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Noob Question: Why do people hate flame throwers?


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@"DotDotWin.4357" said:Yeah, the more I learn about this game the less I want to keep playing it.

For me, the idea of games should be fun but this feels like if I want avoid being a laughing stock as a player I need to get a bachelor's degree in Gw2 game mechanics so I understand them well enough to follow what's going on when I hit cap and I get to choose from 3 very strict meta builds with very strict rotations that if I don't master I might as well not even bother with end game content.

This game starts off fun but ends up feeling a lot like a data entry job as all the fun is slowly sucked out of it while you level.

It wouldn't be so bad if you could change your UI and move around abilities but I never learned to play piano so my fingers can't dance well enough to pull off some of this crazy stuff these builds require.

Swapping weapons mid-fight to get a whole new set of abilities to use sounds great until you realize those abilities are scattered all over the keyboard and you can't move the ones you actually want to use to a reasonable location.

This is legitimate advice and not an "attack" in any way: Engineer might not be the profession for you if that's how you are feeling. Try warrior, ranger, guardian, or necro.

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"Noob Question: Why do people hate flame throwers?"

It's an anemic damage over time kit which demands your opponent be a drooling vegetable who stands in front of you and does nothing to wander out of the cone of your ridiculously short-range fire stream.

The damage should be doubled or more and should trigger burning with every tick so that Flame Thrower acts as a countre weapon against high dodge/mobility classes. If they want to engage you toe to toe then they should have to sacrifice those dodges, escapes, shields, clones, retaliations etc. to do so. If they don't and they still invade your space head-on then they should be made to pay for it for however short a duration they're in it. It's that simple.

You should know there's a problem with the kit you're running if -say when wandering the open world and fighting random monsters in any given zone-random players of other professions come over to finish mobs for you. Not because they need to for a nearby event but because you're taking too long in bringing them down.

The goal is to down enemies. Not to piss them off to the point that they come over and punch you in the face with your own fire sprayer before shoving it up your fundament.

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they hate it because other professions dont have flame throwers, its a flame thrower! everyone wants one, it looks badass

FT scrapper is best profession for open-world boss running(easy kit switching for bosses), and harvesting resource nodes (huge quickness uptime and stealth gyro)it is also great at dungeon clearing, using elixirs keeps you party buffed and happywith FT/rifle you are also very good at breaking bosses breakbars, you can break many of them solo

overall FT is excellent weapon, but there is a catch, obviouslyits wide aoe cone weapon, its close range, its mixed power/condi, while this makes it great aoe weapon, you do suffer dps loss at single target enemies like bosses, but there you can swap weapon/kit

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It is interesting to me that everyone is complaining about the auto 1 when saying FT sucks, when most of the kits auto’s suck. I just find all the skills on FT to be underwhelming. I think the fire field on 4 should destroy projectiles or smoke on 5 should be a field similar to elixir u smoke field. 2 is just terrible, though it is the lowest cool down blast finisher and the knockback on 3 is meh. I use it in pve for the stab, might generation from firearms. Mostly when fighting bosses in living stories with annoying knockdown mechanics.

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Couple of comments show some people know very little of what they're talking about. Flames auto is fairly solid. At 2500 Power, the damage listed is 2200 per cycle, not including Might and all the crit bonuses you gain. That's very nearly a Jump Shot every 3 seconds. Running any Quickness? Forget about it.

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@"Ardid.7203" said:IMO all FT really needs is:1- For Napalm fire field to have the same shape of the Rev "Inspiring Reinforcement" or "Temporal Rift": basically, a wider rectangle that emanates longitudinally from the Engie.5- For Smoke Vent to lay a brief smoke field.

I definitely agree that the changes for napalm and vent smoke would be awesome.I disagree that they are the only changes needed. FT2 could use a rework. the slow moving ball is too clunky imo. I think it could be made a charged skill with 2 charges, and a more reliable way of attacking rather than the ball. Not sure flamethrower, thematically, spit balls of fire anyways.

FT1 could use a very very short burning time on each hit as well, to help keep burning on opponents. maybe a slight increase in its power damage would help it become a hybrid damage dealer as well.

FT3 could use burning on knockback, without the need of a burn stacking being on it already. it could cause 1 stack of burning with no burning on the opponent, and 2 stacks if they are already burning.

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@DotDotWin.4357 said:

@Dace.8173 said:I will say this, it may not be the most OP weapon but it is one of the more enjoyable kits that Engineer has.

I know! And that seems to be the opinion of almost everyone. It's a shame you have to give up fun to play the end game content. That seems like a design failing.

I get no grief from the team when I FT4 mobs doing escort as well, hold my own and lead the pushing I can provide with the knockback. Granted, that's really limited use of FT in endgame raiding but, my point is that if people continue to focus on meta play and don't think how something can be used, they miss opportunities to do something different that's useful. Nothing scales damage like attacking multiple mobs and there IS endgame content where attacking multiple mobs is a meaningful thing to do.

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