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Revenant Bugs [Merged]


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did you confirm this in your combat log? because 20% of almost nothing is less than almost nothing.wiki says the rune shows weird behaviour with passive healing anyway. it could be that the trait just doesnt count as healing for the rune. but i think that is more of a rune issue than a revenant issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Add “Unrelenting Assault fails to cast entirely, consumes energy and goes on full cooldown if the player loses quickness (or slow) during the cast of the skill.”

Also “Searing Fissure’s new animation plays in the wrong direction toward the Revenant instead of toward the enemy.” This one is just an animation issue.

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i tried what you described. i can see the searing fissure issue, and I am sure this is rather "new". havent played mace in a while. perhaps when they changed the dmg something went wrong?as for the UA issue with quickness/slow, i cant reproduce it to fail. i tried in pvp environment with quickness. you are right in as when quickness ends during the cast there is something off with the animation, but in my case the skill just performs as usual after that. where did you see it fail entirely? perhaps you got out of range during that animation weirdness?EDIT: still added both to the list.

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@"Madara.7435" said:i tried what you described. i can see the searing fissure issue, and I am sure this is rather "new". havent played mace in a while. perhaps when they changed the dmg something went wrong?as for the UA issue with quickness/slow, i cant reproduce it to fail. i tried in pvp environment with quickness. you are right in as when quickness ends during the cast there is something off with the animation, but in my case the skill just performs as usual after that. where did you see it fail entirely? perhaps you got out of range during that animation weirdness?EDIT: still added both to the list.

I've experienced the bug quite a bit too but I haven't been able to reproduce it on demand yet. It honestly almost seems random at this point because it's so inconsistent. Slow/quickness sometimes only impact the anim and sometimes they cause it to fail entirely, there are also terrain issues and such that are hard to account for when trying to replicate the bug.

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@"Madara.7435" said:i tried what you described. i can see the searing fissure issue, and I am sure this is rather "new". havent played mace in a while. perhaps when they changed the dmg something went wrong?as for the UA issue with quickness/slow, i cant reproduce it to fail. i tried in pvp environment with quickness. you are right in as when quickness ends during the cast there is something off with the animation, but in my case the skill just performs as usual after that. where did you see it fail entirely? perhaps you got out of range during that animation weirdness?EDIT: still added both to the list.

I’ll be honest I haven’t tried to replicate it recently, but it happened to me a few times last week while WvWing, so figured I’d mention it in this thread since it’s been around for over a year and really needs more visibility.

I was able to replicate it reliably in the past; I’ll do some more testing when I can get to a golem again and let you know if the bug has changed at all since the last time I tested it.

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Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but fragments created by Centaur Stance's Elite (Energy Expulsion) do not actually spawn when inside an anti-projectile field. They're not listed as projectiles... so that seems like a bug to me.

Tested it twice in Armistice Bastion by having a mesmer from opposing team cast feedback on me and detonating tablet inside.

On the same topic: It's been the case since release of revenant, but is it actually intended for the blast finisher on Energy Expulsion to occur on the revenant instead of on the tablet location? Seems counterproductive if i want to solace+elite double cleanse an allied player some distance away.

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@WraithOfStealth.1624 said:Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but fragments created by Centaur Stance's Elite (Energy Expulsion) do not actually spawn when inside an anti-projectile field. They're not listed as projectiles... so that seems like a bug to me.

Tested it twice in Armistice Bastion by having a mesmer from opposing team cast feedback on me and detonating tablet inside.

On the same topic: It's been the case since release of revenant, but is it actually intended for the blast finisher on Energy Expulsion to occur on the revenant instead of on the tablet location? Seems counterproductive if i want to solace+elite double cleanse an allied player some distance away.

thank you for sharing this!since I dont play wvw and dont play ventari in pvp, i never encountered the bug you described. This is definitely a bug, because healing orbs should not count as a projectile imo. perhaps game engine wise they do. I unfortunately dont have friends to try this, but perhaps you can try whether there is a different behaviour if your opponent blocks projectiles vs reflects them? as feedback is a reflect. does this only happen when enemy uses reflects/blocks or do teammates block them aswell? stuff to be tested.EDIT: It would also be nice to know whether this behaviour is the same for the smaller healing orbs from staff auto etc!

as for the blast finisher, it occuring on the rev instead of the tablet has been like this since rev release... doesnt make much sense I agree, but worthy of a bug? hm.

I add both to the list until it is fixed/confirmed to be intended.

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  • 2 months later...

@Madara.7435 said:Rune Interaction

  • Rune of Resistance (PVP): Soulcleave's Summit (Renegade elite) does not trigger 6th tier Resistance.

It has been fixed. It even works for the rune of the citadel, so hopefully with all trigger runes.Not sure when, since I couldn't find mention of it in any patch notes. I tried it out of principle before going to bump the bug thread, but lo and behold, no need to.

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