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Fiery Dragon Sword too bright for the eyes

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As the title says...Is there any way how to prevent the light effect from burning my eyes down? x) I already have postprocesing set to none but that doesn't really help and I don't want to turn down my gamma since that affects the whole game...Is there any other solution that comes to your minds guys? An addon? Changing some codes? Anything? :-D I really like that sword and I don't wanna stop using it for such a silly reason...

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Is it only this sword which bothers you? Nothing else in the game is too bright? I'm asking because it just uses a normal fire effect, so it's not any brighter than most torches or other fire in the game and less bright than some light sources (the flash when you collect Volatile Magic for example) so it's surprising it's only the one sword which is a problem.

As far as I'm aware there is nothing you can do which will affect just this sword and nothing else. You could try turning off Ambient Occlusion, I'm not sure it will make a difference but it affects how lighting is shown so it might help.

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Step one.... proper color temps and color balancing on your monitorStep two.... stop playing in a dark room all the time

If you meet both of those conditions, then seek an optometrist as soon as possible....... because light sensitivity can be a sign of a medical condition. Some can be quite serious.

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