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The experiment has failed. Bring back DuoQ.

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Just imagine it split at all levels - solo only & duo allowed. While a duo can go both ways, it must strongly tend towards giving an advantage. Does MMR take that into account? Would it be likely for solo players to join the duo queue if they could avoid it?

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:Duo queue would only make the situation in ranked worse.

Nice reasoning man. Another living example of the general line a no-voter follows.

People who vote no should elaborate more on their choice. Why is it an unreasonable advantage to DuoQ? The matchmaking system is making average MMR per team near to equal right? So if 2 high rated players DuoQ, they generally get matched with 3 people in their team with lower MMR. Is the option to voice comm then that much of an advantage? I don't know man, most of you are just scared of nothing.

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@"Legatus.3608" said:

Might occur, rofl, it's not like wintrade weekend is a well known concept or anything

Duo queue leading to more competitive matches is a funny joke. Pick one:

  1. single player can control the game better than two players
  2. two players can control the game better than one player

So, if a duo can control a game better than one player, how the hell does having duo queue make matches MORE competitive? It's very clearly and obviously going to make them more lopsided, this isn't even a debate it's an obvious fact.

You probably forgot the part where I wrote that it needs to match DuoQ against Duoq. So, yes it DOES make for more competitive matches.DuoQ simply reduces the volatility of MMR, sooner or later the pool would sort itself out and begin to do (depending on division) Skilled Duo vs Skilled duo in each match where Duo is present, instead of "5 maybe good maybe bad vs. 5 Maybe good maybe bad".

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@"Legatus.3608" said:

occur, rofl, it's not like wintrade weekend is a well known concept or anything

Duo queue leading to more competitive matches is a funny joke. Pick one:
  1. single player can control the game better than two players
  2. two players can control the game better than one player

So, if a duo can control a game better than one player, how the hell does having duo queue make matches MORE competitive? It's very clearly and obviously going to make them more lopsided, this isn't even a debate it's an obvious fact.

You probably forgot the part where I wrote that it needs to match DuoQ against Duoq. So, yes it DOES make for more competitive matches.DuoQ simply reduces the volatility of MMR, sooner or later the pool would sort itself out and begin to do (depending on division) Skilled Duo vs Skilled duo in each match where Duo is present, instead of "5 maybe good maybe bad vs. 5 Maybe good maybe bad".

Look man I'm trying to find common ground with you but the stuff youre saying is factually untrue. Duo queue is NOT going to lead to more competitive matches, that's so blatantly wrong it's not even worth discussing.

You're trying to make an argument for duo queue and literally using the only incorrect argument to that end

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:You are missing the third option. The only option:

  • Remove duo altogether at all tiers, and adjust the pace of the game and balance to make it fun for more players, not only for the higher tiers used to fast paced combat.

That way all the people who enter PvP only to be killed so fast they can't even learn what went wrong will not leave so often anymore, there will be more people.

Returning duoQ would only exacerbate the problem. It would allow players of more skill to stay together, and with coordination kill other players even faster, and they get even more fed up, and leave even more often. Until PvP gets depopulated beyond salvation.

For as long as anyone can be killed in under 3 seconds, the problem will only get worse. Nothing will ever change that other than adjusting the pace of the game. Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation.

Without this third option this poll is completely flawed and pointless. Wider community has no reason to single out 1600 plus only. Sure that's unfair.

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@HeadCrowned.6834 said:

@Paarthurnax.8931 said:No evidence, it's the contrary for certain because most of the people who vote yes to duo queue don't are 1600+, a official pool with high rating players would probably be no for duo Q.

After a first glance I see more high rated players on the ''Yes-side'' than the ''No-side''. But if trash players like you wouldnt be able to vote in a matter that doesn't concern them, then we could have been certain that the ''Yes-side'' would get a majority of the votes.

People shouldn't perceive the proposition to bring back DuoQ as if we think its a golden solution to all problems PvP currently has. The proposition is mainly meant to give the higher rated players more fun in playing PvP and to attract some old players back. So in line with what other people said: low rating players have 0 reasons to vote in this matter. Low rating in this case starts at Gold2 I'd say.

@Phantaram.1265 I noticed your name among the no-voters too. You're one of the players I take a vote seriously from, so would you elaborate a bit on your choice of voting no?

