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Revenant Bugs [Merged]


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There are several Bugs right now, and since I dont want to open a thread for each of them I just write them down here.Skills

  • Facets: activating facets on land and then jumping underwater without swimming (assuming you swap from glint(land) to glint(underwater) ofc) the facets will stay active, but no more boons will be applied
  • Ventari Tablet: When you swap to Centaur Stance while midair your tablet will not spawn
  • Energy Expulsion: When the tablet explodes while you are midair, the tablet just vanishes. No healing fragments, no condi cleanse, but also no energy lost except for the initial 10 to activate
  • Energy Expulsion: Healing fragments do not appear when tablet detonates in projectile reflecting field like feedback.
  • Energy Expulsion: Blast finisher occurs on the revenant position, not the tablet (intended?)
  • Pain Absorption: tooltip issue when traited with demonic defiance. instead of just showing 2s resistance it shows another "self resistance" and adds the duration of trait and selfresistance. the applied time of resistance works as intended though, its just the tooltip
  • Unrelenting Assault: When your target moves to "no valid path" territory while casting, unpredictable behaviour. sometimes it works, sometimes you evade on spot, sometimes you jump to your enemy after 3seconds being rooted in the animation... observed in pvp.
  • Unrelenting Assault: Skill is canceled completely when your target moves out of range while casting. intended?
  • Unrelenting Assault: Shows weird casting animation behaviour when casttime-changing modifiers (quickness,slow) run out during cast.
  • Soulcleave's Summit: This skill's combo field is not working.
  • Searing Fissure: The "blowout" animation seems reversed, exploding towards the user instead of away. animation issue only, skill works as intended


  • Demonic Defiance: Resistance applied by this trait has some delay on all demon stance skills except heal (see comments)
  • Blood Fury: This Trait changes the ingame Fury tooltip to show 25% condition duration instead of 25% bleed duration. works fine, just tooltip issue
  • Notoriety: tooltips for legend skills except shiro dont show the 2 stacks of might being applied on use. again just a tooltip issue

Rune Interaction

  • Rune of Resistance (PVP): Soulcleave's Summit (Renegade elite) does not trigger 6th tier Resistance.


  • Some legend idle conversations refer to wrong gender. also some shiro audio does not add up with chat text.

If anyone knows of more bugs, let us know. Thanks

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As someone who mains a Herald, I can confirm some of the previously mentioned bugs.

  • Facet of Nature's upkeep was changed from -2 to -3 without any notice.
  • Chaotic Release's recharge time (cooldown) is still 45 seconds in WvW.
  • Draconic Echo doesn't properly apply Facets after consuming the skill.

I haven't tested the rest yet.

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Not sure if this is a new bug or long standing:

I noticed when running with any facets on in the Isles last night that when I go from underwater to land combat, even though the facets are still up and active, the pulsing stops and you don't get any benefits after a short bit. If I remember correctly I think i had to go from underwater to land (or visa versa) a few times for it to just stop pulsing.

Only way to fix is to wait out the 10+ second cooldown when you use the secondary effect of the facet and turn it back on. Really annoying especially on the Isles map since there's a lot of water and land and many people switch all the time when farming.

It's easily reproducable and happens every time.

EDIT - Exact steps to reproduce bug:

  1. Stand on land - turn on Facet of Elements and Facet of Darkness (might work with other combos - don't know)
  2. Jump on Skimmer and run a bit over the water.
  3. Use Skimmer's special ability to spin and jump in the water and then go under the water.

Both facets stay 'on' but don't pulse from there on out - even going from water to land. Only way to get them to pulse again is to fire off their secondary abilities and turn them back on again.

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@Jandus.2834 said:Not sure if this is a new bug or long standing:

I noticed when running with any facets on in the Isles last night that when I go from underwater to land combat, even though the facets are still up and active, the pulsing stops and you don't get any benefits after a short bit. If I remember correctly I think i had to go from underwater to land (or visa versa) a few times for it to just stop pulsing.

Only way to fix is to wait out the 10+ second cooldown when you use the secondary effect of the facet and turn it back on. Really annoying especially on the Isles map since there's a lot of water and land and many people switch all the time when farming.

It's easily reproducable and happens every time.

EDIT - Exact steps to reproduce bug:

  1. Stand on land - turn on Facet of Elements and Facet of Darkness (might work with other combos - don't know)
  2. Jump on Skimmer and run a bit over the water.
  3. Use Skimmer's special ability to spin and jump in the water and then go under the water.

