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Need help figuring out how to kill the King and Liadri

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By “the guide”, do you mean a build guide (which?) or a walkthrough of the bosses?

If you know how the mechanics play out, and you’re using a rated build, you just need to practice.

I main my Power Reaper for most things, and all of the Gauntlet (and all associated achievements), Turai Ossa the king included, is doable on it.

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I wouldn't copy a build for the gauntlet. I mean if you copied and it worked, that's fine. but if it's not working then you need to change things up. Look at what the issue is, and then change your traits and set up that will compensate. My homegirl was having trouble as a necro so I suggested you try for some sort of drain life build since the damage was too much for her. I don't play necro so idk if that was the right suggestion, but for myself, as a mesmer, I went for a build with a lot of regeneration so i can get constant heals in the encounter. Necros has a big toolkit. I thought of the gauntlet in terms of pvp, cause I know i would need CC, damage, and resilience to win.

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For Liadri, you simply need to avoid being touched by the Visions of Mortality and the massive area effect, either of which will result in instant death. The visions are easy to spot as they will walk toward you constantly. The area effect is predictable. Just remember that it rotates, so the area that is currently covered by it will be a safe zone on the next cast. Take your time. Don't lose sight of what's really killing you in this fight.

For Turai Ossa, you need to survive him for 30 seconds. During this phase he has buffs which make him hit harder and take very little damage. So focus on survival here. Add mobility and damage reduction options as needed. After 30 seconds he will leap to the center of the arena and aim a sword throw at you. Dodge it, break the defiance bar that appears, and then you can damage him.

So, think about how you can survive that first 30 seconds. I don't know necro very well, but just looking at the available utilities I'd say spectral walk and flesh wurm might be good skills to have on your bar as they allow you to teleport. This should buy you several seconds away from the boss.

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I don't think your profession or build makes that much difference for Liadri. In a straight forward fight she wouldn't be that difficult to kill because she doesn't have a lot of health or armour. What makes it difficult is the Visions - which will kill you instantly if they hit you, and the huge AoE attack which will at least down you, her whip attack can do a lot of damage and cripples you, so you need to watch out for that too. So it mainly comes down to learning the fight, getting the timing right and if you're anything like me stopping yourself from panicking and making mistakes or trying to rush it. Oh and turn Post Processing off in your graphics settings - that stops the blinding light effect.

The only build-related things I'd say would help are possibly skills/traits which give you extra endurance regeneration so you can dodge more often and/or a passive speed boost, using a ranged weapon because you need to keep moving so you'll get more attacks in if you can hit her from further away and possibly damaging conditions so she'll keep taking damage even when you have to stop attacking to avoid the Visions and AoE. But I've seen people beat her with none of those so it's not necessary, I just think it makes it easier.

What definitely helps is learning the routine of the fight - all the AoEs, the Visions, the light whirlpools and the Cosmic Rifts always appear in the same order. The tricky part of this, at least for me, is you're in a round featureless arena and need to keep moving so keeping track of what appears where isn't easy. It takes practice to learn the pattern but once you know it that helps a lot because you can get into position quicker - for example there's one point where I always find myself with a Vision on my left side and a whirlpool on my right, so the obvious thing to do is stand on the right side of the whirlpool, but I know when that happens an AoE is about to land there, so I need to stand on the left of the whirlpool and step over it just as the AoE ends...and then I need to move quickly because there's another Vision not far behind the first one.

Also once you get into the second phase, where Liadri is vulnerable, don't panic. Unless you really messed up the first half you'll have plenty of time left and you still need to avoid the Visions and the AoE. Like I said Liadri doesn't have that much health so it's not worth spending an extra few seconds attacking her when you're about to be caught - it's better to focus on keeping yourself safe and just hit her when you can.

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