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New/Returning: Anniversary Sale Recommended Purchases?


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I am returning to GW2 and purchasing PoF soon if it is on sale around this anniversary. I was wondering if someone could give some suggestions about what items/services would be worthwhile spending Gems on IF they go on sale during this anniversary event?

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Welcome back!In my opinion the best item in the gemstore is the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic (although some may argue that the Silver-Fed version is better). You no longer have to worry about carrying around tons of salvage kits for all that junk loot. If you don't have one yet I would definitely recommend it. Also if you don't mind spending gems for convenience, I'm personally a fan of the everlasting gathering tools (although they are pretty expensive). There's no guarantee that any of these items will go on sale, but the Copper-Fed Salvage tool usually does.

On a side note, PoF was recently 50% off, so I don't know if it will be discounted again during the anniversary sale. I hope so for you though!

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