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Help with a few classes


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Not necessarily looking to start an argument between yall, but I'm quite new to PVP and struggling to see the pros and cons of a few classes. I kind of just bounce around a bunch of classes as it is.

1) Holosmith -- How is this better than a warrior? I keep hearing its really good, but I don't see that many playing. What are its pros/cons?

2) Revenant -- I've started to see a lot more of these, but, what makes them good? or bad?

3) Non-Bunker Guardian -- Are there any of these that are good? How is it different from the others on this list?

4) Power Soulbeast -- What makes this so prevalent? Pros/Cons?

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Holosmith has high damage and lots of crowd control, along with fairly good defensive skills and traits that make them a strong bruiser if they're able to keep the pressure up.

Revenants have pretty good damage, cc, and are very good at staying on their targets. If they time their heals and blocks correctly, they can be difficult to kill. Their big weakness is constant condition pressure and cc, so a Condi mirage would hard counter them pretty bad.

Core guardian is very strong and has high burst while still being pretty durable due to being able to use the Valkyrie amulet and push out the DPS of a zerker build. Dragonhunter is also pretty strong, but not as bursty.

I'm not sure if you're talking about the zerker build or the boon build, so I'll just mention them both. The zerker build can do immense damage all at once if you catch someone off guard, and even though you have to spec 100% into damage to do it, your opponent usually doesn't have a chance to counter you before dying if you have effectively surprised them. You can also deal a lot of damage from a long distance and have the mobility to get out before anyone can get to you. Once the enemies know to look out for you, your usefulness goes down though, because you are pretty easy to kill once your offensive utilities go on cooldown and without proper setup. The boon build does a surprising amount of damage and is difficult to pin down and kill when played correctly. It also boosts the team with boons and is really good in both group fights and solo.

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@Malpractice.7850 said:Why would you choose any of t hem over any of the others? Which ones have the 'least hard counters'?

Like, when would holosmith be better than a rev, for example? Or, as for the ranger, I guess I meant the boon share one :-)

Thanks so much for your help so far!

I would say out of those ones, holosmith and core guardian/dragonhunter have the least counters, but they're all pretty even. For fast, burst fights, I would choose guardian or revenant, and for more drawn out fights I would choose the boon soulbeast or holosmith. For example, if you want to constantly rotate around the map, drop a burst, then move to the next, go with guardian or revenant. If you want to hold a point and be in it for the long haul, then holosmith and boon soulbeast are better.

This is all just my own opinion, though, and I'm not claiming to be an expert or anything, but I still hope it helps. ^^;;

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@Kako.1930 said:

@Malpractice.7850 said:Why would you choose any of t hem over any of the others? Which ones have the 'least hard counters'?

Like, when would holosmith be better than a rev, for example? Or, as for the ranger, I guess I meant the boon share one :-)

Thanks so much for your help so far!

I would say out of those ones, holosmith and core guardian/dragonhunter have the least counters, but they're all pretty even. For fast, burst fights, I would choose guardian or revenant, and for more drawn out fights I would choose the boon soulbeast or holosmith. For example, if you want to constantly rotate around the map, drop a burst, then move to the next, go with guardian or revenant. If you want to hold a point and be in it for the long haul, then holosmith and boon soulbeast are better.

This is all just my own opinion, though, and I'm not claiming to be an expert or anything, but I still hope it helps. ^^;;

I'd say you're right on the money.

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@Kako.1930 said:

@Malpractice.7850 said:Why would you choose any of t hem over any of the others? Which ones have the 'least hard counters'?

Like, when would holosmith be better than a rev, for example? Or, as for the ranger, I guess I meant the boon share one :-)

Thanks so much for your help so far!

I would say out of those ones, holosmith and core guardian/dragonhunter have the least counters, but they're all pretty even. For fast, burst fights, I would choose guardian or revenant, and for more drawn out fights I would choose the boon soulbeast or holosmith. For example, if you want to constantly rotate around the map, drop a burst, then move to the next, go with guardian or revenant. If you want to hold a point and be in it for the long haul, then holosmith and boon soulbeast are better.

This is all just my own opinion, though, and I'm not claiming to be an expert or anything, but I still hope it helps. ^^;;

Dragonhunter has the least counters? Thanks for making my day. The build is literal trash, it's beyond unusable. The only damage it has is juggling people through test of faith, unfortunately everything has so much stability now it's close to impossible.

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