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Mystic Coins

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@"mauried.5608" said:Most players will respond to this idea as "I shoudnt have to make multiple accounts to play the game".The basis of threads like this is I need stuff to make the stuff that I need, but the stuff is too hard to get , so Anet should make the stuff easier to get.Lets apply that logic to everything, and that will make everyone happy.

I do not mind working to get Mystic Coins. I do mind the lack of places to get them nowadays.

Perspective -Level 100 Fractal - 150 AR recommended - Full Ascended recommended - Lots of gold needed to buy or forge high enough AR to get there, including level 500 crafting.Gold and Diamond WvW - Fully geared recommend for WvW at this level, not the same stats and Fractals - Yes they are different if you are serious about WvW

I would rather have more options to get Mystic Coins, the options right now are limited. They fixed Leather and Cloth when the price of those was skyrocketing.

Now it is time to fix Mystic Coins.

Also, the sign that people have multiple accounts to get Mystic Coins, is a sign that it is broken.

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@Quirin.1076 said:

@"mauried.5608" said:Most players will respond to this idea as "I shoudnt have to make multiple accounts to play the game".The basis of threads like this is I need stuff to make the stuff that I need, but the stuff is too hard to get , so Anet should make the stuff easier to get.Lets apply that logic to everything, and that will make everyone happy.

I do not mind working to get Mystic Coins. I do mind the lack of places to get them nowadays.

Perspective -Level 100 Fractal - 150 AR recommended - Full Ascended recommended - Lots of gold needed to buy or forge high enough AR to get there, including level 500 crafting.Gold and Diamond WvW - Fully geared recommend for WvW at this level, not the same stats and Fractals - Yes they are different if you are serious about WvW

I would rather have more options to get Mystic Coins, the options right now are limited. They fixed Leather and Cloth when the price of those was skyrocketing.

Now it is time to fix Mystic Coins.

Also, the sign that people have multiple accounts to get Mystic Coins, is a sign that it is broken.

No crafting is needed anymore you can just buy the + what evers from the bot merchant inside fractals if you have the materials to make them.

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@Linken.6345 said:No crafting is needed anymore you can just buy the + what evers from the bot merchant inside fractals if you have the materials to make them.

I know how the math works for fractals. I have 4 toons that have builds just for doing fractals. I have spent the time making all the gear and keeping them up-to-date. I also know to run 100 Level Fractals you use potions and food just as you would for WvW.

My concern is the lack of locations where you can get Mystic Coins. I don't want to just grind WvW and level 100 Fractals. I want to do events with my guild and people in the Tyria and get Mystic Coins as a reward for running those larger events.

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@Quirin.1076 said:

@Linken.6345 said:No crafting is needed anymore you can just buy the + what evers from the bot merchant inside fractals if you have the materials to make them.

I know how the math works for fractals. I have 4 toons that have builds just for doing fractals. I have spent the time making all the gear and keeping them up-to-date. I also know to run 100 Level Fractals you use potions and food just as you would for WvW.

My concern is the lack of locations where you can get Mystic Coins. I don't want to just grind WvW and level 100 Fractals. I want to do events with my guild and people in the Tyria and get Mystic Coins as a reward for running those larger events.

Then do daily anomaly. 30 coins/month. Tyria friends and all.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:Then do daily anomaly. 30 coins/month. Tyria friends and all.

Thanks for the tip, but knew this one. When the new mount came out these event maps were packed. Now with most people with the mount, those maps are starting to die down again.

7:30 pm est and 10:30 pm est are my best chances, but I miss the 7:30 pm est map because the map fills up around 7:10 pm est and the overflow map does not typically have enough people before it fails. The 10:30 pm est problem, are the trolls, joining on the people that are advertising to pull people into the map not helping with the event and causing it to fail. The Three-hour window also means 10:30 pm est spawn in Iron Marches is usually the only chance.

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@Quirin.1076 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:Then do daily anomaly. 30 coins/month. Tyria friends and all.

Thanks for the tip, but knew this one. When the new mount came out these event maps were packed. Now with most people with the mount, those maps are starting to die down again.

