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Glyph of Flight bug

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The buff given by the Glyph of Flight does not work in home instances since it isn't prioritized over the Leader of the Pact buff despite it being a 100% speed increase for 5 seconds and the Leader of the Pact buff only being a 5%/15%/33% speed increase for the 3 ranks. Would be nice if it could be fixed so the glyph buff is prioritized so that you get the 100% speed increase.

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Movement speed on foot is capped at 400 units per second. The base movement speed while out of combat is already at 294 which means the maximum speed increase you can benefit from while out of combat is 400/294 = 36%.

Even while in combat you can only benefit from up to 400/210=90% increased movement speed unless you are also crippled or chilled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've experienced the same (on any map) and feel very misled, not knowing about the global speed cap. I don't understand why a gathering buff tooltip would read from the perspective of a speed-debuffed character.

I would never have selected this glyph if that tooltip showed all it really does for gathering purposes: +36% movement speed.

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