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Is PvP getting less fun?


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@JohnMPrenticeJr.7863 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:GW2 is the best pvp game out there for me.

GW2 spvp brings all the good elements of MMO style pvp to the table while leaving all the bad behind, specifically the xp and gear grind bs.

Give it time, you're too fresh and naive. Pretty soon you'll be smashing your keyboard and internally screaming.

Lol, yeah, well now that I'm older gaming isn't what it used to be for me. Back in the day, I'd invest the time into games like wow, asherons call etc where grinding gear and xp was a requirement (and fun) for pvp.

Nowadays, im not willing to invest the time into the grind but i still like MMO style pvp where you can pick n choose weapons, skillsets n traits and that's precisely what gw2 spvp is. The mechanics and variety of professions in gw2 are actually pretty damn good too.

I also have no desire to win ATs, be the best or anything like that, but i do enjoy casually competing in ranked modes. If your real serious about competing in pvp then yeh i can see how people could get burnt out n fustrated pretty quickly. The amount of player rage in spvp matches is very amusing too. I love when people get tilted n talk smack, its very fun to fuq with them.

The biggest issue for me with gw2 spvp is not being able to que up with a group of people, but its not that big of a deal for me, just more of an observation.

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PvP is all about oneshots. In higher ranks you will see less teamplay and more salt. PvP is all about oneshots! PvP in GW2 is silly and poorly designed, yet we play it for the easy dailies and the gold and the mats we get out of the boxes. We don't play PvP for the same of the PvP itself, it is all about oneshots and loot.

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Even if I lose matches in PVP and stay eternally in silver t2 , I love gw2.... Matches with totally new players and dragon ranked enemy players you filled up in ecstasy when you down 2 or more players on points even when you're on the verge of losing, it's pumping adrenaline Everytime.... Matchmaking needs to be improved though... if high population, it'll definitely become better(how to motivate more players into PVPing???) B)

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@Kraljevo.2801 said:I haven't played pvp since season 5 so I thought to myself let's give it a try again.

Oh boy what a mess. I don't see how people are enjoying this.

I also don't understand why there is still only one game mode. Conquest has become mind-numbingly boring for a lot of players. People need diversion.

I'm the same, I last played season 5 when I finished The Ascension, came back at the end of last season and have been playing this season and am now at the same point I was when I quit after season 5. Matchmaking is still just as bad even though they seem to have solved issues of wait times. I'm now slogging through trying to finish the season reward track even though I've completely lost motivation. More game modes would definitely help.

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@Etheri.5406 said:

@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:The sad part is, even if I contribute more to my team and we have a near victory(480, 490, 485 - 500) and I get 4 top stats in that match, upon losing, it reduces -15 points ... I still wonder why does PVP system try to glue me in silver???? :'(

You belong in silver until you can climb out.

:/ :s :'(

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@morrolan.9608 said:

@Kraljevo.2801 said:I haven't played pvp since season 5 so I thought to myself let's give it a try again.

Oh boy what a mess. I don't see how people are enjoying this.

I also don't understand why there is still only one game mode. Conquest has become mind-numbingly boring for a lot of players. People need diversion.

I'm the same, I last played season 5 when I finished The Ascension, came back at the end of last season and have been playing this season and am now at the same point I was when I quit after season 5. Matchmaking is still just as bad even though they seem to have solved issues of wait times. I'm now slogging through trying to finish the season reward track even though I've completely lost motivation. More game modes would definitely help.

When I feel down, I always do unranked, it helps to get my spirits up... Coz I die less, and win most of the time... Maybe it has something to do with mindset... I am usually patient and plan carefully before I engage in unranked than in ranked.... Coz, in ranked if we try to go round the terrain and flank enemy players, or try to find a LOS high spot vantage point, others would always Bing Bing Bing that warning symbol on points.... I tried to reason with them, by telling them I can't stand near the circle, that's a killzone. And necros vomit, engineers earthshake and guardians put traps and warriors swing their swords with closed eyes... But they Bing and make me lose my cool...

Ignore my rambling.... Ate lot of sugar.... Sugar rush ;)

Conclusion: if you feel u've lost motivation, do unranked

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This game is just frustrating and monotonous. The only redeeming quality that this game has is the exceptional PvE that it offers, which makes the combat much more sensible with the type of gameplay it feels like they were heading for. From what I read, Guild Wars 2's sPvP has never been fun for the majority of players. Nothing is going to change that, unless the game designers remake what their combat design is like.

sPvP just sucks

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sPvP hasn't been fun in a while, the fact that we're playing Conquest for more than six years doesn't help, and the horrendous power creep that the two expansions brought was the final nail in the coffin, there is a good reason why esport died in this game.

Let's be honest at this point it's a huge amount of rework that's necessary to rekindle sPvP, something ArenaNet has shown no interest whatsoever judging by how little ressources they've dedicated to sPvP throughout the years.