7:30 pm est and 10:30 pm est are my best chances, but I miss the 7:30 pm est map because the map fills up around 7:10 pm est and the overflow map does not typically have enough people before it fails. The 10:30 pm est problem, are the trolls, joining on the people that are advertising to pull people into the map not helping with the event and causing it to fail. The Three-hour window also means 10:30 pm est spawn in Iron Marches is usually the only chance.

A player named Eir still runs anomaly daily, with 100% success. The ways of obtaining Mystic coins are fine.

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@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:Players lacking patience and figuring out how to bypass the norm is never a sign that something is broken.

People play the markets and that is the "Norm" for them.

Mystic Coins should be something you earn in game and not something given to you for just logging in.

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@"Quirin.1076" said:Mystic Coins should be something you earn in game and not something given to you for just logging in.


ANet has got it setup so that new players can sell their "free" mystic coins to generate quick cash and so that players who want more than one legendary a year can pay for the privilege. It's an awesome transfer of wealth mechanic, from those who can afford luxuries to those who can't. What benefits to the entire community are provided by changing that to "Mystic Coins [are] something you earn in game" ?

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:ANet has got it setup so that new players can sell their "free" mystic coins to generate quick cash and so that players who want more than one legendary a year can pay for the privilege.

You are implying that people only use Mystic Coins for Legendary items.

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@Quirin.1076 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:ANet has got it setup so that new players can sell their "free" mystic coins to generate quick cash and so that players who want more than one legendary a year can pay for the privilege.

You are implying that people only use Mystic Coins for Legendary items.

I've covered that above. There are very limited uses for mystic coins outside of legendaries. They are either luxury items themselves or unnecessary for general use.

  • Mystic Weapons
  • Shared food recipes (not the foods themselves)
  • Armor bundles (which simply replicate recipes that can already be made without mystic coins)
  • A dozen or two non-legendary luxury skins
  • Guild Hall upgrades

So replace my use of the phrase "one legendary" with "one legendary or a handful of other high-end luxury items".(Arguably the shared food recipes are so pricey as to be useless outside of guilds that regularly use the same foods for large scale events. But that can be handled without increasing the faucets on mystic coins by adjusting the costs of the recipe.)

Besides which, the demand for mystic coins is primarily driven by the demand for legendaries. You can make all the mystic weapons using about the same number of m-coins as just one HoT legendary or two originals.

tl;dr I'll double down on the idea (and adjust the phrasing)ANet has got it setup so that new players can sell their "free" mystic coins to generate quick cash and so that players that want lots of high-end luxury items can pay for the privilege

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@Quirin.1076 said:So, new players, you get to choose. Sell your Mystic Coins and make 23 gold over a month Or you can save them make no gold and in a little, over a year you might have just enough to make a single legendary weapon.

Yes, the idea is to give players a choice.

You seem to forget that most players never make a legendary. Only 41.5% of the people registered at GW2 Efficiency have one L-weapon (and it's reasonable to suppose that number is over-represented). For players with under 1000 total hours, that drops to 12.5%. Only 11% of all players have four or more legendaries.

So new players (who are typically poor) can get extra coin quickly when they want. And when they become veterans (whenever that might happen), they will have all sorts of other mats and can afford a new choice: wait to accumulate more m-coins or spend to get them... or get 20 ascended weapons for the same cost as a single legendary.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Yes, the idea is to give players a choice.

I get your point. It is an "idea" of giving players a choice. The "idea" at the start of Guild Wars 2 was the unidentified dyes was away a new player make gold. Until GW2 changed that "idea" and made it account bound instead soul bound. There was also an "idea" about learning recipes per character if you wanted to craft.

I also like the "idea" of either changing the old recipes so they do not require Mystic Coins. I also like the "idea" of giving people a choice to be able to get Mystic Coins as a reward Daily chests again and not cap the Achievement points one can earn in a day.

There are good "ideas" and bad "ideas". I get there is an economy in the game and the devs see things that I do not. The only feedback I get is from guildies and friends in the game working on legendary weapons or armor. I also watch friends burn out running raids in order to get enough mattes to get the legendary armor. I also have friends that do not agree with me because they like making gold off the mystic coins. I see both sides. I just feel a lot of content and rewards that used to be obtainable to all players all levels shift to only the end game. My concern is for those new players and seeing the struggles that have that I did not at their level, because there were other things in the game that could be done to obtain those same rewards, Mystic Coins being one of those items. I am concerned that people are spending real money in order to get to endgame content because they don't want to grind the content, which is a pay to win perspective.

