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Will Team Queue ever come back?


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I love your game, all the effort and work you have put into your game is above and beyond...Who ever was the guy who designed your combat system is strait up amazing, how everything from boons to conditions, traits and skills all interlock with each other, multiple combo fields and an arsenal of finishers that again interlock with the class abilities, boons and conditions... Even the simple things like Lightning Fields and Leaps bring an entirely new skill floor to the game or any game that I've played in the past...


I'm so salty now, I used to have heaps of friends to PvP with in this game... We didn't PvP for rank, we PvP for rewards just like most players did in PvE and also had fun doing it, most of the fun came from our competition too or just having weird builds to troll around on to see if it could work against other semi competitive teams...

All of that is gone now, you replaced my fun so other people could feel special with an arbitrary number on a board for all to see... It would of been cool if you did that anyway, but it didn't have to come at the expense of my fun. There could have been a way to please both crowds rather than just shutting one out.

I know this is just another rant to be swept under the rug because I'm constantly asking about it.... but

Will Team Queue ever come back?If not, can we please put some PIPS into unranked so it's actually worth peoples time to play that mode? It's really hard to attract players to this game mode since this game is extremely loot heavy.

I know you guys are busy, I honestly thought you had forgotten about WvW and PvP until arenas and other nice new things came out, I wasn't a fan of the new borderlands or EotM but it turned out to be popular to a different crowd of people which was cool, helped keep the game population healthy so I'm really hoping you can cater to the crowd like me in terms of PvP....

I know one thing I'll be doing if you did... I'll be posting constantly in my several guild chats "who wants to PvP", I'm sure it would be nice to have an area of the game where 1 player could bring together a bunch of players from multiple guilds, connecting people if you will on a personal level.

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It should come back. It should be a separated queue and team only leaderboard right beside solo queue.

Make the teamies happy and nothing really changes for the solo players.

My guess is that the team queue would be too popular, probably bring back some vets who play the game just not pvp anymore and revitalize pvp guilds.

I think we all know what would happen to solo queue.

Anet could look at Nintendo for some cues and give the fans what they want, they are blowing up right now.

Either way, no team queue.....then no more money from me either.

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Easy solution. Move rewards from Ranked to Unranked. Let's just see how many people really care about their rank.

Solo players love fair fights and climbing ranks so much that they complained enough to kill team-queuers fun... well, let them play for ranks and great competition like they CLAIM is what they want (and voted for).

Let Unranked team-queues farm pips and fun!

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Actually like the idea of 3 separate queues

  • Ranked solo queue
  • Unranked 1-5 queue
  • Party queue (on demand)

Then move the pips over to unranked.Reward ranked and party with potions + hard gold and certain items instead, as the competition here will become alot fiercer if they do. Reward placements and divisions differently so that those who still play ranked do it to get better, say a bronze player get 20% of a legend reward. Preferably this should yield less overall gold than playing unranked with tracks, maybe in gold you earn the same and in platinum you will see a significant boost (50%?).

This means you will play to get better or else you might as well play unranked for same rewards. Which also means you might start out for the rewards, but stay to keep playing (good) in the higher divisions. It will deter casuals and hopefully create alot of competition for that gold-plat barrier, all the while allowing people to enjoy unranked with loot. Also ofc leaderboards for each ranked division and team queues.

Would also be nice if there is a party in q waiting and 5 solo players already matched that they get a prompt asking if they want to go - although this need to adjust rank and reward down for the party if they win, and should the 5 solo players win they should get even better rewards and rank gain. This way there will always be chances for quick q pops seeing as you have a safer bet playing in a party than alone, and I'm pretty sure most players wouldn't mind - remember there will be fewer players in ranked and therefore the skillfloor will be raised, so as long as the average solo q rating is above the party the matchup shouldn't be too uneven.

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@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

which is a great thing as AT don't run during my hours... Only issue is that I don't want to team up against the pro teams until I have an established team myself... And that won't happen until I can figure out a way for us to have a competitive team queue to practice in.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

which is a great thing as AT don't run during my hours... Only issue is that I don't want to team up against the pro teams until I have an established team myself... And that won't happen until I can figure out a way for us to have a competitive team queue to practice in.

