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[ZEDD] Zodiac Dynasty: Reformed


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ZEDD is no longer recruiting for WvW activity as we have reformed under a new guild lead by ZEDD's previous Co- Leader. All of ZEDD's top quality members are held in our reformed guild so ZEDD is still living on just under new leadership, higher expectations, and a fresh start under a new name.

I will not disclose what our reformed guild is or what server we are in at this time, if people figure it out then that's fine. I, as the ZEDD leader, will be retiring from my position at this time and supporting the reformed ZEDD as Ad visor. Our Reformed guild nor I will not be posting recruitment in the forums or in game during raids as we don't want to pull casuals or inexperienced players to our guild.

Joining our guild is based on how we see you play over time as you run with us. If we notice you and like your style, we will come up to you directly and ask you to join with us. If you ask to join us, we are likely to tell you to wait a week so we can watch how you play before deciding if we want you in our guild or not.

Thank you to all who supported ZEDD and those who are still supporting us in our new form.

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@Sierra.6547 said:@Dawdler.8521 Yes that is true, but I feel free to let ppl who know us know whats going on so questions are not asked or a roamer starts that ZEDD has died when that is not the case. Also, in my opinion, if you don't know who we were then your comment isn't necessary. If you didn't know who we were then why even click this thread.

I think the best ppl to explain who you were would be the AoD guys or the ppt NSP guys :)

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@Djamonja.6453 this isn't a recruitment post - _ - it's a notification update that i felt was necessary for the sake of the visual of ZEDD. Whether it is necessary or not I'm posting cause I wanted to. As the Reformed ZEDD's Leader purposes not to recruit tho those who know ZEDD is an OCX/SEA guild the timezone for the new guild is the same if that answers your question.

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If I were you, I won't even be making this kind of announcement. ZEDD is dead the moment you drop the leadership, the tag, the ideology. Furthermore, your announcement just screaming the typical nowadays wvw guilds that only want vets, bandwagon/stack and don't want spend 6 months to train newbies. Not very good pr. You can send the newbies off to my side if you despise them that much.

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