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We Heal As One going off constantly? Did this change?

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I noticed this the other day after doing dailies. We Heal As One is constantly going off. I looked in Trait Line to see if anything would be triggering this and found nothing. This is on a Soulbeast Ranger with Long Bow and Greatsword for weps. I changed nothing (that I know of - unless accidentally through some key combo - which i doubt) and this never was doing it prior to the past 3-4 days. There was no game update and haven't found anything yet. Any ideas or is this really some bug? Other non-SB/Druid ranger does not occur.

Thanks in advance if you have some info I haven't found yet!

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Setting auto-attack to be # 6? No, I didn't notice if that was set. But now it is back to normal. I had to re-enable auto-attack via Ctrl-RMB and now things back to normal. Must have been some button mashing last week lmao....thanks for the thoughts/input and I'll try to keep that in mind if it happens accidentally again.

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