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So, next elite?

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Which of these fantasy themed elites you would like to see as next elite for necromancer? Also, if you want to, please elaborate how do you perceive these themes and how would you like them to be implemented.For example:Dark Martyr - anti-melee fighterWeapon: swordPlay-style: mobile duelistKey-mechanics: charge, jump, leap combo finisher, fear, bleed

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Demonbane (/Exorcists). Weapon : Rifle. DPS oriented power class.

Class fantasy : Demonbanes are devoted to fighting evil beings, using sacred weaponry and relics. The end justifies any means, they gained deep knowledge of their nemesis and are not afraid in embracing evil power to overpower them.

Class mechanic : Shape Reality. Demonbanes can shape their surrounding reality on their favor to better execute their duty. F1 creates a wide AoE in which they gain access to F2-F4 skills. They a special skill depending on their main-hand weapon (F2), get increased mobility (F3) and get access to a CC (F4). Duration limited by Life Force gauge. Can close the reality earlier with F1.

Utilities skills : Conjured Weapons. Similar to elementalists', summon ancient relics . Scythe (Power damage), Book (AOE damage), Chalice/Urn (Condi damage), Banner (support, heal), Shield (defense), Book (Elite, great damage and AoEs).

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Well, i voted for the theme of ghosts.

But i would call it "Caller"

  • Calls for the aid of ancient ghosts to do your bidding.
  • Weapon, of course it is hammer.
  • Skills: Phantasms, you summon ghosts which provide diferent effects
  • Specialization mechanic: Phantom shroud, this is a shroud that works similarly like death shroud, but lets you use your utility skills in them, also, your phantasm skills have increased effects and cost life force to use.
  • Role: DPS, just that, no support, no tanking, no boon sharing, just heavy dps.
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These roleplay names tho, lol.

Just give me fun mechanics that have some depth with an elite that's both fun to play and relatively fun to play against.

As long as these requirements are fullfilled, I'm fine with whatever. It can be called Lovemancer and wield a bouquet of flowers for all it's worth.

They should design around a cool mechanic they have, not around theme, that comes second. If that new good mechanic works for condition elite spec, I say go with it. If they have something for support, so be it. Just don't come up with some theme that works only in theory and then slap whatever for the gameplay of it, only to later add five damage modifiers and call it a fix.

As my personal request for Necromancer, I'd just ask for some added complexity and nuance with the new elite(s). We've had two easy specs in a row, with Scourge absolutely getting the crown among the worst designs and Reaper getting interesting only now, after 3 years.Believe it or not, there are some Necro players who would like to see some meat on the class design bones for once and can handle something more in-depth. That doesn't necessarily mean 20 new skills that aren't interesting, it can be 5 that truly are.

Oh and some Combo Finishers to play around with.

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Im for this

@Rym.1469 said:

They should design around a cool mechanic they have, not around theme, that comes second. If that new good mechanic works for condition elite spec, I say go with it. If they have something for support, so be it. Just don't come up with some theme that works only in theory and then slap whatever for the gameplay of it, only to later add five damage modifiers and call it a fix.

As my personal request for Necromancer, I'd just ask for some added complexity and nuance with the new elite(s). We've had two easy specs in a row, with Scourge absolutely getting the crown among the worst designs and Reaper getting interesting only now, after 3 years.Believe it or not, there are some Necro players who would like to see some meat on the class design bones for once and can handle something more in-depth. That doesn't necessarily mean 20 new skills that aren't interesting, it can be 5 that truly are.

Oh and some Combo Finishers to play around with.

Make fun class, with interesting mechanic that benefits you if you're a best. Core necro is ultra ez to play(especialy in pve). so E-specs will be pretty nice to be a little bit challanging. More options. Not braindead push forward and pres F1+F5

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Arenanet has a history of trying out new, difficult to balance mechanics on Necro so I admit to some uneasiness at the thought of the next expac.

EditWith that said, Necro is light on several types of skills that Arenanet may try to flesh out:

  • Boon-spam - boons rule end-game PvE due to Defiance's nerf to condi
  • Mobility
  • Stealth
  • Combo finishers
  • Reflect
  • An invulnerability/dodge spec for tank duty
  • Long-range, single-target dps for those rare pew-pew events
  • Melee bleed-burst (besides condi-Reaper) to swap with scepter
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