll be seeking for one or more of your Alts . Think about it.... once you've effectively geared up all your characters, the only 2 things left that have a long term value is Fashion wars and QOL improvements; and both something legendary gear fits into. Gold sinks in Fashion wars are things like infusions, auras, collections, or the skin market on TP, maybe dyes, and/or Crafted skins. Legendary gear is the ultimate QOL in the current system, effectively being the "be all, end all" of Stat management, and completely future proofs you for new stat combos.

The irony here is that the increase in coin prices actually make the other non-legendary recipes less desirable, due to the higher cost it adds to the total, and thus affects Rate of Return/ long term Cost savings. So aside from a hand full of MF skins that require coins to make, and a dozen and a half feast recipes, (both of which are marginal by comparison) the rest of the coin demand is almost entirely tied up with Legendary gear and Guildhall upgrades. And of everything listed, only Legendary gear (mainly weapons) are getting new recipes added to spark new waves of demand. Most new foods are account bound, or don't have associated feast recipes. Ascended gear has made crafting Exotic gear a waste of the rare materials used in their production (plus account bound). Seasonal projects are just gold sinks.

So tell me..... of those 1000+ recipes, how many have real demand associated with them?

That is my Point. The Non-Legendary Items which some items go along with the lore are less desirable because the drop rate for Mystic Coins is broken. Just imagine if the Mystic Coin dropped in each daily chest like it used to. What do you think would happen. Or this what happens if the PvP currency or the WvW currency that you need for legendary weapons or armor you could only get them in your daily login like Mystic Coins. Look at those on the Trading post some day, since Arena Net did not change the drop rate on those and they are still needed for crafting legendary items, the price of those has jumped maybe 2 silver in WvW, and possibley 5 copper in PvP.... So demand you say?

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@"Quirin.1076" said:This is about Mystic Coins right? Not about reward tracks in PvP and WvW which do not give you Mystic Coins...There was a reward track in PvP and WvW that did drop mystic coins though but did go away with HoT and it was not in the final chest but the steps in the middle. They give you clovers.

A bit of perspective here is the Wiki and here are all the recipes that use Mystic Coins


  • 84 Equipment
  • 178 Food Recipes
  • 340 Armor Recipes
  • 14 Guild Hall Upgrades
  • 23 other Recipes

That is almost 1,000 Recipes that require between 1 to 250 of Mystic Coins to learn or craft. To say that Mystic Coins Drop rate is fine and that they are only used for the few legendary weapons, Backpieces, and armor. Would say that there are more than 1,000 legendary items in the game? I can say no there is not, so why are legendary items dictating the drop rate.

The highest number of those are the bulk armor recipes, but those are relatively pointless since the resulting bulk recipes end up costing the same amount as making the individual armor pieces, but you end up being out the cost of the mystic coins, elonian wines and so forth to get the initial recipe. Thus, from a crafting standpoint it's better to learn and craft the individual armor pieces instead. Furthermore the resulting armor boxes don't sell as well on the TP, since players are usually looking to buy individual pieces instead of a full armor set. As a result, those bulk armor recipes are terrible investments, and they're essentially traps for new players which can wind up leading them to waste their resources. I'd really like to see those recipes get removed from the game entirely.

When doing analysis on mystic coin uses, those should probably be excluded. Most of the lower-level food recipes can probably be excluded as well. Only some of the higher level feasts are worthwhile.

Furthermore, any recipe costs with mystic coins are 1-time costs, similar to the guild hall upgrades. By comparison, if you use them to make clovers, that's a recurring cost. Equipment (exotic weapons) and clovers are very likely the main sinks for mystic coins.

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I do make my clovers with mystic coins still and Yes i am fully aware that I can switch to a reward track for that but that's not what this thread is about.