Im having such high hopes for swiss-style ATs because of this.What is kinda hindering my enthusiasm about forming/joining a deciated AT team atm, is precisely that.Right now you get to play a like 3-5 games every 6 hours in a competitive setting as a team...provided your team is good even.If you are a random team of new-ish players you will have a much harder time.I really get it, why there are no new teams forming with the current format.

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:My guess is that the team queue would be too popular, probably bring back some vets who play the game just not pvp anymore and revitalize pvp guilds.If it were popular, it would never have been merged with solo queue and then later removed to begin with.

then no worries to bring it back then, wont change anything, but will make us teamies happy

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@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

you should try reading previous posts.

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

Yes, do ATs. Play as a team for 1 hour a day in unbalanced 500-0 stomps until the finals which end up at 500-100. Fun!

Want to practice as a team for competitive matches? Go to unranked! Here you can 500-0 steamroll new players to get ready to fight against pros in the monthly tournament.

Go to custom arena! Gather a bunch of players that have uninstalled the game to play a few matches. Cause that's easy AND convenient!

Wow, why haven't we thought of these things before? You're a genius!

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

Yes, do ATs. Play as a team for 1 hour a day in unbalanced 500-0 stomps until the finals which end up at 500-100.

Want to practice as a team for competitive matches? Go to unranked! Here you can 500-0 steamroll new players to get ready to fight against pros in the monthly tournament.

Go to custom arena! Gather a bunch of players that have uninstalled the game to play a few matches. Cause that's easy AND convenient!

Wow, why haven't we thought of these things before? You're a genius!

not only that but lets say I lose the first game, do I have an option to go again or do I have to wait till the next day?assuming I can leave work on time and the traffic home is good, not that I would want to play the moment I got home either because Id rather unwind from work and spend time with my little one for a bit first

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

Yes, do ATs. Play as a team for 1 hour a day in unbalanced 500-0 stomps until the finals which end up at 500-100.

I thought you could manage better than that.

Want to practice as a team for competitive matches? Go to unranked! Here you can 500-0 steamroll new players to get ready to fight against pros in the monthly tournament.

Ranked in not your training ground. It's a different game mode. People like you just don't get it. Or rather refuse to accept the reality.

Go to custom arena! Gather a bunch of players that have uninstalled the game to play a few matches. Cause that's easy AND convenient!

Your friends uninstalled? Then why do you even need duo. I play Solo so I'm fine here. Shouldn't you be with your friends?

Wow, why haven't we thought of these things before? You're a genius!

You think I'm here to solve your problems? I was reminding you what the game modes are for. Understand that first.

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

Yes, do ATs. Play as a team for 1 hour a day in unbalanced 500-0 stomps until the finals which end up at 500-100.

I thought you could manage better than that.

Want to practice as a team for competitive matches? Go to unranked! Here you can 500-0 steamroll new players to get ready to fight against pros in the monthly tournament.

Ranked in not your training ground. It's a different game mode. People like you just don't get it. Or rather refuse to accept the reality.

Go to custom arena! Gather a bunch of players that have uninstalled the game to play a few matches. Cause that's easy AND convenient!

Your friends uninstalled? Then why do you even need duo. I play Solo so I'm fine here. Shouldn't you be with your friends?

Wow, why haven't we thought of these things before? You're a genius!

You think I'm here to solve your problems? I was reminding you what the game modes are for. Understand that first.

keep in mind that we had team queue for years before it was changed, not sure if you knew that but it sounded like you didnt.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

Yes, do ATs. Play as a team for 1 hour a day in unbalanced 500-0 stomps until the finals which end up at 500-100.

I thought you could manage better than that.

Want to practice as a team for competitive matches? Go to unranked! Here you can 500-0 steamroll new players to get ready to fight against pros in the monthly tournament.

Ranked in not your training ground. It's a different game mode. People like you just don't get it. Or rather refuse to accept the reality.

Go to custom arena! Gather a bunch of players that have uninstalled the game to play a few matches. Cause that's easy AND convenient!