You're clearly delusional. Anyways, won't waste my time arguing with you, duoQ will benefit only strong duos, so not your case.

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@HeadCrowned.6834 said:

@"Ithilwen.1529" said:Duo queue would only make the situation in ranked worse.

Nice reasoning man. Another living example of the general line a no-voter follows.

People who vote no should elaborate more on their choice. Why is it an unreasonable advantage to DuoQ? The matchmaking system is making average MMR per team near to equal right? So if 2 high rated players DuoQ, they generally get matched with 3 people in their team with lower MMR. Is the option to voice comm then that much of an advantage? I don't know man, most of you are just scared of nothing.

I agree with your general point of " bringing back duoQ won't do much except getting top players less frustrated " but that's not going to fix the true problem which is " why they get frustrated ".

To be honest, if everyone started from scratch ( i.e 1200 rating ) every season, allowing duoQ for everyone would be fair. If not, people are going to remain on top spots even more easily, and people in gold3/plat 1 will be the ones moaning about unplayable matchs

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@"Abazigal.3679" said:

I agree with your general point of " bringing back duoQ won't do much except getting top players less frustrated " but that's not going to fix the true problem which is " why they get frustrated ".

To be honest, if everyone started from scratch ( i.e 1200 rating ) every season, allowing duoQ for everyone would be fair. If not, people are going to remain on top spots even more easily, and people in gold3/plat 1 will be the ones moaning about unplayable matchs

Esentially what you are saying is, is that ppl below 1600 MMR should be able to DuoQ so that they have an advantage to at least have a chance versus higher rated players. That is just bad/flawed. And there is no reason to let everyone start from scratch every season. You'll get matched up versus bronze players while you are legendary then. That won't make anyone happy.

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@"Solaerin.8635" said:Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

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@Revilrad.1962 said:

@"Solaerin.8635" said:Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"Solaerin.8635" said:Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.

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@Revilrad.1962 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"Solaerin.8635" said:Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.

You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random shitters. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.

Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"Solaerin.8635" said:Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.

You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random kitten. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.

Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.

No I dont understand becasue you are contradicting yourself every second sentence. First of all the core of the complain is that if a platinum solo queues they end up with noobs and lose the game becasue the noobs are soo bad. And they wish to get into the game with a "friend" so they can win. That is, and will always be the core of the complain. It is not about "playing with friends"You say "I dont need friends to steamroll noobs" , then I say why do you complain then when you get paired up with noobs?Then again you say " I don't care about roflstomping noobs and my ratings" then I ask "why the #!+? are you complaining then?"Also you say you dont care about ratings or winning or losing but then you say "Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced". What do you mean with unlabanced if you dont talk about winning/losing?

Do not forget the core of this thread is not about "playing with friends" but not wanting to lose games becasue you get paired with "noobs".

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@"HeadCrowned.6834" said:The PvP playerbase keeps shrinking and shrinking. If you care about the leaderboard you shouldnt play ranked matches in any non-peak hour or during any AT. You'll get stuck with players who are far below your skill level, which makes a lot of matches impossible to win. Ranked Q's got more and more boring. People deliberately lose matches to stay under the 1600 MMR hurdle so that they can at least have fun with a friend in a DuoQ. I have to admit that I wasn't against the idea to remove DuoQ for ppl who are above 1600 rating, but it turns out that this plan didn't make the game or pvp experience better. This can be partially explained by the shrinking playerbase. Maybe if we remove this SoloQ-only limitation, we might get some players back. It might improve the fun for the last remaining PvP players as well. It should be worth the try, because doing nothing won't make things better for sure.

OP LITERALLY SAYS "You'll get stuck with players who are far below your skill level, which makes a lot of matches impossible to win"

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@Revilrad.1962 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"Solaerin.8635" said:Anet should just let people play with their friends in PvP imho

The previous poster brings up a very solid point that I hope doesn't get overlooked: really good players being forced into unranked when they want to play with their friends isn't good for anyone, least of all the new players that are just trying to get their bearings and end up getting steamrolled

Lol I love it how the yes sayers reduce it to "let me play with my friends". You do not want to play with your friends. That sounds waaay to harmless. What you want is to steamroll silver/gold soloqueuers with your platinum friend.

