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Customize the UI?


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There are a number of greenlit projects that add to the UI, meaning that their 3rd party developer has consulted with someone at ANet who has said, "looks okay, doesn't violate any rules." (Not an endorsement, not a guarantee that the code won't get hacked; just a sign that ANet won't action your account simply for its use.)

Those include:

  • GW2 TacO, the tactical overlay that includes route markers for various destinations (HP or chests or scavenger hunt items), plus a ranger marker, a compass, and tactical timers for certain events (e.g. some raid bosses). All sorts of plug-ins available with custom marker packs, the best being those from Tekkit's Workshop. Also can show world event timers.
  • Augmented Tyria is an overlay that adds custom information to the maps, e.g. routes for map completion
  • GW2 Timer, besides being a great website offers an overlay with similar features: timers, routes for vendors with variable locations, farming routes, etc
  • YOLO Mouse, includes various cursor additions
  • ArcDPS, the only greenlit DPS meter currently. It also comes with a build/gear saving and loadout utility (and you can use the one without the other).
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