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It's not the damage that people want to be nerfed, it's the sustain. Similar to holosmith, spellbreaker has lots of sustain so much so that it requires at least two people to take him down. It has two ways to proc Adrenal Health and the Full Counter which forces players to not hit the warrior so they can regenerate health with Healing Signet and Rousing Resilience.

Lots of people will hate me for suggesting this, but I would like to see Adrenal Health nerfed either by adding in a cooldown or by reducing the healing, while also increasing the healing and endurance you get from Might Makes Right. That would make players play more of core warrior which is still good, but good luck trying to find any core warriors in ranked.

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@Axl.8924 said:And how does it work in pve? i'm curious but can a warrior tank anything with it? or does it only work well in pve? because if it works in pve, i think its great that a class with so much toughness tanks as it makes more sense than a mesmer tanking.

warri doesnt have the sustain nor defenses to tank in pve, mesmer can do it vecause they are so overloaded with blocks/invuln etc.

to hoodie, you do know that spb only gets one stack of adrenal health per f1/2 use? in a 1v1 scenario vs good ppl you rarely have 3 stacks up, only player who get constantly hit by burst skills complain about warrior sustain.

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