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[NA][PvE] Stable Cohesion [GLUE] is recruiting end game PvErs, or aspiring end game PvXrs


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About Us:We are Stable Cohesion [GLUE]. We were founded July 17th, 2018. The guild is founded upon the basis of sticking together. The primary focus of the guild is end game PvE. Treat others how you’d like to be treated, any rude or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Generally speaking, the guild runs off of the NA timezone. Most of our members are employed full time and likely won’t be online until later at night. We will aim to target that time for events. Discord is strongly encouraged to meet your peers and have a good time!

Event Schedule:

  • Mon - 7pm PST - 9 pm CST - 10 pm EST Exp Guild Raid
  • Tues -7pm PST - 9 pm CST - 10 pm EST Guild Missions
  • Wed - 7pm PST - 9 pm CST - 10 pm EST Raid Training
  • Thurs - 7pm PST - 9 pm CST - 10 pm EST Intermediate Guild Raids
  • Saturday- 7pm PST - 9 pm CST - 10 pm EST W5 Raid Training

More Info:Get in touch with an officer or a leader to join or ask additional questions:Duckie.7241, scrappymiller.7905, BarbarianBomber.5203, Glacieral.2480

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