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Elite spec nerf


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@Lucius.2140 said:

@MUDse.7623 said:people playing this game over years , over thousands of hours will get better. i think it is nearly impossible to remain as noobish over years and playing alot ( the relative skill to people who improve faster will drop, but absolute it will improve allways). with every year you will need more attempts to CC/burst/whatever an opponent to death, because they just get better and you aswell, you both can better avoid or sustain through each others offense in making better use of the defense. if the game doesnt speed up, the fights will become longer and longer.faster fights tho make any type of advantage you have lead faster to an end, be it 'skill' or envoiremental advantages (wich also includes build advantages as they depend mostly on envoirement). but both of such advantages would also in a slower fight lead to a win, maybe slower.sure we have more offensive options and defensive options now, but that only changed the speed of interaction, slowing it down only makes many fights into who gets bored first and makes a mistake falling asleep,

Actually you also get better in cc, burst, etc. doing it at the right moment, in less time, after luring the enemy and using feints. Faster with more options just downgrade the game to spammy and promoves lazzy gameplay.Also gw2 has always different levels of players, what you describe never happened with sane and balanced (as far as we got in that at that time) metas in the higher levels. What i describe did happen, no super long fights in general, no need to more options because the other learned how to do it well, so you have more chances for him to make a mistake; you get better in general, not only at one thing.Going to the extreme you put, you dont get bored when you need to intensly concentrate at playing pvp, if you do you arent really in pvp and probably are more in zerging -.-

you get better with offensive skills doesnt matter if one can react to it. your correct you get better with instant skills or ones without tells from stealth. but rest is completely irrelevant, people will just react to it.if we go back to vanilla i know if i avoided a burst i can go /sit and get a coffee before we continue, i dont see how that needs more concentration.

Hey you are exagerating:

First: Gw2 bursts generally allowed rotations of less than 20 secs (not the best burst but for alredy on combat thats enough).

Second: you not only die from bursts and healing an defense were less prominent and effective in general.

Third: one of the more important points about vainilla was to been capable to make the enemy dont have dodges, etc. its what make it strategical.

If your opponent wasnt trying to get the flow to obligate you to use defense skills or heal skills before burst moments, wasnt feinting and such, having good reflex was enough, but that wasnt and would never been the start of good gameplay and that goes for nearly every competitive in irl and gaming.

A simple example could be if you try to change the timing of your bursts in stealth, a lot of players will get more hits than in other cases:
  • Absolutly new players dont counter react stealth.
  • Starting to counter it ones use the invulns etc. at the start of stealth (and starting users of stealth use their skills at that same time lol).
  • Experienced users learn to time it really well (its intuition- good intuition its constructed by information: knowledge and experience).

In a 1 min fight you can use a couple of tempos an score hits easier, also for the playing of your enemy you can understand its tempo of defending.Flow game its an art an one of its core traits its limited resources.

so your opponents now have infinite dodges? mine dont. as said above your window to act is smaller. only because the combat is faster now doesnt mean people dont mind each button pressed. having to mind more button presses per minute requires more concentration. because you might fall faster for a bait with more actions.

i dont really understand what you want to tell me with that about stealth, it will all be about guessing if the skill i use from it has 0 animation like a backstab. just like instant skills, sure you might call that skill i call that guessing. with experience you might guess better but its still guessing.

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The game evolved, things changed, some things feel more spammy for low and average skill combat while for good players every action counts, the pace of the combat is faster, some people adapt to change better than others, and some invest too much time to grrow their prestige which breakes down when big changes happen and that might hurt the ego.

Those are some causes that made some players leave, but truth to be told, the common big reason for witch most people leave a game is because the burnout and need to try something else. That's why getting back to core won't grow the community, but it will probably turn off lots of players who enjoy the new stuff that came out.

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