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[NA][US][PST]Looking for Guild : Late Night / Early Morning


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a somewhat new player looking for a guild that does pretty much everything. PVE/PVP and WVW but mostly PVE. I would prefer a Late Night 11 PM+ PST or early morning 8 AM PST+ but i will join anyone really. Its just those are the times that i'm mostly active since i'm at work anywhere from 11 AM ~ 11 PM. so im always at work during Peak US hours unless im off. I am interested in doing Raids and Fractals and its rather hard to find a group at my playtime hours that does both.

A little bit about my background (Mostly Raiding)Played WoW during WoLK raiding with various Hardcore guilds (to old to name, but was fun wiping for 6 hours a day 5 days a week...)Played Blade and Soul since launch and was apart of one of the top clans on Poharan Server (before the merge), Elite.

I also would like to mention i played GW2 for about 2 months during the launch but quit (for some reason i dont remember) but i consider myself new because i legit do not remember anything. Playing B&S allowed an easy transition back, since its basically the same type of combat.

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