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Ok there is something going on here. On the verge of quitting

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:GW2 PvP died years ago.

Yes, but not because designers wanted so, it's because a few years ago players aggressively asked for solo play, players voted for solo play, even top teams promoted solo play, and now we have special ranked rewards only for solo play. The irony is that we voted for 5v5 team-game played without teams, and now we complain about the computer not rating us properly against each other. Like this irony is not enough, we go into sarcasm blaming Anet for it.

In my opinion we killed the PvP with our laziness, not wanting to create simple teams with voice chat and have fun together. This is what 5v5 means, but hey, we want SoloQ, and we want to win many rewards, forgetting that the other guys want the same thing. That's why we now have rewards for loosing. So... enjoy acting like a bot in solo play and be happy for your faming rewards.

This is how PvP should be, and should remain for many years to come. It defines our laziness for teamwork and teamplay, all wrapped up nicely in concepts about casual play.

Or maybe it was the lack of new maps, ne modes, balance, pay to win with HoT...

Don't reduce everything to that single question. That's too easy.

It's also obvious though...

Cash tournies stopped, ESL stopped, Team Queue was removed, Year Of Ascension was scrapped and made indefinitely, PvP Dev walked away round the same time I think, friends were restricted from playing together after having played together for years.

Everyone played through the petting zoo's, hambows, turret engies and bunker meta on the same maps for years but no one walked away then, not until around season 6-7... Wonder what happened around season 5-7 to cause such a massive shift in the player base..... Oh, that's right.

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Removing team queue absolutely wrecked spvp for me. No doubt at all. I played all game modes, but the spvp experience was destroyed for me when team queue was removed.I haven't played in almost 2 years, but I still check the forums from time to time to see what's going on. And all the posts I see, especially in the PvP forum are all the exact same as they were 2 years ago. People still complaining about the same stuff. Solo Raiders complaining about "elitism" instead of just joining a raid guild and learning the raids. PvPers complaining about matchmaking giving them bad teammates - but of course no one wants team queue because then they would have to fight a premade team with pugs. Even though they could actually join a spvp guild and be on an actual team.I get that the population is too low to separate team and solo queue. And that's a shame. But the devs have tried very hard to cater the game to casual solo players instead of the social guild players in a game called "GUILDwars 2" for a long time now.In my opinion, if you were part of the mob that was vocal about removing team queue from spvp, you should not be permitted to post about "bad" or "low rank" teammates on the forums. Because, there was a time when you got to choose your teammates prematch and you didn't want it anymore.

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@"Threat.7450" said:Removing team queue absolutely wrecked spvp for me. No doubt at all. I played all game modes, but the spvp experience was destroyed for me when team queue was removed.I haven't played in almost 2 years, but I still check the forums from time to time to see what's going on. And all the posts I see, especially in the PvP forum are all the exact same as they were 2 years ago. People still complaining about the same stuff. Solo Raiders complaining about "elitism" instead of just joining a raid guild and learning the raids. PvPers complaining about matchmaking giving them bad teammates - but of course no one wants team queue because then they would have to fight a premade team with pugs. Even though they could actually join a spvp guild and be on an actual team.I get that the population is too low to separate team and solo queue. And that's a shame. But the devs have tried very hard to cater the game to casual solo players instead of the social guild players in a game called "GUILDwars 2" for a long time now.In my opinion, if you were part of the mob that was vocal about removing team queue from spvp, you should not be permitted to post about "bad" or "low rank" teammates on the forums. Because, there was a time when you got to choose your teammates prematch and you didn't want it anymore.

Off topic-ish but they really do need to expand on the number of guilds people can be apart of, 5 guilds max isn't really cutting, can't join any guilds if you don't have guild slots to join one.

On topic- Old premade queue had its own can of worms in a ranked environment, and even before then. I still recall when it was a thing, lower skilled players that decided to step out of a premade for a while would often get carried into higher tier games where they didn't belong and it normally resulted in matches being imbalanced. Yeah they can join a pvp guild and form a team, you know what would be logical then? A 'why don't we have a team vs team queue', Though to be fair that's coming back in form of on-demand ATs in the upcoming future. I'd remove the word casual tbh, there are a fair amount of try hard soloers, just saying. The game is named 'Guild Wars' because of 'PVE lore things', you know the known strict Spvp player equivalent of what garlic is to vampires.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:GW2 PvP died years ago.

Yes, but not because designers wanted so, it's because a few years ago players aggressively asked for solo play, players voted for solo play, even top teams promoted solo play, and now we have special ranked rewards only for solo play. The irony is that we voted for 5v5 team-game played without teams, and now we complain about the computer not rating us properly against each other. Like this irony is not enough, we go into sarcasm blaming Anet for it.

