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Renegade bow skills doesn't have enough conditions

The Ace.9105

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@The Ace.9105 said:The amount of conditions the renegade bow applies is very low. Also most of the time all of your skills basically misses if the foe isn't stationary. It's very frustrating in pvp.

Renegade really isn't good at PvP in a general sense. If you are in PvP you really should play Herald. If you opt to go with Renegade you are always going to be underwhelmed and frustrated. I would wager that Renegades issues in PvP are bigger than the shortbow not stacking enough conditions.

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It's the lack of enough survivability options compared to Herald with their "absorb all damage into health" heal skill. Renegade's only real damage-defense is the trait that gives protection whenever you summon one of Kalla's warband, but even then you still have to always use the elite summon for life-siphoning whenever you can and switch to your other legend for another heal skill. The lack of defense, especially against ranged opponents, means you're always worried about your health rather than finishing off your opponent.

Herald's offense IS its defense, but with Renegade the condis have to bring them down over time, which means you have constantly apply the pressure. The problem is you're always running away because your health is too low, so you Can't apply constant pressure. It's very susceptible to one-shot builds: almost always dies to Herald, GS Mesmer, most Rangers, most Guardians, but Deadeyes are the worst. I still think it's a lot more flavourful and enjoyable to play with than Herald, but it needs a buff to defense, Not offense, here and there to make it truly competitive and viable.

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@otto.5684 said:I do not think this is the issue. SB 3 puts 7 stacks of torment. SB 4 puts 4-5 stacks of burning. The issue is neither skill can reliably HoT except against stationary and large boxes. This is why outside of raids or world bosses it is a terrible weapon.

those conditions almost never hit if the foe is moving. Also compared to other ridiculous stuff this game has that's nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dace.8173 said:Oh, I agree, I think Renegade is hands down more fun and flavorful than Herald. Sadly, it isn't as strong. I wish it was though as I 100% enjoy playing Renegade more than I do Herald.

In 100% agreement. I have been itching for something new to play on Revenant besides the typical Power Shiro/Glint combo, but lets be real. The balancing game is not easy for ANET, but there has to be a way to give Revenant more love. I wonder if they track how often certain weapons/skills be used. If they do, I am shocked they have not put more emphasis in revnants alternative skill sets.

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@The Ace.9105 said:The amount of conditions the renegade bow applies is very low. Also most of the time all of your skills basically misses if the foe isn't stationary. It's very frustrating in pvp.

The problem with the bow isn't the damage: can do it well enough. The problem is the lack of defensive/mobility skills. The knockdown of #5 is the only defensive resource that provides, and isn't enough. That Sevenshot turd should be a kind of evade/retreat as happens in the bows from Ranger and Thief.

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I personally happen to think that the Herald tastes quite lovely - it's like a nice coffee in the morning, which compared to the Renegade's herbal tea and poncy scarf infusion, is a far better way to wake yourself up so that you can demolish the competition. One drinks a Renegade when one is preparing to positively debate the role of cultural marxism in the snowflakisation of today's youth. One drinks a Herald when one wishes to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but one has unfortunately not been to the store yet, so one has no more bubblegum.

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