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Gift of Battle / Gift of Exploration: A petition.

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The 2 most cursed items in Legendary Crafting.1: The Gift of Battle is a feared item by PvE players, because it forces us to play WvW content. Besides that WvW players are not happy to have us pugs intrude in their squads, or play solo and flip towers, do smaller objectives, because they had some sort of idea going on and thus we're being banished from the mists that way. Back in the day we were able to farm AP ( achievement points ) for our Gift of Battle and we were perfectly content with that, that way we didn't have to go annoy WvW players with questions about why we were not allowed in a squad, just to complete that reward track. I completely understand as a WvW alliance or guild you want to play your own way, but please don't point your anger at us, we don't have another way to obtain a Gift of Battle and can't help it we're not good at a gamemode we don't want to play. I bet a lot of us are willing to learn, but we're probably new at this gamemode and will need to take it slow.

2: Gift of Exploration. Now I am not a WvW player so I can't really speak for the WvW community here but I can imagine how tedious it is to be forced to play PvE core content, to get your shiny weapon. There isn't really an alternative right now and for now I can't really think of any. Previously completing WvW maps was only a part of making this item. But making the completion of WvW maps only, doesn't really weigh up against the amount of maps Tyria has. Feel free to leave suggestions though, and also feel free to leave your experiences with obtaining this item, as again I am not a WvW player and can't really speak about this.

See this as a petition. I bet both sides of the game here would like to see changes, perhaps there could be 2 separate paths of creating a legendary all together. I think we're both a bit tired of having to play a gamemode we don't really like, or find boring, or don't want to play because of bad experiences with players.

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I genuinely think it's fine the way it is. I am a PvX player, but that's besides the point; I've never experienced that new-to-WvW players are shunned in public squads. If there's a Commander running around, chances are you can tag along. If the majority of the squad shares the same Guild tag, then perhaps ask first if it's a public squad or not. Getting participation is overall super easy too. If you don't want to partake in things that may result in fighting other players, you could ask a Commander if they can share participation with you in return for you scouting for them from within a structure of their choice. Maybe you end up liking World vs. World after actually taking the plunge and experiencing it for a bit.

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It's ok the way it is. GoB takes you about 10hrs of WvW, no learning of the game mode or following VC required. GoE was a choir, but only after I've done map completion on 5 chars, also mounts madee the GoE so immensely easier to obtain.Legendaries are optional. It's not BiS gear that you have to get. No matter how competitive you are ascended will do. Many players don't even like the look of them so you won't even win FashionWars by a legy itself. The bar to get a legendary should be high, it should take time and effort, dedication and currency to get. Since it's optional, I don't mind it needing a more holistic commitment to the game. In fact every legendary should require a PvP part as well.I'm not trying to be exclusive here. Legendaries should encourage players to try out new stuff. To leave their comfort zone, even for a bit, if they want the item.

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The only real problem I see when it comes to legendary weapons is that you don't have to do a single thing in PvP.You need to do PvE and WvW, but not PvP.What bothers me isn't that you need a gift of exploration or a gift of of battle.What bothers me is that you do not need a Perfected mists core and a completed fractal.

I mention this often: to make it fair and reasonable, the Gift of the Mists should either require participating in all of the mists, or not require any of it.

Right now the Gift of the Mists requires:

  • Gift of Battle : Reward track
  • Gift of War : 250 Battle Memories,
  • Gift of Glory : 250 Shards of Glory
  • Cube of stabilized dark energy : Dark energy + 75 stabilizing matrices.

So you can skip pvp and PvE altogether for it. To make the Gift of the Mists make sense and be fair across all game modes, it should have been:

  • Gift of War: 250 battle memories + Gift of Battle.
  • Gift of Glory: 250 shards of glory + Perfect Mists Core
  • Gift of Fractals: 250 +2 infusions, + Fractal Journal
  • Cube of stabilized dark energy : Dark energy + 75 stabilizing matrices.

This way there's both things you can buy, and items you have to obtain yourself. And it requires actually playing in all of the mists.
To not force anyone to play any game mode it would have to be something like this instead:

  • Gift of War: 250 battle memories
  • Gift of Glory: 250 shards of glory
  • Gift of Fractals: 250 +2 infusions,
  • Cube of stabilized dark energy : Dark energy + 75 stabilizing matrices.

But that would be much less legendary.

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Fine the way it is. It does not take THAT long to get a gob and so long as you aren't an arrogant jerk demanding entrance into a squad with your ranger, most folks will poke a little fun and then point you in the right directions. If you do come on a reasonable class and join a zerg it literally takes 2 days at 2-3 hours apiece and that is WITHOUT all the buffs. Check out metabattle. You needn't be in all ascended and an excellent player. Just exotics on a reasonable class and listen to the commander. That isn't so difficult, is it? And if for some reason it is, just login, kill your veteran critter, spend your tokens, kill one single sentry and after 40 potions, you'll have it complete. The dailies vary, just keep an eye out for the easy ones. If you're going for a second gen, it'll take you that long ANYWAY for the time gated stuff.

And honestly, it's good for every part of the game to get out there and see the maps. There are some really gorgeous places...and who can possibly hate on that awesome title?

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Choice E: none of the above. I wouldn't say that I like the way it is, but there's nothing wrong with it. Heck, if you're primarily a no-WvW person, you don't even have to play WvW. It's possible (but slow) to get a GoB by doing only the Big Spender(1) and Veteran Creature Slayer dailies when they are available.

