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How Roller Beetle's Functionality Interacts with Maps

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@OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

I honestly.... don't really see the point of this post. I mean, I guess "Don't forget the rollerbeetle mechanics when desinging future maps"? That's valid I suppose, but it's also pretty pessimistic to assume since... we haven't actually GOTTEN any new maps yet, and though we got a slight re-design on an old one it was NEVER a map that would have lent itself well to Rollerbeetle in any way, simply for the sheer verticality and lack of wide open spaces to run it on. Hard to accuse them of forgetting the mechanic when we haven't yet moved on from the map it was introduced.

The problem is that masteries from living season maps have never been used outside their respective maps. So Kourna will remain the only map with smashable walls.

Still, imo the beetle is a very useful mount for its speed alone.

That's technically not true since the counter-magic mastery was used on every map of season 3 and was the mastery for Bloodstone Fen (The gliding skills were actually purchased from the vendor, not masteries).

Edit: Also the Thermal Tubes were on the two maps that had volcanoes. The down signet is useful in every part of pve and has saved my life any number of times. The heal on mounts, while situational, has been useful in more places than just the map it was introduced as well and has kept me from being dismounted a few times where it would have likely been fatal. It is unfortunate that the only other place the Druid mastery applies is guild halls, but it also at the same time wouldn't really make any sense anywhere else that has been introduced... same with the Siren's mastery. The only places it would make any sense are core Orr maps, and the druid one doesn't even have a core map it would make sense in. Koda's flame, lorewise, is just as situational. There is zero reason lorewise, however, that the beetle mastery would have to be, and they've shown that in cases where it makes sense to transfer them from a lore standpoint they will.

There are core and HoT maps that have heavy druid influence... dont know how you can say that one map is the only place it makes sense. Also, orr was not the only place that worshipped the gods, surely Kryta and Elona would have minstals that passed on the ancient music. More to the point, why would you only be able to sing a song you know in one place? If you know it you know it. If it requires the influence of the gods to give the song power, there are pleanty of places all over the world. Such an excuse is just the developers being lazy.

A ) We already know they aren't going to update core maps with mechanics from the LS maps. They also aren't going to go BACK to old HoT maps. That's all maps are timelocked. The druid map was introduced AFTER HoT... and no FUTURE maps released made any sense.

B ) That's not what the songs were. You were keying in to a frequency being sung by the SIRENS OF ORR at those temples in that map, not singing the song yourself. It absolutely DOESN'T make sense that you'd be able to tap in to the magic of the sirens in places they don't exist.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:

I honestly.... don't really see the point of this post. I mean, I guess "Don't forget the rollerbeetle mechanics when desinging future maps"? That's valid I suppose, but it's also pretty pessimistic to assume since... we haven't actually GOTTEN any new maps yet, and though we got a slight re-design on an old one it was NEVER a map that would have lent itself well to Rollerbeetle in any way, simply for the sheer verticality and lack of wide open spaces to run it on. Hard to accuse them of forgetting the mechanic when we haven't yet moved on from the map it was introduced.

The problem is that masteries from living season maps have never been used outside their respective maps. So Kourna will remain the only map with smashable walls.

Still, imo the beetle is a very useful mount for its speed alone.

That's technically not true since the counter-magic mastery was used on every map of season 3 and was the mastery for Bloodstone Fen (The gliding skills were actually purchased from the vendor, not masteries).

Edit: Also the Thermal Tubes were on the two maps that had volcanoes. The down signet is useful in every part of pve and has saved my life any number of times. The heal on mounts, while situational, has been useful in more places than just the map it was introduced as well and has kept me from being dismounted a few times where it would have likely been fatal. It is unfortunate that the only other place the Druid mastery applies is guild halls, but it also at the same time wouldn't really make any sense anywhere else that has been introduced... same with the Siren's mastery. The only places it would make any sense are core Orr maps, and the druid one doesn't even have a core map it would make sense in. Koda's flame, lorewise, is just as situational. There is zero reason lorewise, however, that the beetle mastery would have to be, and they've shown that in cases where it makes sense to transfer them from a lore standpoint they will.

There are core and HoT maps that have heavy druid influence... dont know how you can say that one map is the only place it makes sense. Also, orr was not the only place that worshipped the gods, surely Kryta and Elona would have minstals that passed on the ancient music. More to the point, why would you only be able to sing a song you know in one place? If you know it you know it. If it requires the influence of the gods to give the song power, there are pleanty of places all over the world. Such an excuse is just the developers being lazy.

A ) We already know they aren't going to update core maps with mechanics from the LS maps. They also aren't going to go BACK to old HoT maps. That's all maps are timelocked. The druid map was introduced AFTER HoT... and no FUTURE maps released made any sense.

