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How do you survive as a weaver.


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When I am weilding staff, I can stay alive pretty okay, unless I get pulled in by the dogs and I get one shoot killed.

But when I am trying out dual wield wand and dagger or sword and dagger I don't really have much sustain and the 4 sec cooldown makes it that I can't really change to healing or armor fast enough. What do you guys do?

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Since my rotation (Scepter/Dagger) is effectively cycling through 4 different dual attunement combos in rapid order and I cycle through each attunement not only do I get the passive boons from Arcane (Prot, Regen) as well as the crits yielding Vigor (more dodge) but I also am constantly firing off the Dual skills which give a lot of little passive barriers as well as cycling through water yields frost armor.

After that it depends what you need. Glyph of Storms is always solid for repeat blinds on things without break bars and of course Glyph of Elementals (Elite) Earth Elemental is always a solid damage eater to let you just go to town. I also like stun breakers like Arcane Shield and Armor of Earth in there as well if I'm getting bounced around as POF seems to like to do or cover my skills/rotations I don't want interrupted.

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I've found as sword/dagger, if you aren't sure where you'll want to be in 4 seconds, switch to Earth. If you're safe to continue attacking, switch to fire and do 2-4-5 to send out might blasts & damage. If you're not safe, switch to water and do the same rotation and you'll blast your own water field twice for a bunch of healing. If you need more healing, water again and 3-5, or Earth again for 2-5, blasting the field with more evade frames.

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Depends on build and gear. Skill plays in as well. I have found myself solo in a number of situations taking on 2 Elites, Elite + Champion and sometimes their are adds. 90% of the time I end up taking everything down and putting out good damage. It also really helps to break Stun Bars and/or lock multiple targets down as long as possible. Timing Barrier and Heals properly goes a very long way for sustainability. Good Condi Cleanse helps as it keeps you from being brought down that way.

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I really struggled with this in the beginning as a sword/dagger weaver. It's still not a sturdy build, but I play hybrid weaver (about 2/3 viper+sinister and 1/3 marauder) for open world, mostly geared towards condi but picking up the weaver power things as well as fire/air. This is because sword abilities really seem to do well with either damage type overall, particularly because Earth is very good to pop into both for blast finishers and survival - fire and earth skillsets deal a good amount of both types. Both of these things help a lot for open world. For CC you've got Air combos, and for healing sword #2 into blast finisher from arcane blast is really strong. But before you learn what works - and starting a fight in the right attunements so you don't have like double water for some reason - it's a bit of a struggle to pick it up.

This brings me to utilities. I play with Twist of fate, however Arcane shield also serves. You really want a stun break as weaver for open world, and I love having two charges with Twist, this means I can use one just to avoid things and store the other for crisis. Second one I use is typically Arcane blast, because it's an on demand blast finisher and generally good damage, but I sometimes swap in elemental or glyph of storms here. Thirdly I use Primordial Stance, it's bread and butter if you play with any condition damage imo and double fire use of this provides a lot of AoE burning. I almost forgot the heal - I prefer the glyph. I was using arcane brilliance, but for some reason I just seem to do better with the extra regen or protection over the blast and longer cd.

Finally the elite. For me, whenever I solo I go earth elemental casts most of the time, but anytime there's a group fight I find weave self really good. You have to be aware it gives you toughness when you go earth, but other than that you can just CC better, proc attunement swap things more, react better etc. The greatsword is still totally a good thing but I don't like the long cooldown for open world. Still, isn't it cool there's actual choice in this game mode? :)

This is what has worked for me, hope it helps.

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Using a sword dagger build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMAtMgF5C2NAM5iFBALIAEKPADxgdQR4+VHr31A-jxAFwAOeAAv3fAwJAAA-e with celestial equip I survive just fine in open world stuff and even in hectic group events since I have good sustain (since I can also spam signet heal on cd and still have the passive, and using it gives livesteal from runes) and pretty nice burst healing on top, plus lots of condi damage and some power too.

Sword water 2 is a 10 second cd evade with a nice waterfield (and I have 4 blast finishers), earth 2 is a 12 second cd evade - those 2 are almost always up when you switch to their element.

I switch out primordial stance for cleansing fire for condition heavy areas. And I guess you can switch Signet of Air to Twist of Fate but unless you need to break CC twice in short succession, I really like the passive 25% movespeed (and signet breaks stuns twice as often as the stance).

I've found that weaver makes you think much more about your mainhand skills as your defensive options, with offhand being for heavy hitters since it takes a while to switch to them. Which makes sword/dagger work so well for it. And as much as I think the global attunement cooldown should be 1 second or so faster, the great thing about it is that whatever attunement you switch to, in 4 seconds, ALL others will be available. So basically you can always switch to water or earth at a moments notice for the evade on the 2 skill.

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