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[EU][PvX] Drunken Crusade [dC] - a casual guild looking for players of all kind to have a good time


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What is this guild even and why does it exist?

Drunken Crusade is a guild that got founded in 08/2018 right after being sick of the idea of continuing the Guild Wars 2 journey as a 'lone wolf'. I was aiming towards creating an environment for everybody to feel welcomed with no group of players being excluded.

What is the reason to join your guild?

The guild is a place for everyone to have a good time. A place for you to ask around whenever you need people for your fractal-, dungeon-, or raid-group, get help whenever you are in need of it, compagnons for your map completion or just a place to chat and meet laidback people that enjoy the game as much as you do.

I am not the best player! - Is there even place for me?

We don't want someones level of skill to be a requirement to become part of a community. This means you can either be a veteran, a newbie, a casual or a hardcore player; as long as you are playing the game with a certain activity and are up for taking part in the guild you should feel welcomed.Event tough I know that meta builds etc. are on a certain level a requirement for optimal performance, everyone should be given the option of playing the game the way they want. Of course you don't have to take the shaman shout-banner warrior in your T4 group, but there should be no hate towards him because of his style of playing the game.Tough representing a guild obviously strengthens the feeling of being a community I don't want to push anyone to do so. It is up to you wether you rep the guild or not.

What can I expect after joining your guild?

  • A chill, friendly and helpfull community that is up for activities of all kindExamples being:
    -Fractal runs(T1-T4)-Dungeon-runs-Gathering-/Farming-tours-World-completion runs / HP-tours
  • To find players of all skill level to join your group
  • Experienced players that are willing to help you with all kind of problems
  • Guild-Missions being completed on a regular basis
  • A place to hang around and chat
  • A discord-server for all kind of chatting and tryhard communication
  • A Guild-Hall that you are able to decorate by yourself (GH-Level is work in progress)
  • Fractal-CM-/Raid-trainings can be organised if there is enough interest

This sounds like something I was looking for! - How can I join?

The best (but still not realy fast) way is to message me on discord. My tag being: aaron #8008I will give my best to reply asap wich works fairly well most times but don't feel ignored if it takes a bit longer for me to respond. :)

Have a great day!

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Hello sir,I also am a player without any company, and for some reason I could never really find people to play with. I am looking for people to play some PvX with, I am pretty good in pvp so dont mind getting competitive with it (also up for PvE). If anything it would be nice to just socialize and have a good time ingame and on discord.I send you a request on discord as Rotbane.cheers.

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@MauChann.3081 said:As for PvX, What server are most of the people in the guild based on? I'm a veteran PVE player and specifically looking for more people to team up with in WvW for Gifts of Battle, and to help out new players and have fun in PvE.

For me, I am on Fissure of Woe and I know that's the server of another player but that's the only server I can certainly tell.

Your second point being that you want to help newer players and have fun in pve is something that sounds realy fitting as we kind of lag veteran players at the moment.

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@Aaron.5126 said:

For me, I am on Fissure of Woe and I know that's the server of another player but that's the only server I can certainly tell.

Your second point being that you want to help newer players and have fun in pve is something that sounds realy fitting as we kind of lag veteran players at the moment.

Allright, with the new WvW changes coming up I think servers shouldn't be much of a problem anyway, (: count me in.

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Howdy,I've recently returned to Tyria having been away for a while. Decided to play through the expansions and get back into exploring and doing fractals. I have been looking for a decent guild to join up with again.Been around in Gw2 since the early days and although i cant claim to know it all. Id say i have a fair amount of experience under my belt when it comes to PvE.More than willing to help out in anyway i can do. I mostly do PvE though i'm not at all opposed to doing my bit in WvW or PvP and Guild missions etc.. if needed. I'm just basically looking for people to chill and game casually with, learn and teach stuff and have a laugh and just basically enjoy the game.

I'm finding more and more these days no-one seems to have the time of day to stop for 5 mins and explain anything or help out in anyway to get people through hard sections of the game. Such a shame as its a great game but its much much easier and better with help and groups!Anyway i shall send you a request over on discord if you like under the name TR1CK3D. Also feel free to add me in game if you want to ask anything there!But your Guild sounds like something id be interested in joining and helping with :)

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Hi , I have recently started playing again after completing the game when it first came out and then taking a long hiatus due to lack of end game content (then) now there is so much more to do and I am just cutting my teeth on the expansions. Previously did a lot of PvP (though not at a competitive level) and dabbled in WvW but really I am a PvE guy and am obsessed with playing every bit of content available and finally getting that elusive map completion (had 85% before I stopped playing). Was previously in a great guild but they have all gone to the four winds now and would like to find some new people to hang out with. Oh and I am currentl on Seafarers Rest I believe but happy to jump servers, don't have anything tying me down :) I am on discord as tigermaster36#1684

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Hey!Are you still recruiting? I've been looking for a new guild for a while as my old one is pretty much dead.I've been playing gw2 since launch, although only on T1 fractals and not done raids lol!I'm a pve player and looking to make some good friends to adventure with and have a laugh, people who don't take things too seriously, the point of gaming is to have fun after all =) . I'm definitely up for helping others out and adding to the guild hall resources too.I'm currently on Aurora Glade server but I don't wvw so not too fussed about that personally.

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Hello,Been playing since core days and recently been trying to find a wvw roaming guild or pvx as you said to have fun in wvw.I have recently returned and this is my second acc.I hope you are still recuriting,i would love to play with you people if possible.ATM i dont have a max or elite specced character on my acc as i have been just wanting to find a guild so i can focus on leveling and gearing etc....TLDR,I am EU and would love to join for wvw activity if possible.I mostly played spvp on most characters i guess lol.thanks

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