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Anet and Rev / a meme-dream-team :)


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First of all i have to say that the upcoming changes for rev look like they are bringing some fresh wind into the gameplay of rev and that it is ptobably gonna be fun to play and expirience.

My second point is about how i think they could have balanced rev easier but also about why i think the way they did it was good : in my opinion the main issue of rev was his crazy broken damage output. (I dont mind high damage in trade for low survivability-which the rev gameplay basicly represents- but the stupid off-hand-sword and the permanent 25 stacks of might were just too mucv.) You could have easily fixed this issue by balancing numbers like decreasing pure damage and decreasing gauned might stacks.BUT, i have to admit that a rework of herald might be the right decision, because if you have a look on the pvp-history of rev you will see that it always either was dead or way too strong-depending on buffs and nerfs.( the only period of time were it was perfectly balanced was when actually the whole game was perfectly balanced- the time before pof(around s7 and s8))

Now to the part why i think this rework is so funny: they are reworking herald- an elite spec which basicly works but they havent even mentioned RENEGADE, but maybe, MAYBE we will get surprised by anet.

To conclude: generally a well-thought-out rework but still kinda funny to completely ignore the other elite spec

(Sry for all spelling mistakes, it is late and im probably gonna edit this post tomorrow or so)


@BlueCar.1587 said:First of all i have to say that the upcoming changes for rev look like they are bringing some fresh wind into the gameplay of rev and that it is ptobably gonna be fun to play and expirience.

My second point is about how i think they could have balanced rev easier but also about why i think the way they did it was good : in my opinion the main issue of rev was his crazy broken damage output. (I dont mind high damage in trade for low survivability-which the rev gameplay basicly represents- but the stupid off-hand-sword and the permanent 25 stacks of might were just too mucv.) You could have easily fixed this issue by balancing numbers like decreasing pure damage and decreasing gauned might stacks.

Changes seems oriented to the niche game mode of PvE raids, with enhanced support role, which isn't releatd of how (poorly) the class performs in Conquest. And Herald were absolutely trashed by Mirages and stealth classes in the recent 1 vs 1 tournament hosted by Jawgeous las Saturday. One of the Deadeye contenders was even able to one-shoot a Herald in ~6 seconds after the start of the duel.


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