Both facets stay 'on' but don't pulse from there on out - even going from water to land. Only way to get them to pulse again is to fire off their secondary abilities and turn them back on again.

I can confirm this. The only workaround is to just manually swap your legends so you lose the facets, then manually swap back to Glint. Facets simply stop pulsing if you go from land to water, and they will not come back even if you go back to land.

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Thanks for the report guys! I havent tried glint underwater yet so thats why i have not experienced this. Gonna try some stuff to narrow it down. But its most likely a similar problem to the Drachonic Echo bug: spaghetti code. Facets implementation seems to be tricky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did some testing on the underwater thing. I can confirm this is an issue with going from land to underwater and vice versa, you dont necessarily need the skimmer to do this though.I dont know much about coding or how facets interaction is implemented in the game, but i believe this issue is tied to the drachonic echo bug: As you are on land in glint stance and have facets on, the buffs pulse out. when you go under water, you swap stances to glint (you can even see the "stance swap" in the UI). Even though you switch to the same stance, I think this is the issue why facets dont pulse buffs anymore. It is most likely a "safety mechanism" that we all know from regular play. you have passive facets on, swap away from glint and facets turn off as a reaction. But what, if the stance you swap to is glint again? Like when you go underwater. or like when you swap away from glint but the facets are supposed to stay with drachonic echo. I obviously have no proof for this, this is just what makes some sense to me.

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@"ventusthunder.5067" said:I can confirm this. The only workaround is to just manually swap your legends so you lose the facets, then manually swap back to Glint. Facets simply stop pulsing if you go from land to water, and they will not come back even if you go back to land.

I can confirm this, I also did a bit more research:

  1. If you swim first, then dive Facets work as intended.
  2. If you drop into water without swimming first (either from jumping, falling from a cliff, falling from your skimmer) Facets will not work as intended.
  3. The length of the already applied buffs doesn't influence the behavior when entering water/leaving water (Rule 1 and 2 apply). Neither does the height of the drop/fall
  4. When leaving water, either by jumping or by walking out of it, Facets work as intended for me (in case one of you has a confirmed report of Facets bugging out when leaving feel free to correct me)

More Details:

! The issue seems to be related to the direct switch from "land glint abilities" to "underwater glint abilities". I have tested these 3 scenarios multiple times with reproducible results:!! 1. Entering water to get the surface swimming animation, then leaving the water without diving.! 2. Entering water to get the surface swimming animation, then dive some time, then leave the water.! 3. Entering the water to go instantly from land to diving.!! Results:!! 1. Facets work as intended and it looks like no weapon/skill swap occurs (easy to test since you still have your land weapons on your back/hips), which leads me to conclude that you also still use your "land glint abilities".! 2. Facets work as intended and land to underwater weapon swap occurs.! 3. Facets bug out and land to underwater weapon swap occurs.!! Out of curiosity I also tested other upkeep skills the Revenant gets (Kala and Ventari don't work underwater so I can't test them) and these are the results:!! 1. Vengeful Hammer gets deactivated when entering or leaving water regardless of the method used! 2. Impossible Odds gets deactivated when entering or leaving water regardless of the method used.! 3. Embrace the Darkness gets deactivated when entering or leaving water regardless of the method used.!! Since i don't know what if this is the intended behavior for these skills I can just guess if these are bugged as well or working as intended. But since they are also upkeep skills and their underwater counterparts have identical effects I assume they are also bugged/not working as intended.!! All this leads me to believe that there is a major flaw/bug in the way Revenant upkeep skills are implemented in the engine/game and this issues are caused by this flaw which is triggered by the swapping of land and underwater skills.Sorry for the long post, English isn't my first language, sorry if you find any grammatical or syntactical errors.


All Revenant upkeep skills seem to be bugged and stop pulsing or are deactivated when going underwater without swimming first. The issue seems to be related to the process of swapping out land and underwater abilities and can be reliably reproduced.

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Thanks for the extensive research, it is very helpful and seems to back what I tried to explain. It is all about swapping legends, even if you swap to the same legend. You just found the exact way to reproduce this with the underwater issue, well done! Considering this, its the same as you would use IO in shiro on land and just swap to another legend, which results in IO being deactivated automatically. So I would say this behaviour is generally as intended, but ofc when you think about the glint facets we would consider them an exception of the rule. Depends on deves whether they deem this to be important enough to fix, since it is compared to some of the other bugs (which are much more "gamebreaking") a smaller issue gameplay wise, but perhaps (or most likely?) a much bigger issue coding wise. We'll see about that. But nevertheless, this was very helpful! Thanks again.EDIT: adjusted the list accordingly. It appears it is not tied to the Drachonic Echo bug then.

