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Deadeye vs Deadeye; Mark functionality suggestion


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We all love our stealth, but to keep it short and sweet deadeye vs deadeye can be pretty frustrating if neither party has enough power to oneshot or if both players are twitchy enough to hit and run to restealth. Basically whoever is out of stealth the longest, or gets hit by blind swinging, loses.

Since people love to shut down new suggestions(mainly due to tailored interest by the OP, ill admit), ill frame this post in a couple different ways:

  • Add a functionality to mark to allow a directional indicator either around the player (an arrow) or a dot on the minimap (like WvW sentry, yet only visible to deadeye) to show the location of the marked target. I feel this will add a little boost to help find those stealthed targets, and add a bounty hunter type feel to the mark trying to track your target without giving straight up reveals or adding anything too crazy.


  • Alternative gameplay tips: How do you try to win deadeye vs deadeye fights? I run d/p + rifle. A malicious backstab can dish out a crazy amount of damage, but if the target lives in any way it's back to stealthing and leading up to my first few lines of this post. What I have found is if you can swap to rifle to kneel and immobilize quickly enough, they will be unable to roll and will help secure the kill. unless they withdraw/roll for initiative to break imob and roll away into stealth and heal. However even with quickness it is not always fast enough to keep them locked down, so it's a bit unreliable.


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It depends on the other guy's build I find. If he's zerk, just using kneel, assassin's signet, 2 for immob then 3 is usually enough to down him. Tracking on 3 as they stealth can be very helpful too, since it will deal 8-10k if all three hits crit. If they're stealthing repeatedly, I usually shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them then spam standing rifle 2, I have 18.5k health from valk and most deadeyes don't run basi so I can usually take a hit pretty safely.

I've been running D/D with rifle recently, I'm in a matchup where a lot of people spam reveal so the evades have been more useful than pistol offhand. Death blossom is good for building malice on stuff that presses to melee range while evading, and I kind of dislike D/P for deadeye anyways as it feels like I only take the set for the malicious backstab as a finishing move. Headshot is kinda pointless if you're aiming to finish with backstab and black powder is pretty redundant since you have a cheaper smoke field and leap finisher on rifle plus dodges, stolen skills and mark that can all offer stealth. S/P with severance/draining is a surprisingly good offset for deadeye if you run trickery, shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them, pistol whip them, time sword 2 for the end of their dodge and pistol whip again and odds are you'll have downed them.

The directional indicator sounds fun, but I don't know if it would help or just prevent either deadeye from getting the drop on the other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:Its basically the more recent living world with the priestest.

The priestess puts a Revealed on you.

She exposes your shame to the world.

Yup, I was totally caught off guard trying to dodge roll to stealth only to trip over with my pants down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:It depends on the other guy's build I find. If he's zerk, just using kneel, assassin's signet, 2 for immob then 3 is usually enough to down him. Tracking on 3 as they stealth can be very helpful too, since it will deal 8-10k if all three hits crit. If they're stealthing repeatedly, I usually shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them then spam standing rifle 2, I have 18.5k health from valk and most deadeyes don't run basi so I can usually take a hit pretty safely.

I've been running D/D with rifle recently, I'm in a matchup where a lot of people spam reveal so the evades have been more useful than pistol offhand. Death blossom is good for building malice on stuff that presses to melee range while evading, and I kind of dislike D/P for deadeye anyways as it feels like I only take the set for the malicious backstab as a finishing move. Headshot is kinda pointless if you're aiming to finish with backstab and black powder is pretty redundant since you have a cheaper smoke field and leap finisher on rifle plus dodges, stolen skills and mark that can all offer stealth. S/P with severance/draining is a surprisingly good offset for deadeye if you run trickery, shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them, pistol whip them, time sword 2 for the end of their dodge and pistol whip again and odds are you'll have downed them.

The directional indicator sounds fun, but I don't know if it would help or just prevent either deadeye from getting the drop on the other.

Don't need assassin's signet. Skill 2 is immoblize.. skill 2 to lock in place then burst. He might be able to dodge on immoblize n stealth but he can't move. So anything you shoot will still hit.