(1) You'll probably need to do a little WvW for this, since you may well not have enough Badges of Honor to sustain it, but Veteran Creature Slayer just requires you to, well, slay the creature, and doesn't require anything else. (If your group of worlds has Alpine in the lower-left of a map, go there and you're almost right on top of the Veteran Warg.)

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I'm mostly a WvW player and IMO the legendary crafting process is quite fine. A little bit of everything for a luxury end-game item.

However, personally I've always hated map completion (those CURSED hearts!), and that's why I chose number 3 poll option. Even with mounts it feels like it takes a lot longer than the ~8 hours needed for GoB (with boosters). It can also be acquired with little to no WvW at all by completing Big Spender, Master of Monuments and Veteran Creature Slayer dailies and saving the potions, something that can't be done for GoE. But then again, doing map completion rewards you with TWO GoEs, so I think it it's fair enough.

But if Anet would one day go about changing the way we get legendaries, I think they should introduce a reward track for WvW to get one GoE at the end, and vice versa introduce a way to get GoB by PvE means (like being able to convert X number of writs into WvW potions or something).

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My option would be: "I'd rather see a suggestion for how to deal with the reasons ANet has for requiring these items to build a legendary weapon." Farmers want faster/easier farms, AP hunters want to see more and more AP, and of course, PvE-only players want to see a PvE-only option for everything. That doesn't mean that the current system is flawed and needs fixing.

Plus, it's simply not as hard to get a Gift of Battle as people claim. It can be done in a month or so, using reward pots from WvW dailies, which require investing 5 maybe 10 minutes each day.

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I think the current ways of obtaining them are fine. In fact by having to do WvW for the GoB, I ended up playing and enjoying a game mode that I wouldn't have ventured into before.

As it turns out despite now having a few of each gifts I still haven't bothered to start creating a legendry, and might not bother. So the only change I wouldn't mind is if they added an option/vendor where we could trade the gifts in for some gold or other item/skin/reward or something. So those of us who don't create a legendary would still get something from them.

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It's a Legendary. Not an item that is required in order to be successful at the game. They should not have been tradeable in the first place so that when you saw someone with it, you knew they had done a little bit of everything. At least everything in the areas where the legendary could be used.

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@Haishao.6851 said:

@MithranArkanere.8957 said:The only real problem I see when it comes to legendary weapons is that you don't have to do a single thing in PvP.

That's the opposite of a problem.

It's a problem if you feel that you should have to do a little a bit of everything to get a legendary. While I personally like that I can bypass the PvP aspect, I would not be upset if ANet changed things to require it.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@MithranArkanere.8957 said:The only real problem I see when it comes to legendary weapons is that you don't have to do a single thing in PvP.

That's the opposite of a problem.

It's a problem if you feel that you should have to do a little a bit of everything to get a legendary. While I personally like that I can bypass the PvP aspect, I would not be upset if ANet changed things to require it.

Forcing people into that cesspit would be a good way to lose players.At least in WvW we don't have to interact with any of them.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@MithranArkanere.8957 said:The only real problem I see when it comes to legendary weapons is that you don't have to do a single thing in PvP.

That's the opposite of a problem.

It's a problem if you feel that you should have to do a little a bit of everything to get a legendary.Well good thing people generally don't feel that way. The PvP cancer hell (mainly the lack of a regular DM mode) is the only reason why I don't (and never will) have the Ascension even tho it's IMO the best looking backpack in the game no contest (well that and the fact that it doesn't really go well with the sublime mistforged suit but then again no BP aside from the wild magic one really does).
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I'm not opposed to the current method but I'd also be okay if they were more interchangeable with one another.

I don't know whether 1:1:1 is a fair enough comparison/conversion (I'd suspect it's not and even if it were it should still cost a little extra to convert them).

Gift of Exploration: 2 per World completionGift of Battle: 1 per Reward trackPerfect Mist Core: 1 per 2 Reward tracks (as far as I can tell from the Wiki, I don't pvp)

Tier6 WvW you earn 195 points per tick. Let's say 25% boost from Celebration booster, Guild hall bonus and Enrichment (seems reasonable).That's 244 points per tick (243 if it doesn't round up).which is ~82 ticks or about 7 hours of WvW at Tier6.

Is World Completion comparable to 14 hours in WvW? It probably varies person to person. I'd wager it takes me more than double that to do World Completion (and I abhor some heart quests!) but it's also significantly easier to do little bits at a time. Dropping into WvW for 15 or 20 minutes is barely enough time to get started on T6 ticks. Conversely the reward track potions from dailies will benefit players who only have a little time each day (2-4 potions for ~10 minutes, ignoring the more time consuming ones) and can be saved for emergencies if you need the gift ASAP.

I can't speak to how fast a PvP reward track is earned compared to WvW and Map completion.

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@Haishao.6851 said:

@MithranArkanere.8957 said:The only real problem I see when it comes to legendary weapons is that you don't have to do a single thing in PvP.

That's the opposite of a problem.

It's a problem if you feel that you should have to do a little a bit of everything to get a legendary. While I personally like that I can bypass the PvP aspect, I would not be upset if ANet changed things to require it.

Forcing people into that cesspit would be a good way to lose players.At least in WvW we don't have to interact with any of them.

I'll say it again. It's a legendary. Not something required to be successful at a game. If a player leaves the game because ANet locked a completely optional item behind playing a little bit of everything, then that's not ANet's fault.

It should be comparable to the WvW and be easily done through the dailies so the usage of the daily PvP rooms could be used.

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