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Solo content has become too hard for me.

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Title says it. I am not saying the game is too hard for everyone, just that most solo encounters are really hard and I usually fail, (the later queen pavilion solo fights being completely impossible). The constant knock downs and knock backs are very aggravating, making it hard to even play my character. I am more casual and struggle with action combat, coming from more old school type MMOs. So the game has become less fun for me, and I feel the game is moving away from what it once was, and targeted more for the younger audience.

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This is not the first time that Anet do this, for example the fact that sometimes PvE for them just means "PlayerS Vs Environment", and this is a nonsense, btw seems that some "genius" designer decided this is funny and well we have to take this and go on, there is no way to let them understand that You have to enjoy this game to buy it and maybe you want to do it in different ways, they constantly force You to circumvent the system with tricks or with the help of other players for a content supposed to be for example "YOUR STORY", You don't need to be a genius to see what the problem is here: Bad Design.

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@"Diva.4706" said:Title says it. I am not saying the game is too hard for everyone, just that most solo encounters are really hard and I usually fail, (the later queen pavilion solo fights being completely impossible). The constant knock downs and knock backs are very aggravating, making it hard to even play my character. I am more casual and struggle with action combat, coming from more old school type MMOs. So the game has become less fun for me, and I feel the game is moving away from what it once was, and targeted more for the younger audience.

Younger ? nahh.. I'm 61 and kicking butt in the pavilion. It's possible that you need to make some adjustments on whatever build you're running on whatever class you have? I'm not kidding or trying to be a smart"butt".... metabattle . com has good builds for all areas of the game. At the very least they're real good to get started with something decent that you can then alter to suit your play style or game area.

Just my thoughts ;)

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@Cynn.1659 said:Those fights are a joke, thanks to the power creep. Anything that doesn't have invuln phases like liadri or turai. Just dies in 2 sec, you literally just faceroll the fights.

Honestly not true. Most fights have some mechanic you should at least pay attention to. Be it the one shot of the Deadeye dude or that you might have trouble damaging through the heal of the ooze if you miss the DPS check. The fact the enemies can be easily stunlocked makes them easy though.

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I think Queen's Gauntlet is mostly a build challenge. If built correctly to match your opponent, your chances of winning improve dramatically.In general, you want some more stability and stun breaks in your build to deal with knockbacks.On the other hand, all bosses up to Liadri are easily defeated in full berserker gear just because you can do huge amounts of damage, win quickly and thus ignore the mechanics.

(edited for Liadri)

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Cynn.1659 said:Those fights are a joke, thanks to the power creep. Anything that doesn't have invuln phases like liadri or turai. Just dies in 2 sec, you literally just faceroll the fights.

Honestly not true. Most fights have some mechanic you should at least pay attention to. Be it the one shot of the Deadeye dude or that you might have trouble damaging through the heal of the ooze if you miss the DPS check. The fact the enemies can be easily stunlocked makes them easy though.

Subject 7 dies so fast he doesn't even have the chance to heal at all. He litereally dies in 2 sec if you use power dps, just walk up to the boss and he just dies. Same for all the other bosses, just walk up to the boss, unload your dps and it's dead in 2 sec. Poor dog and the meat achiev, they both die so fast, meat doesn't even get the chance to spawn.

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@Cynn.1659 said:

@Cynn.1659 said:Those fights are a joke, thanks to the power creep. Anything that doesn't have invuln phases like liadri or turai. Just dies in 2 sec, you literally just faceroll the fights.

Honestly not true. Most fights have some mechanic you should at least pay attention to. Be it the one shot of the Deadeye dude or that you might have trouble damaging through the heal of the ooze if you miss the DPS check. The fact the enemies can be easily stunlocked makes them easy though.

Subject 7 dies so fast he doesn't even have the chance to heal at all. He litereally dies in 2 sec if you use power dps, just walk up to the boss and he just dies. Same for all the other bosses, just walk up to the boss, unload your dps and it's dead in 2 sec.

This matches my experience (Sic Em + Whirling Defense) as well, but not all builds do as much burst as you describe.

Perhaps the op can post their profession so that some advice can be provided. A lot of people seem to lose track of the fact that changing builds to meet the needs of a given encounter is a core mechanic here.

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so I fail at the higher multigambit challenges, which is a benchmark as arbitrary as yours and as much part of the festival. So the game is also no longer aimed at me? Should I quit?

And stop it with the "younger people" stuff already. I am old, a lot of other players are old and manage fine in most areas of the game.

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@Diva.4706 said:Title says it. I am not saying the game is too hard for everyone, just that most solo encounters are really hard and I usually fail, (the later queen pavilion solo fights being completely impossible). The constant knock downs and knock backs are very aggravating, making it hard to even play my character. I am more casual and struggle with action combat, coming from more old school type MMOs. So the game has become less fun for me, and I feel the game is moving away from what it once was, and targeted more for the younger audience.

Whats preventing you from bringing stability?