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@TorQ.7041 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:It depends on the other guy's build I find. If he's zerk, just using kneel, assassin's signet, 2 for immob then 3 is usually enough to down him. Tracking on 3 as they stealth can be very helpful too, since it will deal 8-10k if all three hits crit. If they're stealthing repeatedly, I usually shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them then spam standing rifle 2, I have 18.5k health from valk and most deadeyes don't run basi so I can usually take a hit pretty safely.

I've been running D/D with rifle recently, I'm in a matchup where a lot of people spam reveal so the evades have been more useful than pistol offhand. Death blossom is good for building malice on stuff that presses to melee range while evading, and I kind of dislike D/P for deadeye anyways as it feels like I only take the set for the malicious backstab as a finishing move. Headshot is kinda pointless if you're aiming to finish with backstab and black powder is pretty redundant since you have a cheaper smoke field and leap finisher on rifle plus dodges, stolen skills and mark that can all offer stealth. S/P with severance/draining is a surprisingly good offset for deadeye if you run trickery, shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them, pistol whip them, time sword 2 for the end of their dodge and pistol whip again and odds are you'll have downed them.

The directional indicator sounds fun, but I don't know if it would help or just prevent either deadeye from getting the drop on the other.

Don't need assassin's signet. Skill 2 is immoblize.. skill 2 to lock in place then burst. He might be able to dodge on immoblize n stealth but he can't move. So anything you shoot will still hit.

Immobilize isn't necessarily a reliable way to keep thieves in place though. A lot of thief players are a twitchy bunch, and have probably honed their Withdraw/RoI reflex to the point where as soon as they've noticed they're immobilized, it might as well have never happened.

Then again a lot of thieves might as well be asleep too... It varies.


I like it. The idea of tracking your target. Gives Deadeye's a unique purpose aside from the perma-stealth shenanigans.

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@TwiceDead.1963 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:It depends on the other guy's build I find. If he's zerk, just using kneel, assassin's signet, 2 for immob then 3 is usually enough to down him. Tracking on 3 as they stealth can be very helpful too, since it will deal 8-10k if all three hits crit. If they're stealthing repeatedly, I usually shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them then spam standing rifle 2, I have 18.5k health from valk and most deadeyes don't run basi so I can usually take a hit pretty safely.

I've been running D/D with rifle recently, I'm in a matchup where a lot of people spam reveal so the evades have been more useful than pistol offhand. Death blossom is good for building malice on stuff that presses to melee range while evading, and I kind of dislike D/P for deadeye anyways as it feels like I only take the set for the malicious backstab as a finishing move. Headshot is kinda pointless if you're aiming to finish with backstab and black powder is pretty redundant since you have a cheaper smoke field and leap finisher on rifle plus dodges, stolen skills and mark that can all offer stealth. S/P with severance/draining is a surprisingly good offset for deadeye if you run trickery, shadowstep onto their smoke field to reveal them, pistol whip them, time sword 2 for the end of their dodge and pistol whip again and odds are you'll have downed them.

The directional indicator sounds fun, but I don't know if it would help or just prevent either deadeye from getting the drop on the other.

Don't need assassin's signet. Skill 2 is immoblize.. skill 2 to lock in place then burst. He might be able to dodge on immoblize n stealth but he can't move. So anything you shoot will still hit.

Immobilize isn't necessarily a reliable way to keep thieves in place though. A lot of thief players are a twitchy bunch, and have probably honed their Withdraw/RoI reflex to the point where as soon as they've noticed they're immobilized, it might as well have never happened.

Then again a lot of thieves might as well be asleep too... It varies.


I like it. The idea of tracking your target. Gives Deadeye's a unique purpose aside from the perma-stealth shenanigans.

Was only referring to glass deadeyes. Most deadeye won't be carrying withdrawal. They can shadow step away. But if they try to shoot u after that within the 40 second cool down. If u r deadeye u just button 2 and 3 again and they won't have their jail free card.

If u spec be quick or die trait it gives 4 seconds of quickness. Which is more than enough time to unload 2 and 3.

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