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[BUG] Mad King's Banquet only lets me throw three times instead of around ten times

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So, I was playing with a friend and we decided to try out the mad king's banquet when we notice that I wasn't throwing nearly as much pumpkins as he was.

Fri 10 Aug 16:37 GMT+1 (Amsterdam)Next to Crage Vale WaypointMarinus Ficus - LVL 80 Sylvari SoulbeastNot in a group

I press F once at the banquet and it throws three pumpkins and then it stops automatically. For him, he pressed F once and he throws a whole salvo of around ten pumpkins. I can't find any reference on the web so far that anyone has ever encountered this problem. It makes it really hard for me to get the achievement this way (about more than 3 times longer than anyone else, and it already takes long and becomes quite boring at this point haha).

What we already tried:Stowing pet, combining with pet, trying out water balloons, etc, nothing changes the behaviour. Also a restart of the game didn't solve the issue. I hope anyone can positively reproduce this issue.

  • Marinus
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