B ) That's not what the songs were. You were keying in to a frequency being sung by the SIRENS OF ORR at those temples in that map, not singing the song yourself. It absolutely DOESN'T make sense that you'd be able to tap in to the magic of the sirens in places they don't exist.

A. They updated core and HoT maps for gliding and mounts, don't know why they wouldn't be able to add Vines to just the half a dozen maps with druid influences.

B. Again, whats to suggest there are no Sirens of Kryta or Sirens of Elonia... there was an opportunity they just didn't take it.

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@OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

I honestly.... don't really see the point of this post. I mean, I guess "Don't forget the rollerbeetle mechanics when desinging future maps"? That's valid I suppose, but it's also pretty pessimistic to assume since... we haven't actually GOTTEN any new maps yet, and though we got a slight re-design on an old one it was NEVER a map that would have lent itself well to Rollerbeetle in any way, simply for the sheer verticality and lack of wide open spaces to run it on. Hard to accuse them of forgetting the mechanic when we haven't yet moved on from the map it was introduced.

The problem is that masteries from living season maps have never been used outside their respective maps. So Kourna will remain the only map with smashable walls.

Still, imo the beetle is a very useful mount for its speed alone.

That's technically not true since the counter-magic mastery was used on every map of season 3 and was the mastery for Bloodstone Fen (The gliding skills were actually purchased from the vendor, not masteries).

Edit: Also the Thermal Tubes were on the two maps that had volcanoes. The down signet is useful in every part of pve and has saved my life any number of times. The heal on mounts, while situational, has been useful in more places than just the map it was introduced as well and has kept me from being dismounted a few times where it would have likely been fatal. It is unfortunate that the only other place the Druid mastery applies is guild halls, but it also at the same time wouldn't really make any sense anywhere else that has been introduced... same with the Siren's mastery. The only places it would make any sense are core Orr maps, and the druid one doesn't even have a core map it would make sense in. Koda's flame, lorewise, is just as situational. There is zero reason lorewise, however, that the beetle mastery would have to be, and they've shown that in cases where it makes sense to transfer them from a lore standpoint they will.

There are core and HoT maps that have heavy druid influence... dont know how you can say that one map is the only place it makes sense. Also, orr was not the only place that worshipped the gods, surely Kryta and Elona would have minstals that passed on the ancient music. More to the point, why would you only be able to sing a song you know in one place? If you know it you know it. If it requires the influence of the gods to give the song power, there are pleanty of places all over the world. Such an excuse is just the developers being lazy.

A ) We already know they aren't going to update core maps with mechanics from the LS maps. They also aren't going to go BACK to old HoT maps. That's all maps are timelocked. The druid map was introduced AFTER HoT... and no FUTURE maps released made any sense.

B ) That's not what the songs were. You were keying in to a frequency being sung by the SIRENS OF ORR at those temples in that map, not singing the song yourself. It absolutely DOESN'T make sense that you'd be able to tap in to the magic of the sirens in places they don't exist.

A. They updated core and HoT maps for gliding and mounts, don't know why they wouldn't be able to add Vines to just the half a dozen maps with druid influences.

B. Again, whats to suggest there are no Sirens of Kryta or Sirens of Elonia... there was an opportunity they just didn't take it.

They allowed them to be used, but didn't actually alter the map functionality for them. How many updrafts and sand jackal portals are in core Tyria? Also if you actually pay attention to the lore in, say, Brisban Wildlands and a particular event there, it is WELL established that the Druids have been missing for hundreds of years. The lore established by Draconis Mons itself tells you it's because they moved on, first to the deep jungle, which they disappeared from as well (the tower event in AB tells you this, only a single druid spirit remains in all of the HoT regions) and then to Draconis where they were imprisoned by Inquest.

And the lore that the Sirens TELL you suggests that there are no other sirens. The entire lore of Orr in the first place, the first human city and the prior HOME of the human gods suggests that.

The actual truth is that only TWO out of the SIX maps had mechanics that were never used again outside that map, and that's not even technically true because I make gratuitous use of one of those mechanics all over my guild hall. Ignoring Guild Halls, though, that's 1/3rd of the mechanics total that had zero use outside the zone... so your narrative is actually... entirely wrong.

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The only reason I'm using the beetle is "Speed". After the recent "upgrade" patch for beetle, I find myself using it more than raptor nowadays. It's tricky to use(a learning curve) and if the beetle's speed is not your thing or finding it hard to be controlled, there's are other friendly alternatives.And finally, each mount have it's own distinctive feature. The beetle mount is not to make any mount(s) obsolete. Just like how some players are hoping griffin can fly freely, which will render other mounts (skimmers etc) useless.

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