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As the new patch is live and I dont have time to play it right now, I looked into the bugfixes. I updated the list accordingly. Drachonic Echo is unfortunately still bugged, but just partially. Facet of Strength (Might pulse) and Facet of Elements (Swiftness pulse) still dont work, the other ones now do.EDIT: After Elemental Burst is used, Facet of ELements passive is applied and swiftness ticks once right at the start. the other 2 ticks are not there.After using Burst of Strength the Might stacks show a weird behaviour. If I use it before it naturally caps out, the amount of stacks stay the same as long as facet of strength passive runs. When I let it first naturally cap (at about 5 stacks) and then use it, the might stacks just run out like they normally do.

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  • 1 month later...

Original Title: Revenant skill Natural Harmony doesn't heal/apply alacrity if you jump after casting it

This is definitely a bug that should be addressed as soon as possible, especially with the rise in Renegade Healers entering Raids and Fractals. When you press Natural Harmony, it goes on cooldown and exactly one second later, it casts a spell that heals allies near it and applies alacrity, if traited. However, if you jump after pressing the button to use the skill, it will not cast. The animation plays but nothing happens. You wasted energy and put it on cooldown but it won't actually do anything. I think that this needs to be addressed especially for Raids and Fractals that require you to jump a lot, such as Arkk and Samarog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I found a new bug and I dont want to create a new thread, I am going to bump this one. Also I am changing the tag from "herald bugs" to revenant bugs, so that this thread can be something to come back to for everyone in order to check things. Still, I urge everyone that knows about some bugs on rev to let us/me know!The bug I found this time is about the trait Rising Momentum. It works fine, you get one stack for every upkeep arrow you "spend". Bug is if you use the True Nature skill (no matter on what legend), this instantly removes 5 stacks of Rising Momentum. So for example I use Facet of Nature on Shiro and IO, I get 8 stacks. But when I use True Nature, it reduces to 3 instead of 6. It always reduces stacks by 5, I tried different combinations on glint.I will add this to the list and clean up the fixed bugs

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Updated the list.Unrelenting Assault shows some weird behaviour when your cast time changes during the cast itself. I havent tried this with slow condi, but quickness is easily reproducable. If you have quickness and it runs out while casting UA the animation seems to bug out, but the actual skill (jumping, dmg and evasion) do still work at least in PvE.Demonic Defiance does work as intended, although the timing of resistance application is not the same for all skills. Empowering Misery (heal) instanly applies Resistance after casttime, Embrace the Darkness (elite), Banish Enchantment and Pain Absorption apply Resistance about 0.5s after casttime, Unyielding Anguish on second pulse of its AoE. kind of inconsistent. I tagged this as bug, because I believe the intentional behaviour should be as with Empowering Misery -> instantly after casttime without any delay.

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Another bug I can report:

While running Draconic Echo, occasionally after using Glint's active heal skill and swapping into Shiro, the facet passive will be back off cooldown when re-entering Glint. However, once activated, it shows the active heal skill as on its actual cooldown, leaving you unable to remove the upkeep until either you swap back to Shiro or the active heal skill comes off cooldown. I've had this happen to me a lot lately and although I usually have a good sense of when my skills are coming off cooldown, it's still screwed me over in a few fights.

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thanks for your contribution, havent been able to reproduce this. some more information could help, like are you using facet of nature? pvp or pve?funnily i tried some stuff and found another bug with drachonic echo... when you use consume skills and swap legends, your 6s facet buff is there but it does not pulse. this trait seems still to be a mess

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  • 4 weeks later...

Centaur stance bugs.If you jump on legend swap Project Tranquility Will not trigger.If you jump at end of Natural harmony it will not trigger the heal but consume your upkeep.If you jump at end of Energy Expulsion it will delete your tablet but not trigger any effect. an consume your upkeep.

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  • 4 months later...

I found one:

Steadfast Rejuvenation - is not affected by Superior Rune of Sanctuary (at least in PvP, didn't try other game modes).As the description says: "Gain a barrier with health equal to 20% of any heals you receive". If says any then should affect all of them, shouldn't it?

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