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GW2 Season 4 is over???

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@maddoctor.2738 said:Joko is dead we don't need more episodes about him. Next 3 episodes of Season 4 will be about dealing with Kralkatorik and then we'll finish (with whatever way we find) that dragon to move on to other plots. There isn't enough room in Elona for another expansion, and there isn't enough room for a complete 6-episode season, plus the desert after so long gets boring. First half of Season 4 we deal with Joko, second half of Season 4 we deal with Kralktoritk. In Season 5 we go far away of Elona and introduce the new threat that will lead us into expansion 3.

There is more than enough room in Elona for a complete 6 episode season and an entire new season of 6 episodes. I don't find the desert boring at all and hope we stay for quite a while. There are many places in Elona that I would like to explore in their present day incarnations.

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