In my opinion we killed the PvP with our laziness, not wanting to create simple teams with voice chat and have fun together. This is what 5v5 means, but hey, we want SoloQ, and we want to win many rewards, forgetting that the other guys want the same thing. That's why we now have rewards for loosing. So... enjoy acting like a bot in solo play and be happy for your faming rewards.

This is how PvP should be, and should remain for many years to come. It defines our laziness for teamwork and teamplay, all wrapped up nicely in concepts about casual play.

Or maybe it was the lack of new maps, ne modes, balance, pay to win with HoT...

Don't reduce everything to that single question. That's too easy.

It's also obvious though...

Cash tournies stopped, ESL stopped, Team Queue was removed, Year Of Ascension was scrapped and made indefinitely, PvP Dev walked away round the same time I think, friends were restricted from playing together after having played together for years.

Everyone played through the petting zoo's, hambows, turret engies and bunker meta on the same maps for years but no one walked away then, not until around season 6-7... Wonder what happened around season 5-7 to cause such a massive shift in the player base..... Oh, that's right.

So you support my point of view? I was saying it is more complex than just saying "community's fault cuz no teamQ anymore".

Also duoQ was removed in season 9...

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:GW2 PvP died years ago.

Yes, but not because designers wanted so, it's because a few years ago players aggressively asked for solo play, players voted for solo play, even top teams promoted solo play, and now we have special ranked rewards only for solo play. The irony is that we voted for 5v5 team-game played without teams, and now we complain about the computer not rating us properly against each other. Like this irony is not enough, we go into sarcasm blaming Anet for it.

In my opinion we killed the PvP with our laziness, not wanting to create simple teams with voice chat and have fun together. This is what 5v5 means, but hey, we want SoloQ, and we want to win many rewards, forgetting that the other guys want the same thing. That's why we now have rewards for loosing. So... enjoy acting like a bot in solo play and be happy for your faming rewards.

This is how PvP should be, and should remain for many years to come. It defines our laziness for teamwork and teamplay, all wrapped up nicely in concepts about casual play.

Or maybe it was the lack of new maps, ne modes, balance, pay to win with HoT...

Don't reduce everything to that single question. That's too easy.

It's also obvious though...

Cash tournies stopped, ESL stopped, Team Queue was removed, Year Of Ascension was scrapped and made indefinitely, PvP Dev walked away round the same time I think, friends were restricted from playing together after having played together for years.

Everyone played through the petting zoo's, hambows, turret engies and bunker meta on the same maps for years but no one walked away then, not until around season 6-7... Wonder what happened around season 5-7 to cause such a massive shift in the player base..... Oh, that's right.

So you support my point of view? I was saying it is more complex than just saying "community's fault cuz no teamQ anymore".

Also duoQ was removed in season 9...

Duo queue only effected me a few times as I only needed to throw maybe 15 games overall to stay below the threshold but season 5 was the killer for me as I was big on the team queue scene and so was 200+ member community PvP guild I was in... It's sort of funny how I went from team queue bronze level scrub to platinum when I was forced to solo play but unfortunately I prefer to play with friends than have a rating over my head.

There's a lot of things wrong with PvP currently but it all stems back to season 5 if you follow the butterfly effect but if you look at those chains of events it becomes apparent that the PvP scene was butchered on purpose.

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I think its widely agreed upon that season 5 was the cliff the spvp drove over to its demise..... the issue is somehow people think the mass of players leaving gw2 was somehow connected to the failure of ESL.... Which hurts my head since gw2 didnt even have a esl scene for most of its life lol....

Im sure we were all bummed gw2 wasnt gonna be in the spotlight anymore but honestly who has ever (whos not one of the said esl players) stopped playing bc it lost esl spotlight.....

Which leaves only the loss of premade something people actively post as the reason they either quit or stopped playing spvp/gw2 .....its obvious action needs to be taken if spvp is going to be salvaged.... and i get it anets main goal is to put premade content into AT via overhual to that system but realistcly as far as every post ever made on the subject your no where close to making those changes and im curious how much longer you think the spvp scene is gonna last under current standing..... implement something you can do now and then once the AT content is overhualed you can roll with that but simply blocking off a core componet of your game for years seems like commiting suicide.... unless that was the goal which has been stated several times

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@Nova.3817 said:im curious how much longer you think the spvp scene is gonna last under current standing.....

I personally do not care how much this is going to last, because I lost all hope and interest (doing PvP only for dailies). Personally I am waiting for Guild Wars 3, hoping it may be a better PvP scene in playing together with friends.

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