The game needs another competitive game mode, the obvious choice being GvG (either 8v8 or 10v10), Stronghold would have to be removed and reforged to a similar in spirit GvG than the one Guild Wars 1 had, with the flag stand, the defenders, and the tie-breaker (I still cannot believe that they haven't done that for Stronghold), and if you want to be fancy about it you could also include MOBAs mechanics, such as neutral mercenary camps and creep waves (that spawn automatically and not manually like in Stronghold). But of course this is never going to happen, and I think it was Ben that said they weren't working on a GvG, outside of giving ludicrously small maps for unofficial GvG in WvW, and that they were working on a rework for Stronghold, but I suspect it's a rework worked during their spare time, like the rework for old fractals, so it could easily take a year before it comes to fruition, and in any cases it's never coming in ranked.Moreover the last Conquest map added to the game was in the end of 2016, I don't take into account the small rework on Kylo, the wait for a new map is getting silly at that point, and playing on the same maps over and over again clearly doesn't contribute to the fun factor.

But I'd say all of those features are nothing compared to the massive rework that should be the balance philosophy of the game. Yes both expansions brought an insane amount of power creep, today you just have builds that are just horrendous to play against because they combine conditions spams with high survivability, through evasion, stealth, blinks (...), or they just have very high damage bursts with high active and passive defences, and where the balance becomes a true nightmare is that some of those passive defences come from core trait lines (such as Alchemy for HoloSmith), and of course boons spams is also a thing that needs to disappear, or made much harder. There are just some design decisions that are quite unforgivable in my opinion, for instance HoloSmith is supposed to be a high risk/high reward especs, right, so why does it have a shield that reduces incoming damage, a blocking wall, and easily four passive traits oriented towards sustain in the HoloSmith trait line, three of which being included in the meta build.

Moreover everything I just said pale in comparaison to what sPvP really needs to be somewhat enjoyable, which are better tools to have better team composition. By that I mean ways to see what builds our teammates are playing, and don't start by saying it's promoting toxicity, the game will be toxic no matter what, such is the nature of competitive gaming, but what really pushes the toxicity is the lack of cohesion in a team, and this lack of cohesion starts with team composition, I don't even count anymore the number of games I lost because we had a bad team composition, with zero synergy whatsoever. We need to see at the very least what especs our teammates are playing in order to adapt our builds, and to that extend we also need build template in the game, because changing builds manually before a match is a huge chore and waste of time. I understand that ArenaNet wants to implement build template for PvE/WvW/sPvP at the same time, but the truth is implementing build template in PvE/WvW is much harder than in sPvP because you have to move armour, runes, and trinkets (...) around in PvE/WvW which necessitate a complete rework of the inventory and the character customization, while in sPvP it's way easier, and it's a matter of fact build templates are kind of already there with the recommended builds. Don't make the same mistake you did with the split balance debate, punishing one game mode because of others.

All in all we're just left with the sweet dream that one day we'll get a proper team dedicated to sPvP, but now what's left is the sour taste that the successor of Guild Wars 1, which probably had the best PvP in the MMO genre, has a hollow PvP.

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Honestly, try make a build with weapons you like and at times it can be a pain but if u manage to keep fine tuning it that even a rune or sigil can mean winning or losing, that is the challenge i enjoy.

(even though more than 70% of my builds are in response to counter meta out there)

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@"Nilkemia.8507" said:Less fun? It stopped being "fun" long ago. It's only good for the reward tracks and the dailies now.

Jeeez, when was a competitive mode ever fun, in like any game, ummm ever?For those who are always arguing about the same things over and over again:

  1. There are always less skilled and veteran players, regardless of the population. Being new means you have to climb and learn which is painful and so should it be, and so was it for everyone. Don’t like it? Then this game mode is probably not made for you.
  2. Gw2 is and has been a very good game, if not why did you spend hundreds or thousands of hours here? Just be honest with yourself.
  3. Balancing is hard, especially when we have this much specializations. I just don’t understand why are you still crying about pre-hot, good old times and sh1t? Years have passed, so get used to it, nothing will ever be the same. Yeah back than probably you had a nice build, more time to play, it was a new game which was more attractive, you had your friends around, etc...you should realize that things have changed. Still people are clinging to the past and crying all day on forums which is boring.
  4. I agree, there are some builds which require nerf, for that raising your voice is fine but please don’t make this game even more toxic by whining here - instead have a constructive answer.
  5. Polls are the biggest joke here. Anet wouldn’t give a damn, too much options, answers from new players make them pointless and so on.
  6. Return of ‘old pro’ players. Nah for real? Why is this always a thing for someone? So you believe that the current top players are just shadows to them? Do you really think that those were like 3 times better? They were the best at some point, and they left the game for many reasons -so that’s it. Who cares? The majority of the current player base still wouldn’t be any better and wasn’t any better back than. We still have numerous pros to learn from and some of them made their ranks with !hard work! not and by wintrading.
  7. Team queue in spvp. Let’s see how salty salty saaaaaaalty is a 500-100 unranked match against a well organised, pre-made team, got it? So you want this experience all the time, I see. Although I believe something is wrong with you. Not all of us has unlimited time to play, nor have a pro pvp guild and friends with no life (no offense here). If you want this go for AT :) This would definitely beneficial for them but not for the majority of the players! And don’t think that team queue would bring back thousands of players, because it won’t! - or at least only this change by itself won’t make any significant difference (guess what, the game is more than 6 years old, it’s normal to have declining numbers) so Anet please don’t make this happen.
  8. Duo queue is a different topic in high divisions. Probably it would be healthy...Sorry for the long post, I made this in a good faith and happy to discuss further in a constructive manner :)
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