I have put off making 2nd gen legendaries for so long now because of the heckin 250 mystic coins you need to get. That's seriously a LOT, and yeah I could go farm money for that but I also need to get 250 amalgamated gemstones regardless of me doing the PoF version or the HoT version, I will need about 500g for both stacks of materials and both are really hard to get.Amalgamated gemstones also drop from reward tracks I know, but you only need 77 mystic clovers, and 250 gemstones. And you get more mystic clovers from a track than you get gemstones, and other than that you can get 4 a day from doing all 4 HoT meta's. But honestly, they are not as populated as they used to be and you might not be able to run them everyday.

Besides that. Why does desert mastery need amalgamated gemstones, if they don't even drop anywhere in that content??

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@"MauChann.3081" said:Besides that. Why does desert mastery need amalgamated gemstones, if they don't even drop anywhere in that content??


Amalgamated gemstones can be mystic forged from 9 T6 gemstones and one Crystalline Dust. The gemstones are pretty common drops when mining Orichalcum/Rich Orichalcum nodes... which the desert has a pretty fair number of. The Crystalline Dust is a pretty common drop from Branded mobs, which again the desert maps have an abundance of.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Amalgamated_Gemstone

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My only problem when it comes to Mystic Coins are non-prestige and utility recipes that were designed when they were around 30s.Mystic coins are used in countless recipes that have nothing to do with legendaries like feasts and bundles of gear, and the recipe to promote/demote mists essences.They make absolutely no sense with mystic coins that cost over 90s, sometimes getting too close to 2g.

One way I could see the problem eased is with an alternate item to mystic coins for anything that isn't prestige crafting.Many people have a lot of extra spirit shards, obsidian shards and luck. There's other items that have become nearly worthless like fine materials such as eyes of kormir and leaf fossils and many cooking materials.

So there could be something like a "Mystic Doubloon" or "Mystic Bauble" that is account bound, and that can not be used to make clovers or prestige skins, but it works as a replacement for mystic coins for non-prestige recipes, and the result items are also account bound.The cost could be something like this:

  • A small stack of legendary essences of luck (Artificer would get a recipe to craft 2 would with 5 exotic ones)
  • A small stack of a material that requires karma like Obsidian Shards.
  • A small stack of a material that reqires spirit shards like Mystic Crystals.
  • A large stack of any fine material, medium stack of any masterwork material or a small stack of 15 of any rare material.= 50 "Mystic Doubloons".

This way:

  • Legendary and prestige crafting isn't affected.
  • The result isn't tradable, so the market won't be flooded with cheaper feast and armor bulk recipes. Anyone making these 'Mystic Doubloons' would make them to use them, not to sell them.
  • We would no longer need to pay 90s...1.5g per coin for recipes that were designed when they were expected to be around 30s.
  • We get a sink for essences of luck, even legendary ones. And less storage required for them since it'll be possible to to compress the ones we have by allowing artificer to make legendary ones out of exotic ones. It would be even better if we could salvage essences into lower tiers so they can be stored but used later.
  • We would get a much needed sink for all these fine materials that have become worthless like eyes of kormir and leaf fossils.
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Does every material need to be easily obtainable. Mystic coins arent that bad. Mystic coins are 1 in the few materials that are actually worth something. Most players seem to sell for the gold while the few actually buy them. There are 100s of thousands of people playing yet so few have gen2 legendaries. Which is a good thing otherwise the prices of other mats would be higher and so would the mystic coins.

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@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:Does every material need to be easily obtainable. Mystic coins arent that bad. Mystic coins are 1 in the few materials that are actually worth something. Most players seem to sell for the gold while the few actually buy them. There are 100s of thousands of people playing yet so few have gen2 legendaries. Which is a good thing otherwise the prices of other mats would be higher and so would the mystic coins.

I would be interested to see some numbers about how many players compared to the entire player base have got one or more legendaries on their account. Personally I haven't seen any legendary items I really like the design of, which is great for me, cause it saves me a lot of trouble. I'm fine with things like the collections for specializations and such.

