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[OCE]/[NA][Raids][LFG] Looking for static - experienced support player


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I'm online between 6am and 12pm EST, but I work from home and able to push to 2pm EST at the latest.

I cannot do weekends - the nature of my family simply doesn't allow it except for in extenuating circumstances.

Open to OCE raiding times as well but must be on NA server.

I have experience and kills on chrono, druid, auramancer, and soulbeast.

My chrono has the ability to tank, support or DPS. Druid is harrier's.

I am learning scourge, renegade, spellbreaker, weaver (dead as it may be) and holo.

I have recorded kills and full clears in each wing multiple times with the exception of Dhuum. I have kill experience on Soulless Horror through Statues and have practiced Dhuum to around 35%. I am very willing to learn for a static and will put the time and effort in order to become prepared.

IGN: leavemealone.7309

Discord: Stop Camping Staff#4992

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