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@"crepuscular.9047" said:the supply of Mystic Coins had been an issue for yonks

even though Anet had added extra methods of obtaining Mystic Coins, but the additional items added for the past 2 years far outstripped the supplies and nullified the effects the additional methods obtaining the coins.

https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/19976Peak = September 2017 @ 1 Gold 40 Silver 97 CopperAugust 2015 = 13 Silver 10 CopperAugust 2016 = 72 Silver 47 CopperAugust 2017 = 1 Gold 29 Silver 36 CopperAugust 2018 = 1 Gold 16 Silver 43 Copper

So what you are saying here is that for the last 2 years, we have stable Mystic Coin prices ... so there isn't actually a problem.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"crepuscular.9047" said:
So what you are saying here is that for the last 2 years, we have stable Mystic Coin prices ... so there isn't actually a problem.

Click on the link they provided - this looks at the steady climb increase since the release of HoT and the change made to dailies.2012 = 9 Silver2013 = 9 silver2014 = 10 silver2015 = 13 Silver - Release of HoT2016 = 72 Silver2017 = 1 Gold 29 Silver - Release of Pof2018 = 1 Gold 26 Silver

I see it as stable Mystic Coin price from 2012 to 2015 - That is 4 years of a game that has been out for 6

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The price of Mystic Coins in those beginning years is pretty irrelevant to the game we play now. We didn't even have craft-able precursors or gen 2 Legendaries yet.

The fact is that MC value on the TP is properly reflected by the market ... and that price is reasonably following the increased demand for MC's since HOT release and craftable precurors/gen 2 Legendaries. That's not a problem.

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Solid input all around.

My one hang up is the older recipes not reflecting the new game mechanics. I would like to see those updated possibly, but if that is not in the deck that Guild Wars 2 has in store I can leave it at that.

I do like that if you craft one of the original Legendary Weapons from a precursor that was a drop and not crafted you get a bonus weapon or skin. I have seen people get Wings Of Dwayna crafting the Dreamer as well as seeing people get the Lyssa pistol skin for crafting Chaos pistol.

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@Quirin.1076 said:

@"crepuscular.9047" said:
So what you are saying here is that for the last 2 years, we have stable Mystic Coin prices ... so there isn't actually a problem.

Click on the link they provided - this looks at the steady climb increase since the release of HoT and the change made to dailies.2012 = 9 Silver2013 = 9 silver2014 = 10 silver2015 = 13 Silver - Release of HoT2016 = 72 Silver2017 = 1 Gold 29 Silver - Release of Pof2018 = 1 Gold 26 Silver

I see it as stable Mystic Coin price from 2012 to 2015 - That is 4 years of a game that has been out for 6

Stable from 2012 to 2015 and from 2017 to 2018. So it's been stable for 5 years out of the six.

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  • 9 months later...

Yeah but then it's not fair that they reduced the rate of mystic coins are which are now around 1g50s each and then you blow them away with RNG trying to get mystic clovers, as well as needing another 250 of them for the Mystic Tribute. They should at least compensate with the drop rate of mystic clovers.

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@"TechWiz.4573" said:Yeah but then it's not fair that they reduced the rate of mystic coins are which are now around 1g50s each and then you blow them away with RNG trying to get mystic clovers, as well as needing another 250 of them for the Mystic Tribute. They should at least compensate with the drop rate of mystic clovers.

What does this mean? No one "reduced the rate" of mystic coins.

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The only thing that should be changed are the legacy recipes that require MCs (like feasts, named weapons) as I highly doubt they intended for a feast to cost upwards of 60-70 gold just to create the recipe. Problem is, they won't change them, as it would be unfair for anyone who has crafted those items at the current market value.

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@"TechWiz.4573" said:Yeah but then it's not fair that they reduced the rate of mystic coins are which are now around 1g50s each and then you blow them away with RNG trying to get mystic clovers, as well as needing another 250 of them for the Mystic Tribute. They should at least compensate with the drop rate of mystic clovers.Check the wiki for additional ways to aquire mystic clover and mystic coins. You can get by considerably cheaper if you make use of all methods to aquire both of them (but especially the clover).

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