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Suns Refuge, theory's and possible outcomes of the future


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so theres no doubt that iv loved every bit of the collections for rebuilding this place back up, i just wish it didnt take me a day to do the current content, with that in mind, if sun refuge is possibly going to become a new full home instance, would you want it to be developed more with collections, or would you like the restoration to be based around an npc, who has the whole of suns refuge tiered to be completed.

personally while id like the occasional collection, i would like something a bit more grindy, which causes me to revisit old maps for extended periods of time, such as for example going to farm shovels in silver wastes to remove a tone of excess sand, or having architecture tokens be constructed through the scribe tree, or other crafting professions, maybe even integrating items that come from a reasonable dungeon grind, even pvp, raids or wvw too.

i really do love what suns refuge could potentially be, iv still got my fingers crossed that we will end up with an area like the hall of monuments from GW1, but i would be really interested in having a hardcore grind that incorporates the entire game, that could be spread out over months if not years, and will be a place i can always go back to and work on, anything that stops me needing to gold grind, and give me a real sense of accomplishment, i want suns refuge to be a place where u can bring your friends and say this is my GW2 legacy.

but thats just my opinion, what do you guys want or think will happen in the future for this awesome instance? :)

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Since this thread was closed along with the AMA, I'd really like to discuss the topic further:

I've read that Sun's Refuge represents what the Home Instance was initially supposed to be, but so far, I don't find any practicality in it that the Home Instance has to offer. There are many NPCs in Sun's Refuge, and you can do many achievements in it, but once done, it is practically useless to the player.

So, will there be upgrades to this instance in future content? I wonder... If not, it would be a real waste of a location that holds a lot of potential (adding your complete book collection from previous content, displaying achievements and/or titles, adding all your farming nodes from the home instance, useable Xunlai Chest, maybe a TP and crafting stations?).

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Another worthless instance, you can't customize her that much, and she is full of sunspear.... urgh, still waiting for housing.. years pass and now we have less and less content, quality decreasing. I mean yeah we have a raid wing, a new LS episode, a story, but only that... characters are killed for fun, most mediatised instances and things are abandonned... will be the case with this one too. How many things unfinished? Sab w3 and 4, wizard tower, unfinished gandara fortress, unmodeled north of Jahai, the desert gate of Ebonhawke, polymock, could continue... I'm okay to continue that "story" (just moving, gather allies, fight dragon or anything) but not letting unfinished things behind. Will probably finish that season, but don't have many hopes from season 5. "Stunning" "things never seen before" are just throwing dust at your eyes. Core maps were the better, they used to have something, and every % of the map is covered.

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@Zarghoul.5687 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, if I've interpreted the Dev statements correctly, it seems not much (will happen).

yea i found that post this morning, kinda disappointed i put all the effort in now, knowing that it will be abandoned content, not long in the future :(

On the one hand, I agree it would be grand to have the instance continue to evolve, similar to how our home instances have. On the other... I don't understand the disappointment. I am having fun doing various collections that seem to have a purpose within the lore, rather than just being scavenging for the sake of scavenging. Why isn't it good to be just its own thing, without an intent to tie it into future stories? (And thus restricting the direction of the game in some profound ways.)

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I don't think they're going to come back to this one, it's too tied to the current chapter of the Living Story.

What they need to do is establish such a location at the start of each LS season from this point forward, and then scatter stuff for it throughout the season. Instead of a hub to different points in one zone, it becomes a hub to all the new LS zones in that season, IF you unlock the access to those zones.

Did a collection in Part 2? Hey, look! Do the right event in Part 4, and a NPC will show up there to unlock the second part of the collection! Didn't play Part 2? Then the NPC doesn't show up. Stuff like that would allow them to do multi-part collections/quests throughout the season without cluttering up the area with "useless" NPCs.

Yes, such an area will be a little cut off from the zones, but it's easy enough to write around that problem.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:@"Palador.2170": I like my idea better. ;)

In any case, if this is really all we get, then the whole advertisement before the release was truly misleading (as was the "customizable" armor).

Oh, your idea is good, and I do hope they keep it in mind. I just don't think they can really do anything more with Sun's Refuge going forward, as it's entirely linked to one chapter in the LS and the map it's based on. It's a shame, really, but I hope that means this was just a dry run of something bigger for the next LS season (so it won't be tied down to one chapter).

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@Palador.2170 said:Oh, your idea is good, and I do hope they keep it in mind. I just don't think they can really do anything more with Sun's Refuge going forward, as it's entirely linked to one chapter in the LS and the map it's based on.

Yes, but those who have the chapter unlocked can travel there from anywhere once they have the scroll unlocked. :)

It really would be a huge disappointment if this is all we got. :/

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I didn’t see the point in advertising it as upgradeable armor. We had this with LS2. We had this with many of the back packs. It’s nothing new.

Indeed. Most people had their knickers in a twist over the announcement. ;)

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, if I've interpreted the Dev statements correctly, it seems not much (will happen).

yea i found that post this morning, kinda disappointed i put all the effort in now, knowing that it will be abandoned content, not long in the future :(

On the one hand, I agree it would be grand to have the instance continue to evolve, similar to how our home instances have. On the other... I don't understand the disappointment. I am having fun doing various collections that seem to have a purpose within the lore, rather than just being scavenging for the sake of scavenging. Why isn't it good to be just its own thing, without an intent to tie it into future stories? (And thus restricting the direction of the game in some profound ways.)

im more disappointed as i know the content will eventually be abandoned as so much previous content has been, i did really enjoy working the collections and learning lore, but knowing it will eventually be discarded is what makes it feel like a waste, as it truly is some of the best content iv played in a long while

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Maybe they plan to add more of these "Lore Centered" instances, for each new zone?This would justify the old ones being left as they are once completed, since then they will became lore immersing places, not "personalized" houses.I don't know if this would be better or good at all, but It could make more sense than just doing this effort once and then forgetting it forever.

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