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@Airdive.2613 said:I think Queen's Gauntlet is mostly a build challenge. If built correctly to match your opponent, your chances of winning improve dramatically.In general, you want some more stability and stun breaks in your build to deal with knockbacks.On the other hand, all bosses up to Liadri are easily defeated in full berserker gear just because you can do huge amounts of damage, win quickly and thus ignore the mechanics.

(edited for Liadri)

I have used the same exact build for everything except Liadri so far ...

On the other hand the gauntlet is there for people who actually like it since it gives crap for rewards so there is no reason to do it otherwise.

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Hi Diva,it is possible. you just have to try it. have a look at the build and figure out reasons. there need to be a balance in terms of offence vs defense to fit your skill play. try one boss at the time, try the easiest boss first and check out what build you can use to maximize fight performance and encounter. takes a bit of time but when u are able to kill it, its a good feel :) don't give up!!!!!theres a few website on builds and suggestion.. dulfy might have a guide for boss otherwise check out youtube.good luck and have fun.what is the profession of your specialty? xD maybe we can help

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yeah, i recently began playing again(casual player) i was fighting a little boss event(not actual bosses but like side events) and i kept getting knocked down... i was like "what the hell... then i remembered 'oh yeah i can dodge a few times... oh and forgot i got that spell/skill that grants stability to nullify knockdown' " and i moved on... I still get knocked out just not as much, lol.

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I was listening to Wooden Potatoes talk about the Gauntlet. And he pointed out that there is easily a prof/specialization that pairs nicely with each fight. Now admittedly, WP is far better than a lot of players. He picks up new things faster, gets good faster, and generally has little trouble adapting to changes.

However, the principle is the same: if what you're using in the Gauntlet isn't working for you, try something else. Don't worry about other people saying what's easy or what's hard; none of that matters. Worry about what works for you, while being willing to adjust.

So I suspect rather than particular fights being too challenging for the OP, there's probably another way to approach them. Instead of saying that there's a problem with the game's difficulty (which might be true or not), ask for advice (and be willing to try it). I can't promise that the fights will be easy or that you'll manage them all. But I think some will be easier, and more fun.

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Moving away from what it once was - an interesting thing to say. The game once was far more challenging and reliant on your personal performance in dodging and positioning than it is right now. All of the Power, and worse, Defense Creep saw to that.The entire point of the Queen's Gauntlet is to provide challenging solo content for those interested. Not that it is anywhere close to being as challenging as it was in 2013 when first introduced.

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Well, I’m not the most amazing player and I wouldn’t say I’m old (I’m 28). But I’ve done a fair few “tough” things ingame, like Fractals 99/100cms, all of the gauntlet (now and in 2013/14), beating Turai on a handful of tries, 8 Orb-ing Liadri, and possibly other more technical things (has to be more given my 29kAP!), all while suffering with MS. Having numb, uncoordinated hands, cognitive dysfunction or distorted vision is not fun but I push and I do what I enjoy. Sometimes there’s not a symptom, and I can go on my merry way, other times, I have got to deal with it the best I can. I still have fun and kick butt, so all is well in the world, both online and IRL.

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@Airdive.2613 said:I think Queen's Gauntlet is mostly a build challenge. If built correctly to match your opponent, your chances of winning improve dramatically.In general, you want some more stability and stun breaks in your build to deal with knockbacks.On the other hand, all bosses up to Liadri are easily defeated in full berserker gear just because you can do huge amounts of damage, win quickly and thus ignore the mechanics.

(edited for Liadri)

You can literally use Axe 4 + 5 on Power Soulbeast and laugh at their face up until Liadri.

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I remember years ago doing the event with only exotics. No elite specs, no nothing really. It was very difficult back then. Over time, I began to collect ascended armors and refined my build. If you are having trouble here, you may want to return to the basics of character building and in game mechanics. There is so much variety available in game now to build and tweak your toons.

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The Queens Gauntlet is designed to be very difficult.

The first time I did it I really struggled, even before getting to Liadri. I'm not the best player and I was using full exotics and only had 1 level 80 character (my ranger) so a lot of advice wasn't helpful for me because it involved doing it on professions I couldn't use. It took me a ridiculous number of tries, especially LIadri, but I got there eventually.

The main thing to remember is that each enemy has different strengths and weaknesses and needs different tactics to beat. You can't expect to go in using the same build you use for everything else and beat all of them without trouble. You'll either need to read a guide first to find out what to expect or go in once just to see what happens and then adjust your build and your tactics to the fight.

Also remember that tactics includes positioning and moving. There's very few fights in the Gauntlet where staying still is a good idea, for many it makes it completely impossible. If you're not used to moving much in combat that will take a lot of practice, but if you can get the hang of it then it'll come in useful across the whole game. You may even need to change your keybindings (that definitely helped me) if there's certain things you can't do together now - like moving and fighting.

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Liadri and Turai have mechnaics you have to adapt to. Everything else can be facerolled with any standard open world build (see metabattle!) and some well timed dodges.

The AP you gain for the encounters are a good indicator for their difficulty. You gain a lot of AP for killing Liadri. A lot of players will never kill her.

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