For me the legendaries just aren't worth the trouble and if I ever did like one in the future, I probably would prefer to buy it with gold than to go through all that content I don't like to do like sPvP and WvW for some of these gifts that are always required. That's probably the mean reason for me not to want to do legendary stuff.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:

@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:Does every material need to be easily obtainable. Mystic coins arent that bad. Mystic coins are 1 in the few materials that are actually worth something. Most players seem to sell for the gold while the few actually buy them. There are 100s of thousands of people playing yet so few have gen2 legendaries. Which is a good thing otherwise the prices of other mats would be higher and so would the mystic coins.

I would be interested to see some numbers about how many players compared to the entire player base have got one or more legendaries on their account
. Personally I haven't seen any legendary items I really like the design of, which is great for me, cause it saves me a lot of trouble. I'm fine with things like the collections for specializations and such.

For me the legendaries just aren't worth the trouble and if I ever did like one in the future, I probably would prefer to buy it with gold than to go through all that content I don't like to do like sPvP and WvW for some of these gifts that are always required. That's probably the mean reason for me not to want to do legendary stuff.

The % of players that have a Legendary weapon is probably low. As a hint, gw2efficiency says that 26% of their accounts have a Legendary weapon. I suspect that the people who sign up for that app are more likely to be dedicated players and have a Legendary weapon than the general population, which would mean that the general population is even lower.

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I like the idea of earning them in other ways outside of the participation award for logging into the game. Either through reward tracks or even using the forge in some way to make them like you can with Gemstones or Mystic Clovers.

Maybe add them to the reward chests

  1. World Bosses
  2. Dungeon Frequenter chest
  3. Lower Fractal levels outside of just level 100
  4. PvP or WvW Mystic reward track for those players just sticking to those two areas
  5. Forge Recipe - Drop these items into the forge for a chance of getting the Mystic Chest

There is so much content and so much to do in the game it would get people to move around all the maps and work on those meta's or encourage players more to do events on the older maps to help all the new players that are leveling and still learning the game. World Boss trains are starting to get smaller because the rewards feel like they have been nerfed, but those trains got people into those maps. It would also show the new players just getting into the game how amazing those map events can be.

I love Guild Wars 2 and it is always the game I first start up when I get home. I just feel there is so much content now that is time-gated behind because of the Mystic Coins. Yes, you could farm for gold and you could buy additional copies of the game to get that participation reward, but that is not what the game is about. I feel it is about exploring the amazing world Arena net has made with all the map events and story. Finding that hidden cave that you have never seen before even after playing the game for 6 years to only have that reward of an amazing waterfall or sun rays coming through the canopy. Working that achievement track with the lore they have spent so much time working on and adding to all the maps for you explore or talk to new NPC's. It is about getting that epic drop in a fractal and linking that item into the guild chat to show it off. It is about playing these massive map events that encourage players to work together to finish the map meta or get that rare drop to finish off a collection. I just wish more of that content had a drop rate or even a reward that would include dropping Mystic Coins, outside of that .0001% chance you might see one drop.

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Theres nothing wrong with the current methodology for obtaining mystic coins.They are one of the few items on the TP that have a very stable price which doesnt vary over long time frames.Theres currently 40000 mystic coins for sale on the TP, so they arnt hard to get.The current model allows players who dont want to make legendary weapons to get ahead gold wise by selling the coins they get for logging on.Simply adding increased supply of the coins just devalues them.Getting gold in this game is extremely easy as just about everything you do gives you gives you gold as a reward in some form.Ive made over 4500 gold just by doing 1 event which is the AB Meta which gives you around 6 gold for 20 minutes game time.Legendary weapons are supposed to be hard to make, so its not unreasonable that the items needed to make them will also be hard to get.

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@Quirin.1076 said:I like the idea of earning them in other ways outside of the participation award for logging into the game. Either through reward tracks or even using the forge in some way to make them like you can with Gemstones or Mystic Clovers.

