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Heart Of the Mists is like Heaven?


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Im just wondering, so from the lore, the mists is a place where there is no time and is no really known location. For me it seems like your hero died/ will die some day and is/will already be in the mists, maybe the same time he is roaming around tyria?Also when you recive a daily-chest its called "Fallen Hero Chest" and the maps base on events, that already happend and its never really day or night...

Just some thoughts while im waiting in the lobby... and trying to find lost lamas ^^

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It's never clear whether the Heart of the Mists map in GW2 is the same as The Rift, as the two look completely different.

That said, The Hall of Heroes appears to function more like Valhalla than Heaven, being a place where the greatest of heroes go upon dying. Tyria's equivalent of Heaven, I'd imagine, would be Eternal Paradise based on the name.

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@"Klipso.8653" said:SPvP is far from heaven, the place you're looking for is WvW

Thought about that too, but feels wrong that you can easily enter it over a portal, for me its more a conection between "parallel universe" (servers)

@derd.6413 said:there are plenty of after-lives in gw2 hotm doesn't look like one

Right, hot has also examples...

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@MasterChriss.8574 said:

@"Klipso.8653" said:SPvP is far from heaven, the place you're looking for is WvW

Thought about that too, but feels wrong that you can easily enter it over a portal, for me its more a conection between "parallel universe" (servers)

Technically speaking, portals are the only way to enter the Mists. Including the afterlives like the Mad Realm, Realm of Torment, and Underworld (in this game even).

Unless you mean entering them via asura gate; but we enter the Heart of the Mists and Fractals of the Mists through one too; the Afterlives are entered through different types of portals. Though I doubt there's all that much difference, especially between Lord Odran's portal in the Tomb of the Primeval King (which for us in GW2 led to the Realm of Torment; in GW1, it led directly to the Rift) and the asura gates.

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@"MasterChriss.8574" said:Thought about that too, but feels wrong that you can easily enter it over a portal, for me its more a conection between "parallel universe" (servers)

Technically it might be a "clear" fractal. As are the PvP maps. As in it's a fractal but there are no anomalies that need to be cleared.

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The Mists are weird.

It seems to be where people go when they die but we can also come and go as we please to do PvP and WvW

and Rhytlock got super powers in the Mists and made a new class so it seems going into them is a big deal yet we do it all the time.

Honestly, I don't know what the fuck the mists are supposed to be. But I would like a part of the story where we die for real and get to see all our friends who have died again

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@"Magek.4718" said:The Mists are weird.

It seems to be where people go when they die but we can also come and go as we please to do PvP and WvW

and Rhytlock got super powers in the Mists and made a new class so it seems going into them is a big deal yet we do it all the time.

Honestly, I don't know what the kitten the mists are supposed to be. But I would like a part of the story where we die for real and get to see all our friends who have died again

As per the GW1 wiki:

The Mists is the realm of the afterlife and the proto-reality that exists between the worlds which in turn are the building blocks of reality. They are the home to various gods and other powerful entities and the residences of various afterlives. The Mists resonate from the worlds around them, forming bits of their own reality — islands of existence that reflect the histories of their worlds.1 In the center of the Mists lies the Rift and, within that, the Hall of Heroes. The various Realms of the Gods are also located here.

So in short, it's what the Ether people believed permeated everything during the 18th century would be if it not only existed but was also magical. Demons and other creatures can also be created spontaneously from the Mists, and so are the Fractals naturally. We already died "for real" when we first went to the Domain of the Lost. That was that, it was one of the many "afterlife" worlds our souls wander to.

In reality it is much simple to think of souls in GW lore going to X or Y place during their afterlife. The Underworld was linked to the Realm of Torment during the first game (probably still is) and there are plenty of different accounts (as for "Heaven" as judeo-christian tradition describes it, that would probably be Dwayna's realm that, by the way, she must have abandoned by now lol!). If you want some actually tormenting thoughts (no pun intended), think of Titans that are composed of twisted souls amassed together (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Titan) or bloodstones that are actually able to entrap souls inside of them.

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