Your friends uninstalled? Then why do you even need duo. I play Solo so I'm fine here. Shouldn't you be with your friends?

Wow, why haven't we thought of these things before? You're a genius!

You think I'm here to solve your problems? I was reminding you what the game modes are for. Understand that first.

keep in mind that we had team queue for years before it was changed, not sure if you knew that but it sounded like you didnt.

I know that very well.im not opposed to team queue or duo queue altogether. I'm just saying that it doesn't fit the current ranked format. The whole thing will need to change. I'm opposed to the idea of a single player making to the top of the leaderboard by playing duo or team queue through most of the season. Simple as that.Remove duo queue and make a new game mode for that. Fix ranked mode and remove duo queue altogether!

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

Yes, do ATs. Play as a team for 1 hour a day in unbalanced 500-0 stomps until the finals which end up at 500-100.

I thought you could manage better than that.

Want to practice as a team for competitive matches? Go to unranked! Here you can 500-0 steamroll new players to get ready to fight against pros in the monthly tournament.

Ranked in not your training ground. It's a different game mode. People like you just don't get it. Or rather refuse to accept the reality.

Go to custom arena! Gather a bunch of players that have uninstalled the game to play a few matches. Cause that's easy AND convenient!

Your friends uninstalled? Then why do you even need duo. I play Solo so I'm fine here. Shouldn't you be with your friends?

Wow, why haven't we thought of these things before? You're a genius!

You think I'm here to solve your problems? I was reminding you what the game modes are for. Understand that first.

keep in mind that we had team queue for years before it was changed, not sure if you knew that but it sounded like you didnt.

I know that very well.im not opposed to team queue or duo queue altogether. I'm just saying that it doesn't fit the current ranked format. The whole thing will need to change. I'm opposed to the idea of a single player making to the top of the leaderboard by playing duo or team queue through most of the season. Simple as that.Remove duo queue and make a new game mode for that. Fix ranked mode and remove duo queue altogether!

so in short, single solo queue mode and a 2-5 ranked mode...?

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:My guess is that the team queue would be too popular, probably bring back some vets who play the game just not pvp anymore and revitalize pvp guilds.If it were popular, it would never have been merged with solo queue and then later removed to begin with.

Team Queue in ranked was killed only when ANet posted a vote prior to the start of season5 asking if players wanted to try solo/duo for a season as an experiment. After which, ANet would hold a second vote of whether to keep it. That second vote has yet to happen.

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:It is already back, in the form of ats and it will come back a little more when they make at's start times flexible

This ^^^. This is not that hard to understand. This is all you need. You play as a team? then go do ATs. Want to practice? Go unranked. Don't like unranked matchmaking? Go custom arena. Surely, if you can gather 5 to form a team you could stretch to 10 to practice.

Yes, do ATs. Play as a team for 1 hour a day in unbalanced 500-0 stomps until the finals which end up at 500-100.

I thought you could manage better than that.

Want to practice as a team for competitive matches? Go to unranked! Here you can 500-0 steamroll new players to get ready to fight against pros in the monthly tournament.

Ranked in not your training ground. It's a different game mode. People like you just don't get it. Or rather refuse to accept the reality.

Go to custom arena! Gather a bunch of players that have uninstalled the game to play a few matches. Cause that's easy AND convenient!

Your friends uninstalled? Then why do you even need duo. I play Solo so I'm fine here. Shouldn't you be with your friends?

Wow, why haven't we thought of these things before? You're a genius!

You think I'm here to solve your problems? I was reminding you what the game modes are for. Understand that first.

Manage better than what? Finals are usually 500-0s as well.

So unranked is better training that ranked? That's what you suggested and its a terrible suggestion.

A lot of them uninstalled/quit the game. You said gather 10 for scrims, I don't realize that's a lot harder than you're making it out to seem. Not only do people have different schedules, but gathering 10 players ALL at a pro level of skill to have meaningful scrims with is difficult when there is only a solid 4-7 left that actively still play. Some of those only log in once a month to do the monthlies.

You're wrong again lol. ATs nor Unranked are training grounds for pros. Custom Arenas are extremely difficult to organize scrims in because most of the pros no longer play.

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