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Content Suggestion: Couples Dancing!


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I had a great idea in the shower this morning for GW2. So what if A-Net could design an item that allowed you to do couples dancing in the game? Like, if your character has this item, you could stand next to another PC in the game and invite their character to join you for a dance. They if they accept your characters do a new couples choreography/brand new dance totally in sync. 10/10 would buy.

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That’s not what I’d call “couples dancing” though.

You should see me and my girl dancing then. So sexy...But, seriously, I don't think there have to be any contact to create a coordinated dance between 2 characters. And the dance doesn't has to be anywhere close to romantic either. Maybe I'm hugely misinterpreting what the OP wanted to propose, but I think the idea was simply to make a 2 people choreography, no more.And yes, I would pay to see the gif I posted as a Norn/Asura dance. I would love it.

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@"MeganG.6785" said:(...) do a new couples choreography/brand new dance totally in sync. 10/10 would buy.

I am not sure if you are aware of the fact that there is already an option for synchronised dancing?

"Synchronizing emotesAppending an asterisk "" to an emote (e.g. "/dance ") will put it into a queue which is processed every 5 seconds. This allows for multiple players to do emotes at the exact same time."https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote

It might not be what you had in mind though. I am actually not sure if two charas of different races do the synchronised dance. I think though each of them will execute their racial dance.

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