Maybe add them to the reward chests

  1. World Bosses
  2. Dungeon Frequenter chest
  3. Lower Fractal levels outside of just level 100
  4. PvP or WvW Mystic reward track for those players just sticking to those two areas
  5. Forge Recipe - Drop these items into the forge for a chance of getting the Mystic Chest

There is so much content and so much to do in the game it would get people to move around all the maps and work on those meta's or encourage players more to do events on the older maps to help all the new players that are leveling and still learning the game. World Boss trains are starting to get smaller because the rewards feel like they have been nerfed, but those trains got people into those maps. It would also show the new players just getting into the game how amazing those map events can be.

I love Guild Wars 2 and it is always the game I first start up when I get home. I just feel there is so much content now that is time-gated behind because of the Mystic Coins. Yes, you could farm for gold and you could buy additional copies of the game to get that participation reward, but that is not what the game is about. I feel it is about exploring the amazing world Arena net has made with all the map events and story. Finding that hidden cave that you have never seen before even after playing the game for 6 years to only have that reward of an amazing waterfall or sun rays coming through the canopy. Working that achievement track with the lore they have spent so much time working on and adding to all the maps for you explore or talk to new NPC's. It is about getting that epic drop in a fractal and linking that item into the guild chat to show it off. It is about playing these massive map events that encourage players to work together to finish the map meta or get that rare drop to finish off a collection. I just wish more of that content had a drop rate or even a reward that would include dropping Mystic Coins, outside of that .0001% chance you might see one drop.

  1. World bosses are so laughably easy, mystic coin would be an unfair reward. As for the longer world bosses, like Teq, it gives you 2g plus some more if you well the chest contents, enough to get 2 mystic coins.
  2. Dungeon frequenter gives 5g, combine that along with the loot you sell from all 8 dungeon paths and you should have enough to buy at least 5 coins.
  3. Apart from 99cm and 100cm, daily fractal adept, expert and Master chests (from doing T2, T3 and T4 fractals, respectively) all have a chance of giving mystic coins as rewards.
  4. Wvw has gold and Diamond chests, those give 2 and 4coins, respectively. Maybe they could add one coin in gift of battle track, like the amalgamated stone? Maybe.
  5. Dont have an opinion on this, but I dont see many people use that amalgamated stone gamble at the mystic forge, as it is usually better to just buy the stones straight away. Could be wrong on this, tho.
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I saw the cost for the mystic weapons which aren't even ascended and was like HAH no way ever. Way too many mystic coins for not even remotely close to decent result. At least with a legendary I get a very useful AND pretty piece of gear.

Incidently I have three(2 gen 1, 1 gen 2) almost done with Aurora and working on chuka. I don't mind the mystic coin cost for the gen2 legendaries. But the other things? Feasts are no way worth it and neither are the various exotics. Upgrade them to ascended and that's a different story.

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@"Voltekka.2375" said:

  1. Dont have an opinion on this, but I dont see many people use that amalgamated stone gamble at the mystic forge, as it is usually better to just buy the stones straight away. Could be wrong on this, tho.

The Amalgamated Gemstone recepie is not a gamble. It has a chance to give more than 1 (or 10 for the bigger recepie), but 3x3 orbs + 1 ecto will always give at least one AG. It's a saving if you can buy the orbs (and other stuff useable) cheap.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"Voltekka.2375" said:
  1. Dont have an opinion on this, but I dont see many people use that amalgamated stone gamble at the mystic forge, as it is usually better to just buy the stones straight away. Could be wrong on this, tho.

The Amalgamated Gemstone recepie is not a gamble. It
a chance to give more than 1 (or 10 for the bigger recepie), but 3x3 orbs + 1 ecto will
give at least one AG. It's a saving if you can buy the orbs (and other stuff useable) cheap.

Orb price always has been proportionate to amalgamated stone price, after the recipe came out. So, with most orbs being at 19s a piece, it is 57sX3 plus one crystalline dust (about 10s). That is a grand total of 1.81g, which is substantially higher than the stone price which is at 1.6g. Maybe the bulk recipe is better, but still, it is a gamble.

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