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pet skill in beastmode

samanosuke asakura.6240

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some pet skills in beastmode will never hit in pvp perfect example jacaranda call lighting is a joke. 180 radius really?!! how am i suppose to hit a moving target?rock gazelle is not any better in beastmode no complains but using it as a pet, whats up with the stop and use skill shit and again 180 radius ?the list goes on. iboga does shit condi dps but that goes for most pets i guess. i know xpack just hit but come on some of the flaws is soulbeast are too obvious.the questions is why would anyone run soulbeast over druid? the spec should be equal some how are rival each other but it doesn't feel that way in the slightest atm that's a shame.with that being said i do like soulbeast idea i hope that the balance patch is not to far away

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