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revenants are ruining pvp (along with cheese guard w/ judge's intervention)


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I've been playing gw2 since release (with a lot of breaks) and i've also been playing a shit ton of other games while at it too and in all this time i've accepted a lot of new concepts or things i didn't like. Starting off with condition damage and moving on to mesmers for gw2 specifically and i used to hate both of those as i didn't accept them but over time i started accepting them even started playing them. Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is fucking insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter bullshit andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards

higher elo is just overly-plagued with ferocity guards and revenants cus of how stupidly overpowered the ganking potential is and there's absolutely no counter, it's dumb its unfun as shit to play against it requires no personal skill to pull off and heavily relies on your teammates to set up most situations and then your enemy isn't having fun when getting ganked by it either. Getting hit by some scrub from 3 walls away while im already fighting 1 or 2 other people with a pre-casted ability is the dumbest stuff ive ever experienced in a mmorpg . I'm not necessarily talking about class power levels here just about this dumb mechanic which ruins the game for me and if the rest of their kit was weaker then it could more or less be ignored but it's not weaker. Guard has near perma retaliation and when i fight one i get more damage just by hitting him (retaliation is the other incredibly stupid mechanic in this game) on top of them having some of the best condi removal in the game and insane dmg for which they don't even have to hit. Half of the time i die to a guard its while he was running in circle and retaliation + smite condition with glacial heart proc and nothing else lmao btw fair

even invisibility is more fair cus at least they cant hit you without a line of sight and you can still use it as a form of defense so there's something you can do about it, but not tab target no cast teleports.

the game has way more problems than this but this is the biggest one by far for me and it's damn gamebreaking, you can't block the enemy and not have him tp on you while ur fighting someone else or smt, you can't "l2P" either cus its just overly-efficient zerging with no individual counterplay to it. On top of that most of the fotm revenant reroller kids are toxic af and wou;ld just harass u the entire game for fun cus they can do it and cus u can't do anything about it

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Not trying to argue with you, but just pointing out that Phase Traversal for Revenant is not instant cast and has a lot more pathing issues than a standard teleport like Steal. With that said, I do think non-LoS teleports are a questionable implementation. For the most part it's not an issue to me, but there are certain contexts where it just seems like bad design. First thing that comes to my mind is s/d thieves porting in and out of mid on Khylo.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Not trying to argue with you, but just pointing out that Phase Traversal for Revenant is not instant cast and has a lot more pathing issues than a standard teleport like Steal. With that said, I do think non-LoS teleports are a questionable implementation. For the most part it's not an issue to me, but there are certain contexts where it just seems like bad design. First thing that comes to my mind is s/d thieves porting in and out of mid on Khylo.

Problem is the game interpretation of LoS.

I understand that someone crossing a wall to hit you may seen unfair, but I would rage a lot if my teleports were to start to fail around small corners or small rocks.The game doesn't discriminate the elements between you and the target. A rock? A hill? A Wall? There is a valid path: it works.

No ports spots are already enough for people that botther to learn map mechanics, we don't need every rock to become a np-spot because people are sleeping on point with an enemy rev/thief on map.

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@"incisorr.9502" said:I've been playing gw2 since release (with a lot of breaks) and i've also been playing a kitten ton of other games while at it too and in all this time i've accepted a lot of new concepts or things i didn't like. Starting off with condition damage and moving on to mesmers for gw2 specifically and i used to hate both of those as i didn't accept them but over time i started accepting them even started playing them. Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards

higher elo is just overly-plagued with ferocity guards and revenants cus of how stupidly overpowered the ganking potential is and there's absolutely no counter, it's dumb its unfun as kitten to play against it requires no personal skill to pull off and heavily relies on your teammates to set up most situations and then your enemy isn't having fun when getting ganked by it either. Getting hit by some scrub from 3 walls away while im already fighting 1 or 2 other people with a pre-casted ability is the dumbest stuff ive ever experienced in a mmorpg . I'm not necessarily talking about class power levels here just about this dumb mechanic which ruins the game for me and if the rest of their kit was weaker then it could more or less be ignored but it's not weaker. Guard has near perma retaliation and when i fight one i get more damage just by hitting him (retaliation is the other incredibly stupid mechanic in this game) on top of them having some of the best condi removal in the game and insane dmg for which they don't even have to hit. Half of the time i die to a guard its while he was running in circle and retaliation + smite condition with glacial heart proc and nothing else lmao btw fair

even invisibility is more fair cus at least they cant hit you without a line of sight and you can still use it as a form of defense so there's something you can do about it, but not tab target no cast teleports.

the game has way more problems than this but this is the biggest one by far for me and it's kitten gamebreaking, you can't block the enemy and not have him tp on you while ur fighting someone else or smt, you can't "l2P" either cus its just overly-efficient zerging with no individual counterplay to it. On top of that most of the fotm revenant reroller kids are toxic af and wou;ld just harass u the entire game for fun cus they can do it and cus u can't do anything about it

Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing themi mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomitso just face roll on your keyboard to play PvP and stop caring/crying. i stopped caring 2 seasons ago but fall to stop crying tho cuz such a great game

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@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

oh we have a so called pro PvPer herei am a main necro and i hate the scourge design and blame ArenaNet for that. i bet you ll say its ok to stand and condi vomit on point that mean you are using your kit properlyand what kit exactly do reaper have to counter lets say de and power shatter mirage .necro designed to absorb damage not counter it

ohhh can you please play core engi in plat 3 and prove me wrong that its not a design issue but how player uses his kit or what everits easy to me to say what you just said when i play with my holo

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This post is gold...."these scrub insta teleport revs" and "Judges Intervention is so over powered"

Yea, please don't ruin the game with your antics and raging because someone beat you, luckily Anet will probably see that too cuz I tell ya what, if they nerf guard based off kid rage then I'll uninstall and you can have your "happy go lucky love me barnie teddy bear picnics" for PvP.

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

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@Egorum.9506 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

According to chaith you don't know how to use your kit properly.

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@DragonFury.6243 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

According to chaith you don't know how to use your kit properly.

I have a video of this exact phenomenon!

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:Learn 2 play

I'm such a fucking noob.

seriously though, that's with a demolisher ammy on. what i should have done is hit plague signet in the .2s between getting knocked down and downed, then dodged behind the wall on the side and somehow kited away from him while he's in stealth

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While overly dramatic, the OP does have a point. There are too many instant damage skills and ways to combo a ton of damage. If you have to be practically psychic in order to avoid a burst that you can't see in order to not die to it (from full HP), that's bad design. A lot of it comes from damage being far too high than the teleport skills though.

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@Exedore.6320 said:While overly dramatic, the OP does have a point. There are too many instant damage skills and ways to combo a ton of damage. If you have to be practically psychic in order to avoid a burst that you can't see in order to not die to it (from full HP), that's bad design. A lot of it comes from damage being far too high than the teleport skills though.

so having combos is bad design for a combat game?

lets just simplify everything to 3 skills then, we can have attack, dodge and heal.... Sounds like a real fun game.

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@Egorum.9506 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

According to chaith you don't know how to use your kit properly.

I have a video of this exact phenomenon!

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:Learn 2 play

I'm such a kitten noob.

seriously though, that's with a demolisher ammy on. what i should have done is hit plague signet in the .2s between getting knocked down and downed, then dodged behind the wall on the side and somehow kited away from him while he's in stealth

My original comment was geared more towards the revenant and guardian complaints

About the video, horrible positioning, of course you'll get picked off 1v1 on a side node on a GS reaper. You shouldn't be in that situation to begin with especially if you're aware there's a glass signet thief around.

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

According to chaith you don't know how to use your kit properly.

I have a video of this exact phenomenon!

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:Learn 2 play

I'm such a kitten noob.

seriously though, that's with a demolisher ammy on. what i should have done is hit plague signet in the .2s between getting knocked down and downed, then dodged behind the wall on the side and somehow kited away from him while he's in stealth

My original comment was geared more towards the revenant and guardian complaints

About the video, horrible positioning, of course you'll get picked off 1v1 on a side node on a GS reaper. You shouldn't be in that situation to begin with especially if you're aware there's a glass signet thief around.

No really, what could you have done vs that? balanced

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@Jalal.6783 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

According to chaith you don't know how to use your kit properly.

I have a video of this exact phenomenon!

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:Learn 2 play

I'm such a kitten noob.

seriously though, that's with a demolisher ammy on. what i should have done is hit plague signet in the .2s between getting knocked down and downed, then dodged behind the wall on the side and somehow kited away from him while he's in stealth

My original comment was geared more towards the revenant and guardian complaints

About the video, horrible positioning, of course you'll get picked off 1v1 on a side node on a GS reaper. You shouldn't be in that situation to begin with especially if you're aware there's a glass signet thief around.

No really, what could you have done vs that? balanced

judging from the video a few things...

you were really slow to hit the stun break for 1 and had life force available to use to soak up some damage but more importantly your team is spread to far with a guardian and memeser heading mid, guard then followed you because he obviously knows his role... as the necro I would have gone mid with the guard and let the mes who has mobility handle those side points for ya especially knowing that the necro direct counter is bouncing around on the map.... Ontop of that, necro GS is flavour of the month so Im betting you havent played reaper much until this season which becomes apparent when looking over your reaction timing as it didn't appear you had any muscle memory reactions but more so "wheres that stun break button" sort of reaction...

To top it all off, you got caught with your pants down casting a flesh worm in the corner completely unaware of your surroundings...

im a bad player though but just my 2 cents.

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@Egorum.9506 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

According to chaith you don't know how to use your kit properly.

I have a video of this exact phenomenon!

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:Learn 2 play

I'm such a kitten noob.

OMG NOOB , do u have no passiv LIFESAVER like Engi or War where u have absolutely nothing to do just proc trait and your save ... its time for a switch
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