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Festival of the Four Winds : Dead Quaggan Villager Puzzle

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Hello, this is the first time I'm posting here.

As I was exploring the shores of the Cliffs, I quickly noticed strange orbs forming what seemed to be a path leading from a Quaggan empty house to a sunken ship. At the back I found a biggest glowing orb next to the corpse of a dead Quaggan. The orb gave my character a buff allowing to "ignite" the other orbs until the house.Bit of a spoiler here, the last orb spawn a NPC simply named "Villager" who thanks me in a very Quaggan way but I didn't received any material reward. Did somebody know more about this ? I missed the first edition of the festival and I couldn't find anything about this on the web, I'm sorry if this thread already exist or if there was a piece of information I missed.

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I found the dead quaggan in the boat, but I didn't notice the buff and then I got distracted by the treasure hunt. But it wouldn't be the first time Anet put something in the game which appears to have a purpose but doesn't give any material reward. Probably the most extensive example is the extra dialogue Order of Whispers members get with some NPCs. Sometimes it's references to events, but a lot of the time it's just random trivia.

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