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Client conection lost=timeout 35 min and counting. How is it fair?


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Please do someting with your clients, because now I got 35 min timeout and not my fault, only 1 when I missed check in, the others are errors on your side, I see anyone freezing, skills blinking and boom, client lost. Pleas cancel my timeout, I want to play with the game what I payed for. Anyway, when should this time go back for 0?

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@phokus.8934 said:This is all on your side and not on ANets so either you’re having issues with your ISP or an issue outside of ANets control is causing you to have intermittent issues. By the looks of it, it’s you because you posted this twice but I’m jumping the gun a bit.

I uploaded a video to YouTube but it was removed due to copy rights because I had my media player on BUT before my departure the other day I had 3 games in a row with 2 or more disconnects from either team...

the match I recorded that was removed from YouTube, that match was a 3v4 that made an ally quit resulting in a 2v4.

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There's no way for ANet to tell if someone DCs because of a problem on their end, on ANet's end, somewhere in between, or because the player decided they didn't want the loss and pulled a cable. They all get treated the same: small time outs, increasing in duration to encourage those who keep DCing to figure out what's going on rather than drop in the middle of (even more) matches.

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