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New changes in a spellbreaker gear for fractals


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Hello, i saw cahnges in metabattle spellbreaker build, crit chance form gear droped by 2% and accuracy sigils changed for air, its 7% crit loss, so you cant reach 100% crit cahnce? Im intrested overall why is that? Sometimes i run core, but he still have same build. Did i miss some changes or somthing in general? Is there a better way to build spellbreaker for fracts etc by not targeting 100% crit?

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More critical chance means your base and critical damage will not hit too much. So just ask yourself which playstyle do you prefer ?

Im still running Axe/Axe GS Spb in pve(including raid), For me I prefer to hit like truck so I still run full berserker with all mighty infusion. But there's a little change. Remember Anet buff up signet ? I choose to take Signet of Fury. The active bouns candy greatly increase dps.

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