Only, most of us don't need a platinum friend to steamroll silvers and golds.

Then there is no problem? If you can steamroll "noobs" alone why are you complaining about the need of having a buddy with you? If you can steamroll noobs then it doesnt matter if your team has noobs too.

You can't possibly be this thick headed. I don't care about rofl-stomping some random kitten. I literally just want to be able to play with friends. Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced.

Do you understand? I don't care about my rating, I don't care about winning or losing. I care about playing with friends and enjoying myself in an online game.

No I dont understand becasue you are contradicting yourself every second sentence. First of all the core of the complain is that if a platinum solo queues they end up with noobs and lose the game becasue the noobs are soo bad. And they wish to get into the game with a "friend" so they can win. That is, and will always be the core of the complain. It is not about "playing with friends"You say "I dont need friends to steamroll noobs" , then I say why do you complain then when you get paired up with noobs?Then again you say " I don't care about roflstomping noobs and my ratings" then I ask "why the #!+? are you complaining then?"Also you say you dont care about ratings or winning or losing but then you say "Unranked is not enough, as the games are incredibly unbalanced". What do you mean with unlabanced if you dont talk about winning/losing?

Do not forget the core of this thread is not about "playing with friends" but not wanting to lose games becasue you get paired with "noobs".

I want to play balanced, engaging matches with friends. How is this concept so hard for you to grasp? I don't care if I lose an even game, I don't care if I win the even game.I care about the atrocious match quality and lop-sided scores. I do believe that more players will queue if duo returns.I hope you understand now.I don't contradict myself, you just have poor understanding of the English language by the looks of it. Or you're simply trolling.

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@"Revilrad.1962" said:No I dont understand becasue you are contradicting yourself every second sentence. First of all the core of the complain is that if a platinum solo queues they end up with noobs and lose the game becasue the noobs are soo bad. And they wish to get into the game with a "friend" so they can win. That is, and will always be the core of the complain. It is not about "playing with friends"I don't know how we can have a conversation about this when people are saying "I literally just want to play with my friends in ranked" and your response is "That's NOT what you want, you want this completely different thing!!"

The number of platinum players that want gold/silver players to appear in their games is exactly zero. On the other hand, there is a non-zero number of really good players that hardly ever queue ranked because they're forced to solo queue, and that just increases the chance that a gold/silver player will end up in a game with plats in the first place. Honestly, some of my most competitive and fun matches these days end up being in unranked, when I get games where platinum players queued with their friends!

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Every 4 week's someone pull's out the same poll about duo Q's.Last few times time it was Bring back Team Q's.Only difference is the question is ask differently. But the meaning stays the same.& every-time, the same old poll loses.Tired of this poll.It's like the Op's thinks that if he pull's out the poll every 4 weeks that eventually he would win it.Vote No if your tired as well.

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If you bring duo ques back, more platinum rated players (that no longer play) will return. This will significantly reduce the chances of a silver or gold player getting matched up against us.

Removing duos from 1600+ just made higher tier players quit while silver and gold players are still stuck in their divisions. These lower rated players voted to remove duos because they were under the impression that the rare cases where they'd be matched up against people 2 divisions higher than them, were somehow affecting their rankings. When in reality, this wasn't (and isn't) the case. Just as how bringing duos back will not affect them either.

Just let players have fun lol

People want to play with their friends, that's why we decided to play an MMO. All of these restrictions such as duo/solo que only are ridiculous. AFAIK GW2 is one of the ONLY games that do this and obviously it isn't working out judging by how less than a handful of pros still play and how toxic everything became after removing the social aspect in the first place.

Not to mention that the people who were actually affected by these changes gave overwhelmingly negative feedback to the point where they actually left the game.

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Also I would like to point out that I see a certain silver division mesmer voted no.

She's has been proven time and time again that she has a very poor understanding of the game. Furthermore, she is NOT affected by duo que above 1600 rating. But hey, she and others like her get to vote anyways because low skill players who don't know jack shit get to have an impact on high tier players' matches.

What a joke.

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No, the joke is bringing back any type of Duo or team Q's back in a broken game.Why Team Q's was removed in the first place.What? You think the main mmr & team Q abuse just magically disapeared?I'm telling you i would be first to welcom any team Q's as soon they fix it.& that's no joke!

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